N/o/rcal General

Feel free to ask any questions below.

has info on all upcoming meets, routes and videos.

Meet photos:

Vids from previous meets:

WAT Platinum:

Mosquito Ridge:

Fatman II:

Playlist with earlier videos:

Other urls found in this thread:


does anybody need some cavalier rims?
>is it $25 a tire? do they match? and do i have to buy the cavalier hubcaps? Thanks _an/o/n
>All 4 for $100 It's 2 and 2 on the match
>And the hub caps are free if you want them
>the hub caps are free
>are free

excited to go to my first meet up on the 30th

What chu drivin, babe?

My old 2004 Nissan sentra I've been driving since high school. It's pretty mediocre at everything and it's an automatic, but we've been through some fun on the mountain back roads and I'm pretty sure I accidentally raced some of you guys a year or so ago on Deer Creek Canyon Highway.

Will the corolla XRS be there? I want to see the car norcal is afraid of

Are these meets onpy for the literal two Veeky Forumsfags that live in redding?

my S-RX will be there

Wow, that thing is light for a 4-door.

is it the 2.5L?


is it the CA trim?
>The CA trim boasts a double walled exhaust, 3 catalytic converters, quick catalyst warm up, and a radiator that has a special coating which actually changes ground level ozone (smog) into oxygen. The Sentra CA model is the only gasoline-fueled vehicle in the world to receive California Air Resources Board (CARB) super ultra low emission vehicle (SULEV) certification and obtain zero-emission credits
wish my car ate smog

everyone gets their turn

> all these faggots with 1.8Ls think they're fast

> their cars weigh more than 2195 lbs and are front-engined


>what do you mean, snap oversteer?

>it's pretty mediocre at everything
what part of that made it sound like I thought it was fast?

>can't handle the spicy bantz
no way ur gonna beat my highly modified JDM RHD popcorn popper with custom paint job my dude

The MR2 is a hairdresser car


don't forget your survival gear and weapons
if reddingfag runs you off the road
you're on your own

ok chief

>he thinks i'm joking
>he thinks my mods weren't subsidized by the feds
>he thinks it's not really good popcorn

>tfw you're fucking around on dirt roads in the middle of the night and accidentally stumble upon a grow operation
shit was not cash money

> aw11
> modern suspension geometry
> 2195 lbs

come back when you can read

>expecting not to find a grow on a dirt road
you were asking for it

I read fine, i just like watching aw11s snap oversteer more than sw20s

>all these faggots with 1.8Ls
>t. the assblasted an/o/n who can't read
nice projection my dude

I am the fastest, handsomest, and smartest driver in n/o/rcal and it's not even close.

what do u drive?

Shut up jew. No one care if you ntr that girl at cal state. The good thing is you did it and now everyone know and btw she hang herself 5 months later.

My iq is 137 what u got

I wanna BLACKED a white girl with dreads at the meet. Is nornorcal POC/POZ friendly?

That wasn't me laoation


I hope you don't go to the meet tomorrow. Call me laocean one more time at the meet and you'll be joining the 6 million jew.

>a white girl with dreads
good luck getting past the smell

So who is actually going to this thing?

I wouldn't wish one of those disgusting hippies on my worst enemy.


not me, idiot

Whoever shows up ;)

wileys supermarket
>"To much money takes avanage of people 1of10 i rate them a 1."
hayfork discount groceries?
>please shake the weed from your clothes OUTSIDE, before washing

I'll be thurr prly roun' 1130-1145, don't leave til 12 bb kthx

i'm halfway through the route where is everyone

red bud getting half and halfs from trinity

can i cross double yellows



I'm bringing my good luck Jew

if you do im going to personally kick your ass in person myself

morning poops and coffee

>he can't hold his line
you'll never make it :^)

fuck, I'm running late

No, a duallie towing a horse trailer crossing over double yellows is what killed civicfag and vw

Are you here yet?

Ranger danger

how if you cant keep up

I drove Pallomares Road today with some friends.

We got ourselves a good backroad here in Fremont now. Two deer got in my way on the way back so I don't suggest this road is attempted at night or at around sunset since the sun got in my eyes at several sharp turns


>we found reddingfag

Turn out he's a okay guy, doesn't talk much but yeah we found him. Also mustang crush. The bitcoinfag was driving it.

Checked the paste bin and i see the next one march 11th. What am i missing?

>implying reddingfag isn't a 50+ y/o woman
>with a rabid hate for trimmigrants
also u forgot when trimmigrants with a cardboard sign reading "PLS TO BLACKED" made neon run off road

ringer hut closed so no ramen meets
also winter is comin'

meet notes:
*make sure your keys are in your hand
*helados are boss
*meth scientists are total br/o/s
*don't stop for trimmigrants unless no b/f
*backwards touge is best touge
*normies driving early model CVPIs are quick to anger
*the physics of tire punctures are devilish
*fat daddys is ebin meats





wheres the foxbody?

How the cloned??



Auto Pay

Braking Bad

>*don't stop for trimmigrants unless no b/f

>gas up your PVC pipes!

>lol sry bb that's why i have two backpacks
>running application benis_tease.exe

is gila window tint any good?


Pick's drive in Coverdale have you guys been?

Never forget Old Vic. I wonder how high he was as we let him pass, only to hog his ass for 20 minutes of touge.

cvpi was that slow?

Yeah it started with vaping, but this weed thing has gotten out of control.

so lexan or nothing?

>oldnormalfag CVPI
>backwards driving based CVPI

>be anyone
>walk into hayfork
>atmosphere is 90% dude weed lmao
>instant degeracy
more than 0.5 hrs spent in hayfork is 500% chance of marijuana addiction
more than 24 hours and you will become a trimmigrant
there is no cure
and when winter comes you will move to santa cruz
>what if born in hayfork
promising job opportunities as a meth scientist

i could really use a ramen meet about now

you missed it sorry

When is next mines meet?

Make one. I'm in socal I can't organize the ramen meets anymore

I just want ramen
>tfw my favorite ramen place is closed Tuesdays
> I want ramen on Tuesdays the most

i'll go to one sometime next week
this thursday will probs be hard but i might be able to make that too if you organize it

bro lets go

all i can think about is ramen
and it's your fucking fault

the ramen place would be a good start for an east bay mini-meet if the parking lot wasn't so crowded and if the restaurant didn't get so popular
> meet at Tadamasa in Union City
> get good ramen
> drive up to Niles Canyon Road
> run Pallomares for 10-20 minutes
any other good roads around there? Palomares takes you up to 580. Niles Canyon is full of commuters and people that can't turn trying to hoon

who here would do an Veeky Forumsregon meet?

We did back in February newfag

But Tadamasa isn't even that good.
t. it's the closest ramen place

how was it?

We could do a ramen this weekend and then go back to neon place to get drunk. That nigger isn't doing anything. I got the money and the girl.

I'm down for this. When?
I do prefer night cruises tho. You wouldn't believe how empty streets are at 3am