Wasn't aware of this before but here it goes

>Wasn't aware of this before but here it goes

I drive a porsche and normally people get out of my way and try to give me room and are safe drivers around me.

I picked up a rental hyundai this week and have been getting cut off, nobody gives me room to merge lanes, everyone doesn't let me pass at all and acts as if they are better than me in their fucking shitboxes meanwhile I'm in a hyundai rental car

>When I drive my car I never see this and usually let anyone merge into my lane with no problems, why are other people not letting me merge and change lanes at a safe distance/speed if I'm driving a hyundai...


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Because I don't want to have to pay to fix your Porsche if I fuck it up.


I notice this alot. I have what most would call a very nice expensive car also. But man, when the weather isn't so great or whatever and I take my jeep.. everyone is a huge cunt. But not when I'm in the car.

Yea, this moment kind of fucked me up because the aggression in some of the people this week and me driving the hyundia

>I'm trying to switch lanes and nobody gives a fuck
>I was boxed in and nobody wants me to merge in their lane or cut them off

>I'm like wtf are you doing????

i drive a beat up 944 and it's interesting how i get the same treatment, but on top of that it seems as though every single boy racer in a civic wants to rev their engine at the lights, or signal me to do something stupid.

I get the same nice treatment usually when I'm in my truck. But probably because my bumper is as high as the top of their door.

Just be more aggressive. Don't let the poors give you any guff.

I snapped btw in the car when nobody was letting me pass them so I had to speed up, this never happens to me in my car but seriously?? This is the way people act in normal cars? I had no fucking idea about this until this week, every fucking day

>hyundia is a joke

Get a go pro and stick it out a window. Instant right of way everytime.

Well I do think that people who drive korean shitboxes should feel bad while driving. It signals that you are not a car guy and should ride the bus.

Being poor is not an excuse to have a shitbox. You can have great cars with little money.

What firearm company makes one of those? I've never heard of a "go pro" handgun.

>Oh shit, a rich person in a Porsche! Better treat him nice, since I'm going to be rich too someday.
>Pffft, a Hyundai. What a disgusting poor, even though I'm actually in the same socioeconomic class as them. I'll be damned if I let this scum get ahead of me.

Just cut them off, OP.

Yea, I tried to cut them off

The story gets worse though, my blood was boiling. I just wanted to get in a lane and they would not let me pass, I snapped and started yelling in the car like are you fucking serious!!!!!

And than I tried to speed up, something else I forgot about regular cars, good luck speeding up in a car with under 200hp in a fucking automatic 4cyl rental car

>OP is living out The Prince and the Pauper

Well if nothing else this was a good lesson on what it's like to be poor. I hope this inspires you to work harder and earn more money.

BTW you would've gotten the same treatment in a Honda or Toyota or whatever else poverty brand

>OP is living out The Prince and the Pauper

W-what is this about? I wasn't born in the states and became a citizen 10 years ago

Also, quick questions. Why would you say this as a person?

>I hope this inspires you to work harder and earn more money.

I'm saying this is how poor people treat other poor people. Stay rich at all costs. You'll be treated better.

Like I said, I used to be poor and actually moved to America in the 90s and had to learn English

Here's the question again, WTF is going on?

I was driving a fucking hyundia, is that a poor fag car or something?

Why would the rental place give me a poor fag car?

WTF is going on? And what is prince and the pauper? Plz explain

Meet the 97% they are assholes.

The only special treatment I give supercars is greater following distance because they usually can come to a quicker stop.

Holy fucking shit? Are you srs?

>Meet the 97% they are assholes.
I'm always told the rich are the problem, people like me who pay $2500 a month in income tax alone are the problem

I also pay 15% at the end of the year for cap gains, so that sucks too.........

Why are richfags so retarded

We focus on a specific goal for years, than the goal changes and we focus on another goal to keep achieving awards in life

No time to think about anyone else, this is interesting though

Wtf i hate the working class now

you have to respect the rich because they can make your life miserable if you fuck with them

Borrowed the parental units BMW while my DD was awaiting parts. Everyone leaves room, allows to merge, etc. Shit's nice.

Get my DD back, everyone cuts me off, boxes me in, pulls out in front, general cuntery.

Sell my old DD, get a Prius.
>Do 15 over the posted limit
>Truck riding my ass
>put cruise control on doing 15 over
>Truck flicks their highbeams on
>After 4 miles of riding my ass truck downshifts and guns it to pass, doing 80+ in a 55.

