LED tail lights

>LED tail lights
>incandescent turn signals

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incandescent fade so nicely and smooth on and off.

LED blinkers make you have seizures in traffic jams

Don't use your turn signal you scrub. Problem Solved.

>programming a fade is hard

Well, yeah. LEDs don't like dimming in general, and they definitely don't get as dim as incandescents.

>LEDs don't like dimming in general
they dim just fine if you use a constant current source

>I have no idea what tolerances or indeterminate ranges are
LEDs are more efficient than incandescent lights, which ironically makes them harder to program fades for because they have lower margins of error. If you can program an incandescent bulb to be on from (hypothetical) 5-3, fading from 3-1, and then 'off' from 1 to 0v, you have a much wider range for components that aren't precisely engineered. if your typical LED runs at 3v, then you not only need to run a resistor or something to drop the voltage from 5 to 3, you also need to run a repeater or something to give it the fade effect. I'm sure you can find higher voltage LEDs but the ones I've worked with usually run at between 1.5 - 3v, and I'm an apprentice electrician.

If you were really motivated, you could make LED turn signals as well as LED taillights, but where the tails are always on at night, the efficiency is worth the restriction of tighter tolerances...
while for turn signals, the occasional use and increased power draw is better than dealing with the long term finicky-ness of LEDs, and as your car ages, the relaxing tolerances.

>Tl;dr LEDs are strict on tolerances, incandescents eat more power but are more forgiving, if it ain't broke don't fix it

>"LEDS run on voltage"
>apprentice electrician

LEDs run on current. You re gonna stay an apprentice for the rest of your career.

ITT: Bulb professionals

V = IR where I is basically V when R is minimal. You're playing pedantics to avoid from your 'proposition' not feasible.

An LED is a DIODE not a resistor.


Are you running resistors in your taillights :^)? If not, V = I

You're not even accounting for the voltage drop imposed by the diode.

I love autists like you guys. I learn a lot from your angry rants

with no resistance then I would be as much as the power source could provide, so really fucking high running off a car battery.

Voltage drops in a series, which is how taillights *can* be wired.
Think of how many times weekly you open/close your trunk, how often your car sits out in the heat daily while you wageslave away, and then freezes at night. Now think of how frequently your taillights give out as is, now shrink your tolerance gap by half. That's an exponential failure rate. Do you really want that?

You don't understand how wrong they are, though. The car is already stuffed full of stupid little electronics and gewgaws. It would be pretty much nothing to do PWM or something to simulate a fade without some stupid analog dimming crap, and then you wouldn't need a relay anymore.

Then you could program the radio to make clicky noises for all the people who would be upset they can't hear the blinkers go click-clack-click-clack-click-clack.

What tolerance? Driving an LED is not rocket science. They're EVERYWHERE.

Also, you're forgetting to model the resistance of the wiring and the internal resistance of the battery in your ridiculous attempt to show off that you like to drop a diode across a car battery to watch the smoke come out. Please never design my car.

I thought they went with the incan turn signals so they could get away with a old school flasher. I don't know why else they wouldn't go full led. I don't think it's a fade issue. Plenty of trucks and cars have full led setups that just blink normally.

resistance of wiring? 0.5 ohm
if I wanted to watch you smoke a diode, I'd tell you to hook up your fancy LED taillights and LED headlights and go drive down the nearest country road with your $20 chinese ebay kit and blind every unfortunate soul in your path, they probably wouldn't survive the trip home.

Are you people completely retarded? It's called Pulse-width modulation.

Fortunately, I have neither. I hate those goddamn eye lasers. And the LED brake lights are the worst because you can't see them transition from on to off like a nice incandescent and they look like a cartoon, causing a dangerous lack of recognition.

You and I are the only correct people in the thread so far.

>our bulbs are so advanced that we have to switch them on and off 150 times a second or else they overheat and go to electronics valhalla in the span of a few hours

$20 + shipping to solve this problem


And there is literally nothing wrong with that.

>we masturbate profusely over progress™ for no other reason than to introduce unnecessarily complex tech with more points of failure and highre replacement costs because it's newer

you should apply for BMW, I think they'd like your ethos.

Anyone else like amber blinkers?

All the older cars look awful if they have been switched to clear ones.

Trendy white car in the winter + white leds or even worse daylight running lights are cancer. A little snowfall and they are invisible.

>not base model gets interior LED default
>sport trim gets regular bulbs

Benefits > effort

Are you new to tech advancements or just obtuse?

That seizure-flicker shit can fuck right off.

all cars should have amber blinkers

fuck this "oh yea the brake lights will blink as the turnsignals" bull shit
it's the fucking worst for stop and go traffic

All cars have a third/high mounted brake lights so it doesn't matter.

It dose if you're in stop and go traffic and all you can see is one tail light and the faggot is working his brakes like a jack rabbit.

This pisses me off so much

Yeah nah, if 99.99% of cars have amber turn signals and American yuppie cars want to use a brake-light as an indicator, guess which one is more noticeable. The dull red BRAKE light or the bright amber turn signal?

Honestly it's the most retarded 'let's be iconic' signalling.

>Have regenerative braking, aka one pedal driving
>Brake lights don't come on when car slows down
>Can drive in bumper to bumper traffic without ever having to touch the brake pedal, but the brake lights never come on

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Blame (((DOT regulations))) for the sake of the Domestic companies

I do this with my car, it's called throttle control and letting it idle foward

Most Asian cars are like that. Especially to Gook ones. Hyundai, Kia, and Genesis.
Lexus, Infiniti, Acura (worst one), Toyota, Honda, etc..

Doesn't help that nobody ever replaces burnt out bulbs, and the third brake light gets ignored the hardest out of all of them.

>what is PWM

holy fuck you literally have no idea what you're talking about. You are on Mt. Stupid right now.

LEDs can have a near linear fade from full brightness to complete darkness if you control the current going to it and have it at a constant 3 or so volts.