How greedy are you, Veeky Forums?
How greedy are you, Veeky Forums?
Just enough to keep my ambitions alive?
Not greedy enough to fuck up my own shit to squeeze just a little bit more out of it, unlike most people.
That pearl is worth way more because of its size. A socialist would chop it up into chunks that were nearly worthless because socialist are idealistic fucksticks who destroy the world and think they're helping.
Capitalists destroy the world too but they provide jobs while they're doing it
>Capitalists destroy the world too but they provide jobs while they're doing it
Wow so deeeep brah
>I just finished reading Ayn Rand: the post
I'm not greedy. I'm picky though.
I'm not greedy; I'm ambitious.
Greed is good.
No its not
I'm not sure if I am or not.
But I definitely have issues around money and have regular down periods and freak outs because I think I spent too much, or I don't make enough, all that negative shit.
I will pay the required amount of money for something if I believe it will satisfy my expectations
>Only want liberation from wage-cuck life
>Will be happy with 300$ a week off of the back of another human being
>Don't desire wealth, just freedom to not work
I'm going to buy multiple mobile homes and rent them out on a plot of land.
Once this is done, I will "retire" at the ripe old age of 30.
I refuse to have a family or bring more life into this world. I'm going to live with my parents until my demise.
People are fucked in the mind for procreating.
Made my best m8 turn into a drug addict in hopes of him getting me clientele
did it work?
No he ended up losing everything i just got him a job tho but still can't stop smoking meth
I'm not really greedy so much as cheap. I'm hell bent on retiring in 10 years. I put over $130k into my investment account every year but I still quibble over $10 in everyday purchases.
>That pearl is worth way more because of its size
The pearl is small, Daffy got shrunk down.
Gotta have a hybrid system. Even thats barely okay
>destruction through creativity. The internal combustion axes the carrige makers and tesla is working on fucking up bugatti...
>'m going to buy multiple mobile homes and rent them out
>People are fucked in the mind for procreating
ok then
Yup. I got cut.
Highly consider you build a bunch of cheap cucksheds or research mobile homes. They are a differebt breed then conventional homes and youll get a bunch of section 8 fuckups trash your shit.