Don't forget to use spoiler tags (Ctrl+S)! Previous thread Killing Game Survivors only and discussing characters that are too pathetic to survive one killing game counts as shitposting edition
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)
>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)
In this episode of e3 >I have nothing else to say but fuck sony
Remember, if anything looks wrong, tell me, please!
Luke Carter
HOSHI: First page: -cocoa cigarette is popular with children and resembles the style of an adult one. -the art book writer brings up that it's possible that Hoshi's outfit is what he wore in prison -his underwear was apparently mandated by the international tennis league -he has a chain attached to his leg to symbolize that he can no longer run as he did in tennis,
Second page: -he is mentioned to have been able to escape from Gokuhara on his insect run because of his speed from tennis -is mentioned to love cats (as we know), but he likes the long haired, fluffy ones especially -cats were chosen as an animal preferred by him because of "the theory that cat lovers are more often plagued by loneliness, though they often like it more". They also mention that the second half does not apply here. -he mentions to Akamatsu that if the cat is still there, that he will start to once again take care of the cat he took in before being imprisoned -he pretends that the Mafia ordeal was entirely his fault and that he "abandoned" everyone who got involved because he felt he failed to protect them and let his anger get to him. He also thinks he will never become the person he once was. -he is mentioned to be the calmest in the group about the killing game
Nolan Scott
He's probably ban evading in every MMO general
Jackson Flores
Jaxson Barnes
So does survivoranon make you hate the survivors now? I hate every single survivor now. Let's crash his shitty thread by talking shit about all the killing game survivors.
Connor James
Happy couple!
Nathan Lopez
Some of you fuckers need to go to /soc/ instead
Luis Bell
don't samefag, it's just sad
Jackson Turner
Let's watch together, eh? >stop being weird That's a little too hard for us to do. I guess.
Lincoln Russell
Only dead characters can be discussed beyond this point. Let's remember the fallen, and all those smiles we couldn't protect.
Jackson Myers
I want Ouma to Ummagumma
Evan Diaz
if we have to do this killing game survivors only shit then I hearby declare this a Saimeno thread, boys
Michael Smith
Except that's Amami's girlfriend holding Amami's little brother.
Charles Rodriguez
Noah Davis
saihara is dead inside so he doesn't count
Blake Murphy
do you even try user?
Eli Powell
nice falseflag
Nolan Cruz
Thanks for updating this fast, RKS! Trial might be kind of tricky to handle, hopefully that doesn't take too long. And I'm not Jewell obviously, but I actually liked the Ouma/Mugi fic for some reason. God damn it.
A cute couple!
Another cute couple! Someone translated this earlier I think, I don't have it though.
Benjamin Reyes
I want Shinguuji to Atom Heart Mother
Levi Nelson
>Amami's girlfriend >Amami's little brother this meme again
Thomas Jones
> Survivors This would be meaningful if there weren't such things as sacrificial plot armor, surviving by generally being useless or harmless or by virtue of being the protagonist. Out of the survivors I feel only Kirigiri and Fuyuhiko actually earned their spot (Non-protagonist wise), everyone else was meh.
Joseph Fisher
Wait were the voices revealed?
Carter Wright
I want Ouma to bite my playfully with his fangs
Brayden Thompson
>op doesn't want us to discuss dead characters such as >sakura >chihiro >taka >oowada >chiaki >leon
Cooper Jones
Cool so it's a RBKGSS thread. Peasants should kill themselves.
Grayson Russell
Oh, Rantarou-niisan, who's to say we all can't have an incestuous threesome?
Cameron Edwards
>and Fuyuhiko
Matthew Clark
Nothing got revealed.
Elijah Parker
This desu.
Carter Gonzalez
>Amami's girlfriend >Amami's little brother >this meme again Shipping one of Saihara's bitches in crack pairings
Nicholas Cook
someone post "WTF DID SHE DO WRONG"
Jonathan Perez
>updating this fast PLANNING to update this fast. I can't read, wew
Lincoln Barnes
>he thinks it's a meme Retard
As long as I get that chocolate vagoo. I'm quite hungry.
Hudson James
Yeah, pretty much. Those two (and Hinata + Saihara and Fukawa) are really the only ones I'm happy with surviving.
Gavin Ramirez
What about the Ultimate Baseball Star?
Gabriel Ramirez
Andrew Murphy
Careful, mods might BTFO you again.
Ryder Richardson
Yeah the only survivors I'm cool with were Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Saihara and Amami and the latter just went off and died in his second game. I also liked Munakata.
Evan Robinson
>Fuyuhiko His character development was boring, to be honest. You could tell they changed it at the last minute because it didn't leave that much of an impact on me.
And I don't really care about Kirigiri's character because of her obvious plot armor.
Nicholas Jackson
So is this the thread we're staying in now?
Camden Reed
Jordan Gutierrez
Same desu.
Juan Scott
Reminder that Monaka canonically sang God Knows
Andrew Rodriguez
>filthy redheaded cuck >survived no killing game >isn't rich or have power in the family Fuck right off.
Tyler White
Well, today was a non-stop fucking trainwreck for /drg/ in pretty much every way. I'm outtie
Christopher Garcia
Her VA is a slut. There's a reason she doesn't get roles anymore
Andrew Bailey
Yeah, Saihara pulled his weight all the way through and so did the other two protags so I'm okay with them surviving. Togami might be one of my favorites but I'm not going to pretend he's a bit of a question mark there aside from being less threatening than he makes himself out to be.