This is my life now. I have no one but myself to blame.

it was the only post you brain dead fucking moron
did you quote yourself? Wtf is that greentext

>I drive a porsche and normally people get out of my way
I hate to admit it, but I drive more cautiously when I see an expensive car near me. If the lanes are narrow, I sometimes don't even try to be next to the car but either stay behind or zoom up away from it. It's because expensive cars typically have dashcams and are also a bigger claim on my insurance due to higher salary compensation, higher medical costs since they choose more expensive locations, etc.

That's interesting because I've always found the opposite. When I'm driving a new car, everyone cuts me off and acts like a jerk, but when I drive my old shitbox people seem to stay as far away from my car as possible. It might just be the fact that it was vandalised and looks like it's been in several accidents as a result. Self preservation and all that. I haven't driven anything more exotic than a new Bimmer though so maybe only the less common cars get the good treatment?

This is a thing, people drive differently around different cars. I was having my tierods done on my ford fusion, and thought it would be fun to drive my autistic brother's smart car around Wisconsin for a day. . . .

So being honest here

I also have a benz that I drive sometimes, I get a lot of stares and a lot of people look away/try to go out of their way so I dont see them in their car

Are they embarrassed because I'm in a benz?

They sure do, but on the other end, there are people in high end auto that will feel the need to flex when someone doesn't feel ashamed.

You mean someone else became successful and other people want to hate on it and they feel ashamed on their own wealth?

Why do they compare themselves to others? Ive been thinking that living in poorer class might actually be an interesting life

I have to ask, is it wrong to associate with the lower class?

So basically, it is acceptable to not want to be friends with poor fags right???

They're trying to pretend that your car isn't turning heads. They notice your car, then turn away so that you don't see them gawking at your car. They don't want to give you that satisfaction of being rich and special.

Meh... You do you. Despite all their faults and insecurities, I do find that poor people tend to make for more genuine and loyal friends.

It's interesting - I've had the opposite experience. These days I drive a pretty anonymous newer Lexus, but a while back I was test-driving both an E46 and a Toyota Avalon. People drove like complete jackasses when I was in the BMW, just never letting me in. On the contrary, they gave me lots of space in the Toyota.

You can't.... Do that so fast you fucking mong


>Poorfag OP can't afford a full security detail
Get on my level OP

I should probably not ask on here but can anyone tell me what it is like growing up poooor?

I was poor but my parents always worked hard and they found jobs even though they were immigrants, and I also found a career after living here so long. The thing is what about people who were born poor and could never find a good job?

You'll get the same treatment if you drive something big with a bullbar and pots of dents.

It's your parents freaking out cus they have $11 in the bank account after the mortgage has gone out, and it's supposed to last you for a week,
So you have 'pasta' (pasta, mince and tomato soup) and 'jam sandwiches' (jam and bread) for 9 days straight, eating your shitty foods at school while watching people eat tasty shit.

In the end we inherited 16 million AUD from my grandparents 2 years ago.

>everyone, to me: "watch out on your motorcycle man, cars don't see you! they'll run over you without looking!"
>cars, around me: "woah hey there sportbike bro lemme give you some more room your bike is cool by the way"
>"hey, sorry for hogging the passing lane buddy you go on ahead"
>"oh it's alright if you get in front of me i'll slow down and give you some distance"
>"zipper merging? smart move bro. i wouldn't want to be stuck on a bike in traffic either."
>take my econobox one day
>faggots tailgating
>faggots slowing down in the passing lane
>getting honked and yelled at for legal lane changes

>ride motorcycle everywhere
>people either stay as far away as possible to avoid running me over
>or try to race me

Ive been poor before and know what it is like. but why do some people never get out of poverty and always stay poor like some white people?

They live in the US
They are white
Shouldn't they have enough skills to be employeed???

I literally just slowly shove my way into lanes if some fucker isnt letting me in. Either he gets hit by my truck or eats his ego and lets me in. Pisses people off but fuck 'em

Gun it when they go to pass...

Some combination of a lack of drive, intelligence, education, opportunities, connections, discipline, and let's face it, luck.

It's not really fair to compare burgers to immigrants because to uproot your life and move to a foreign land in search of better opportunities shows a certain level of drive that many 'natives' don't possess.

There are plenty of places in the US where the level of education and job opportunities aren't much better than the third world.

Also, being poor is expensive

>A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.

How do you improve your station when you have to pay 30% interest over six years on a shitbox because you couldn't afford to pay for it outright, and your only other option is to walk 30 miles to work because there is no public transportation?

