I don't get it Veeky Forums
>be me
>mid twentys, good job, in good shape and have great hygiene.
>owns a 2015 dodge challenger r/t
>parks in front of store
>get out and see a old best up sunfire with duck tape holding the windows up and has awful rust
>I'm dumbfounded as I watch two ghetto niggers walk out with a qt holding their arms
I just don't understand Veeky Forums I've worked up to society standards in way every. Yet girls don't even give me a second thought..
I have the nice car, job, health, and I show confidence by talking to girls; but in the end they always go for worse men in everyday.
I don't get it Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
You literally own Compensating For Small Dick: The Car
buy a personality
sell challenger
buy hellcat
Turns out girls like guys, not cars
Who knew
No but really for starters have you ever considered your looking in the wrong place? DESU I wouldn't want a girl in my life that is attracted to the BBC in the first place and also yeah your driving the literal "I'm not gay and I have a large dick and everyone's gotta know": the car
Maybe you're one of those...
because you're oldest car related meme alive
Cant a guy just own a big fast car and not get assumed its cause of the size of his dick
Most autistic thing I've seen all day. Thanks user
She was only with them for the "free" weed.
Gas, grass, or ass, nobody rides for free. In this case: ass.
maybe you're just ugly and/or have 0 charisma
>great hygiene
Imagine how much pussy you would get if you cared nothing about STDs, enjoyed beating up hookers, and didn't mind occasional imprisonment.
Every chance you get to talk to a girl thats even half way decent flirt with them
You're focusing on all the things you might be doing wrong.
If I had spent my time obsessing over all the pussy I could've had but fucked up, I'd have had no time for the pussy I did get, and would've probably killed myself to boot.
Chances are you you have a pussy deterrent personality judging by the whiny bitch boy tone of your post
I don't this is the first time im sperging out. I've been building it up far too long and gotta let it out!!
>2015 car
>in 2017
poorfag, you're no better than the niggers
kill yourself
>pepe post
pussy deterrent
Yeah what was I thinking!
Thanks user will do.
dude really looks like a chick, he could have made a really hot trap
>mfw was married but got cucked by some loser who drove a sunflower.
Youre getting it all wrong. Youre lucky to not have a woman leeching off of you. They are literally all parasites. Bro you need some MGTOW
enjoy your cheetos and sadness
This. Having a gf kills your time and disposable income, especially for expensive things like cars.
>Having a gf kills your time and disposable income
>Youre lucky to not have a woman leeching off of you
My former gf is now my wife, and has more than ten times the money/assets I do. Bought a house cash and looking at others.
>hurr hurr join my faggy support group for autists who can't get gfs
>voluntarily removing yourself from the gene pool
nice, you married a whore, pimp that bitch!
Posting in troll thread
id ram her 1500 time with my v8
No one has told OP to lift weights and get gains yet? I bet those black guys were jacked and thuglike. Anyone can be jacked and thuglike. Why arent you the jacked guy driving the challenger?
Also, you can't just be in good shape, you gotta be in sexy shape.
I bet you 1000 some black guy in a challenger would get those same girls. It's a hierarchy of cucks with OP at a lower level even though he has more cash. Being able to beat up those two black guys should get you those girls.
How do I stop being autistic as fuck around girls Veeky Forums
>I have the nice car, job, health, and I show confidence by talking to girls; but in the end they always go for worse men in everyday.
Did you ever consider that you're a boring autist?
You're not S U P R E M E G E N T L E M A N enough.
nope those nigs were string beans, and i've been working out for 2 years now.
they dont know that
>F U C K I N G R O A S T E D
>F U C K I N G R O A S T E D
>F U C K I N G R O A S T E D
>F U C K I N G R O A S T E D
Just talk to them like you have zero interest in them. Be polite and respectful but don't even think about her in any way besides platonic. Girls don't like needy guys, get them to need you
>i wouldnt want a girl thats attracted to bbc
Have fun never meeting a girl lmao
>Inb4 fake stories about girls not liking nigdicks
Even if they say they do, it aint true.
>Inb4 some insecure white guy unironically responds to this because he cant face the truth
>I just don't understand Veeky Forums I've worked up to society standards.
>Literally "I only know how to operate by what other people think": The post.
Protip: Real confidence comes from living how you want to, not how you think others would approve
My favorite thing a girl has ever said about black dudes?
> I'm not racist but being with a black guy would be like rubbing shit all over my face
Also have had multiple girls say that in interracial porn black dudes' dicks look like poop coming out of white girls
>I watch interracial porn but totally just to make fun of it haha
You must be ugly or have a beta vibe because I get attention all the time and I'm pajeet lol.
Try not jerking off for a week, see how your interactions with women go. More eye contact, smoother jokes and accepting the fact that girls wanna flirt.
For me its looks, smoothness, money, fitness
Called it. Lmao, why are polniggers so insecure?