Munakata is one of the few I'm eh with not because of his role but due to his shitty fate, is there even a point in him living?
Meh, at least he and Kirigiri do things to earn their survivor spot.
Isaiah Evans
Looks like it. Mods were waiting for people to not make a thread after 5 minutes before they stopped pruning threads, but drg was that incompetent to figure it out.
Henry Ramirez
Bloodthirsty Angie!
Jose Evans
This. Fuyuhiko is so overrated. He got so boring after chapter 2. He should have died instead of Hiyoko.
Jaxson Parker
Well, no one is making any changes here so... See you tomorrow, user.
Juan Brooks
>blogging Nobody cares, sweetie.
Sebastian Campbell
I want to fuck killing game survivor only user. They have so much stamina, I bet they could keep pounding away forever
Matthew Walker
So if we had a killing game survivors killing game, how will the deaths go in each chapter? Who's the victims? Who's the culrpits? Who's the mastermind?
Nicholas Nelson
Man__kin being an absolute madman and making a third tulpaman doujin
Kayden Flores
Yuu Kobayashi is a stalker and gets roles
Landon Williams
Dominic Gomez
It's kinda funny how he pretty much BTFO of mods when it came to being stubborn. His autism is truly powerful. I thought Junkofag's was strong.
Nathaniel Stewart
Saihara's boyfriend!
Leo Thompson
I want him to his cock in my ass!
Blake James
is me
Evan Kelly
>Meh, at least he and Kirigiri do things to earn their survivor spot. Fuyuhiko does nothing after chapter 3. Anybody not named Komaeda and Chiaki pretty much stayed in the background in the later half of the game.
And Kirigiri being completely infallible makes her really boring, and only makes the other characters look incompetent, including the player character because you can never call her out and end up paying for it if you do.
Oliver Howard
> However, I think most people who are the most vocally unhappy about the twist simply haven’t experienced the game for themselves yet, or drastically misunderstood its meaning. What meaning is there to get from "Depressed and suicidal people sign up for a killing game to get away from reality and hate it, but you should feel sorry for them?"
Also this: > That’s an excellent question. The assumption that “because the talents/backstories are fictional means they’re no longer interesting or relevant to me” goes against everything the ending and epilogue were actually trying to convey about how fiction can be meaningful and important. Plenty of fiction creators convey that by making a good story. Let's not even go into how the only killing game survivor we know of pretty much tells you this killing game can't be won by surviving and stuff, the entire game is just illogical on so many levels if all there is to it is that.
Also: > Perhaps it’s self-indulgent of me but knowing that ndrv3 focuses on a wide array of characters who are depressed, anxious, and suicidal at one point or another (not only pre-game, but in-game as well) makes me fairly happy. What evidence is there even that they were all these things pre-game?
Eli Bell
Tulpafags are spoiled.
Owen Young
Weedman is the mastermind because he can predict everything.
Liam Reyes
Have to admit that Kirirgiri kind of ruin the mystery aspect of the game for me. Most case id even that complicate to figure it out. And everybody besidea Nagito and Nanami get not so much after that. At least I wish he's dead after Peko died. At least Kodaka learnt something from the first game, it seems.
Chase Lee
Ryder Bennett
>I wish he's not dead God damn it, shouldn't have drunk these expired grape juice.
Hunter Powell
Joseph Wright
I do agree that him surviving was a better option, but I just don't like how the last half of sdr2 is written, so the characters don't get enough to do and are just along for the ride.
Austin Torres
Caleb Kelly
Yeah, that's the writers fault for not giving the other characters enough screentime. Really wish he and other characters have more role than what they'd got.
Cooper Harris
Danganronpa Chihiro spin-off when?
Juan Brooks
Probably never. But we can dream, user.
Cooper Robinson
>Amami It's kind of hard to judge his performance in the game he survived in when we don't know anything about V2 atm. It was similar to Murasame prior to DR3 as we don't know how he survived the first killing game until we saw it on screen which was mostly him just hiding away as everyone slaughtered each other. We don't know how Amami survived or how he did to survive his first killing game. Hell we don't even know the format of his previous killing game.
Jace Diaz
well nips speculate he was a kirigiri-like cunt in v2 based on how he acted in that attraction event of his. danganronpa red i think.
Julian Kelly
I do feel that at least Sonia gets enough to do to stand out, like revealing the voting was wrong during Peko's case, her feeling like she was responsible for sending Hiyoko to die, getting some nice screentime during chapter 4 with gundam, and pushing herself the most to not vote for Chiaki because she was tired of her classmates doubting each other all the time.
At least when it comes to Fuyuhiko/Akane and even Hinata, her character had something that added to her almost each chapter.
Xavier Sanchez
Yeah, I like Komaeda but he seriously takes up too much of the screentime even in the game itself to the detriment of pretty much everyone else.
Ryder Campbell
Hiyo, /drg/. That fic was shit and you're shit. Delet yourself
Grayson Morris
Pretty much. Chapter 3 and onward it was basically the Chiaki and Nagito show.
Isaiah Miller
The fic is awesome, Jewell. Don't deny that.
Lincoln Reed
What did he do?
Evan Sullivan
You make a case there, Sonia has a decent amount of conflict and development.
Caleb Sanders
I want to inject myself with the torture serum so my eyes bleed and I'll hopefully go blind after reading that.
Tyler King
>kirigiri-like cunt They only said he wasn't as kind as he was in v3, they never mentioned words like "cunt" or "asshole"