Car buying horror stories

>friend works a lot
>not much time to waste
>calls up a dealer, since pics of the car look nice
>"Hello sir, (...). Please be honest - is it actually nice? I won't take it if it's beaten up anyways and I don't wanna waste a fuckton of time driving to you just to turn around after 3 mins."
>"Sure, it's great, you won't be disappointed"
>drive >30 km
>car is a fucking mess - clearly not the same car as on the pic
>"wtf man"
>"either take it or gtfo"

Other urls found in this thread:

Youre friend sounds like a retard, of course a salesman/manager is going to tell you anything to get you too the lot.

I swear my heart skipped a fucking beat when I saw op pic.
Fuck you op.

This! Fucking asshole OP. Did he ever deliver the last set of stories? Long live LPG!!!!

Can we honestly ban people who use this pic and aren't LPG?

I might be out of the loop on this one... Is this pic a meme or sth? Just googled "shady car dealer"

newfag detected. Lurk more.


>1000 times THIS

Bring back LPG stories, they're Veeky Forums's fucking story time

LPG seriously needs to nut the fuck up and keep his promise to finish his tales of woe with the rest of his stories.

We'll have to start a petition senpai

Speaking of which, I remember the PDF compilation link went the way of the dodo. Just uploaded the copy I had on the phone.

I figured it wouldn't be him since every time I see him posting, he is just talking about his Abarth 124 Spider.

Hold on a second, LPG is still around? Haven't seen him since.



So, he didnt actually deliver that Christmas thread last year?

No, he did not, we're still waiting on that.

LPG is finished making new stories unfortunately; he works in IT now, as other anons are alluding to, he did mention compiling a list of stories essentially called 'The Lost Chapters' comprising of stuff he didn't release before.

Phew, i though i was the one who missed it.

So, um, this year may be?
I do not believe a man so dedicated to cars to just drop Veeky Forums like that.

One can hope that he's just been needing to settle into his new job. It would be the perfect advent calender for Veeky Forums.

Fuck you OP i hope your mother dies today.

that is rude and uncalled for

OP I hope your mother is doing well

Thanks for the upload.

I don't frequent Veeky Forums that often, but it seems like you guys have a lot of board culture that's pretty much forgotten, or rarely talked about. One of your oldfags should talk to the bibanon maintainers about collecting a bunch of old stories and memes to archive.

>Thanks for the upload.

I'm already imagining your face when you reach the Mary story

He hasn't 'left' Veeky Forums, he still posts all the time, he has just spent the better part of the last months posting about his new 124 Abarth.

That’s what he gets for being that typical salesman, now he is stuck with that piece of shit. Spends all day defending his poor choice

>LPG is finished making new stories unfortunately

Th-this is ok. I-I have better things t-to do.