I jerk off twice a day and still do good with women though
T b h ive been with chicks that have said "i never thought id be with a black guy" so it's not like what they say matters
why would you lie on an anonymous image board?
im neither of those. pretty decent looking and im very in charge of the few women i do see in my life.
>tfw attract old boomer guys asking about it and milfs
I've boned some girls and I've had girls stare me down and check me out. I would definitely not get passed in a challenger lol
Are you talking about a gf or female attention in general? You're friend can get a gf and she will pair you up with girls.
you're forgetting something
ex gf and and a couple female friends.
ive tried trust me.
ex gf has nothing but free spirited trans and super libtards and my other friends are tomboys that dont really speak to other women
...this nothing to be proud of. Don't you have a miata driver to flirt with?
If you're going to be picky based on politics, you're going to have a harder time than some people. Plenty of people date a person who has near opposite views on some political topics. Maybe consider how important a girl's views on politics are in the grand scheme of things before you scare more women away by calling anyone a libtard IRL.
oh no i dont do that irl but id prefer not to be enraged by the girls i speak to because every 5 seconds because they have to talk about politics or women's rights
It's your life and they're your views, but maybe seriously consider why you feel that way. If you're actually opposed to women's rights (assuming you aren't talking about extremists and mean feminists in general), you're really writing off a pretty good chunk of people. I personally wouldn't date any dude who throws an autism fit about mainstream women's rights topics (extremist bullshit tantrums are understandable though), and neither would any of the women I know well. The only females I've ever known who would tolerate a man who openly opposes women's rights are the kind who barely graduated high school and stayed in rural Bumfuck, WV with no jobs/education/training for 6 years and counting.
Ignore all that if you just mean you're opposed to extremist views. In that case, my advice is just talk to the girls you're calling libtards personally. They may not be as crazy as you seem to think when their more extreme friends aren't around them.
Honestly OP, I used to be like you, except I didn't drive an ugly boat.
>be 22
>drive 370z
>solid looking 8/10, 9/10 on a good day
>dress nice
>nice job
>tfw girls were never interested in me
Problem was that I was a bitter person and didn't seem very approachable. Even guys thought I was some stuck up douche and it was hard to make friends.
It all changed when I worked on my personality and being more extroverted. I focused on hanging out with friends and being social instead of trying to pick up chicks. Ended up eventually meeting a qt and we've been dating for awhile now. Funny thing is NOW girls start to flock to me but I'm not single anymore.
Anyway, my gf has told me she isn't impressed by my car or my clothes (although she does like them), she dates me for my personality and how I treat her.
>NOW girls start to flock to me but I'm not single anymore
60% of women are literally not interested in a guy until they think he has a woman already. It's crazy
I think it's partly because of the positive attitude I have now. When I first started dating my girlfriend I was just a much happier person and I smiled more. Girls are good at reading emotions, they could tell I was more confident in myself and that's what attracted them to me. When you have a mindset of "oh girls never give me a chance", they can tell you're mopey and weird and they aren't going to be attracted to you.
again with the lying.
for shame
didnt say i oppose anything?
i just dont want that to be the only subject i hear coming out of some dumb bitches mouth
The reason less chicks go for nice cars is because most people with a decent and fairly new car can suck. At least with some steezy old Honda with a "4 doors for more whores" sticker they know what's good; a skinny white kid that does dumb shit who works at an auto detail shop and has a hard on for Chris Rodcock. At least with them you can tell what's good with them. With someone like Elliot Rodger
>drives a BMW
>wears overpriced clothing
>isn't a real boy and went to college
>drives a BMW
>couldn't even pull off a mass shooting
No offense
Dude just give me a 2 day notice if your gonna shoot up your school
I'm sure you find the one inbred alabama chick out in simpler times mountain who's basically a sanswhich she's so inbred you could but otherwise this user is pretty spot on
Taking some chicks opinion seriously lmao me too
that probably is it honestly. im a very angry person, and kinda can be really negative without realizing it
What I don't get is why you care if some random cunt is into the bbc. Just focus on your car. It wants you. It needs you...
not all black dudes have large dicks ive seen plenty to know their dicks are like everyone elses yes ive seen lotsa dicks in my time
Just like Elliot man, he had it all. Good looks, alpha personality, nice car, and yet those stuck up bitches wouldn't give him the time of day.
youre an elliott too if youre too full of yourself. like loving your own reflection thinking youre perfect the ultimate supreme gentlemen. lotta dudes are just like him its pathetic
Its the man that makes the car not the other way around. Thats why dudes in buckets can still pull bitches if their game is strong.
Having a nice car definitely helps but it will only get you so far, so if your dork and get some kind of BMW like pic related your not gonna get very far.
Order of importance
1.Usually Personality(trust, know alot of ugly as sin dudes that can pull bitches)
2.Looks. can take the place of 1 if your really handsome
3.Money, can take the place of 1 if your loaded\
TLDR, work on your game OP its fucken weak and that challenger will only get you so far