I usually drive a midsize sedan. But I needed to take my mother's car one day and the experience was fucking awful. Driving the Yaris was the most infuriating thing I had done whole summer. Everybody has been cutting me off and acted like I didn't exist.
My mother's yaris is both newer and more expensive than the car I usually drive. So money is out of the question. My father's w140 is the best thing to drive around town. It's like a car that has magnets attached with the same polar as the rest of the cars. Nobody even comes close to you.

Who else /stealthwealth/ here?

>driving new j200 Land Cruiser
>uppity nigger in RR Evoque tries to cut you off on exit ramp
>speed up
>LR tries to cut the gap but fails and slams into left curb
>dumb bitch follows for a couple miles until I pull into parking lot
>bitching ensues while I try to tell her to stop driving on her busted suspension
>bitching continues for 5 more minutes before the lady drives off with broken struts.

fugggg I'm ready to just buy a base tacoma

>this is white privilege

Buy a shittier shitbox you can actually afford

They don't like or care about your bike, they just don't want to deal with the hassle of killing someone on accident.

A book by Mark Twain.
A wealthy prince switches places with a poor man and finds out that it sucks

I'm always a bit more careful driving near really expensive cars just because I'd feel really bad if I fucked up something so nice.

I did, shit‘s nice

>be a privileged richfag Porsche driver cunt
>think that everyone has to make room for you because you are driving an expensive car
>has to drive a poorfag car for some time
>gets a nice dose of reality

I never let expensive cars join my lane in traffic. It's always the fuckers in expensive cars who think they're smarter and more important than everyone else and overtake everyone in the right lane just to join back at the end of the traffic jam cutting off everyone else who waited patiently.

I don't want to pay for your cars damages.

However I will not hesitate to let you hit me if I know I wouldn't be at fault since I have a front and rear dashcam.

t. Hyundai owner

People get out of your way because they're scared that if you get in an accident, you'll be given benefit of the doubt and they'll be stuck trying to get an expensive Porsche repaired.

The fact that you're even asking whether or not you should associate with people who may have a lesser socioeconomic status than you just show's you're a huge douchebag that shouldn't associate with anyone.

t. middleclassman

We had this exact same thread weeks ago.

Stop responding to frogposters you fucking retards. Its all the same person.

I don't just not let expensive cars in. I do however not let that douche who speeds all the way up in the other lane and then tries to get in right before the merge in.

911 driver here. Go join the PCA and drive with them. Then people REALLY get out of the way.

oh fuck

someone caught me

i understand now, theres a lot of you folowing me

>solo drivers in carpool lane blasting past the daily traffic jam to skip part of it

Gonna start taking plates and addresses one day after buying a few of these one day

You do know you cant get an address from a plate unless you're a cop right? And those locking gas caps are flimsy as fuck

>on nighthawk when learning to ride
>apparently I don't count in traffic

>riding Xbox hueg 250 with a str8 pipe
>everybody moves and give way
>except for that faggot in an s3 that took personal offense to me ducking into traffic once it started moving so I wasn't straddling the two lanes

People in expensive cars drive ok. It's the badgewhores who think they're important drive like shit. Never been bad driven by a m3 or an m4 bit the lady in a 318i thinks she owns the road

>nobody was letting me pass them so I had to speed up
is this bait?

>drive stock Miata
>retard in a lifted Tacoma nearly rear-ends me because he was looking over my car and on his cell phone
>get cut off by soccer moms, bro trucks, tailgated for no reason in normal speed, moderate traffic
>can't merge quickly or safely because the top of my car is below the window of your average retard-mobile

>install ISR catback
>car now sounds like a Formula Atlantic
>spits fire every shift when it's warmed up
>merge onto highway, let loose with my right foot the song of my people
>BP4W screaming bloody murder from 3500 all the way to redline
>still only doing 60 MPH
>anyone with their window down is now deaf
>drivers give me plenty of room, do not ride in my blind spots or cut me off
>slow drivers ahead of me let me by
>hear a pop from the exhaust, immediately see the car behind me back way off
>young people give me thumbs up
>old people get really mad
>cops don't give a fuck

>normally people get out of my way and try to give me room and are safe drivers around me

I drive a cheap-ass RX-8, and get the same treatment. I think it's just something people do when they assume you car is fast or expensive.

When I drove a Civic, other drivers treated me like shit.

There's various degrees of shitbox. If your shitbox is a *total* shitbox, people avoid you because they know you don't give a shit if it gets dinged, dented, or totalled. You're an unpredictable force of destruction that these people who sold their souls to the stealership for $400 a month fear worse than death.