/svg/ Shadowverse General

Today is the LAST DAY that Street Fighter Leaders will be up for sale, buy your favorite before it's too late!

Double daily mission rewards and 40 packs for Shadowverse's 1st birthday event. ANNIVERSARY PACKS START TOMORROW.


All cards info (so far):

Crystal sale going on: $80 for 7500 crystals (can purchase up to 3x)

Sleeves/Emblems from older seasons are avaible once again for Crystals
>Bellringer, Urd, Liza, Elana, Otohime's Guards

Official Website:

Tool for deckbuilding and card checking

Useful Links: pastebin.com/cFugs2Mm

Old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Kill all shadowniggers

Remove Elf

Elf genocide is real

Help the elves.
Save an elf today.











your card waifu turns tricks for money

Remove ancient elf and rhinoceroach

Reminder to bully all shadowniggers

You are ready to meme this next expansion, because all forest is going to get are memes.

post armpits

Beauty and the Beast will save forest.


reminder that they will release another seraph card with the alt art and it will probably be a "can't lose the game and your opponent can't win" follower that also has "cant be attacked" just like the mtg one

Why does Cygames continue to add support for D-shift more so than Daria or Dirt, the playstyles that actually need it?

I miss Zell so much...

>trying to push forest is fucked this hard

Beginning to sound like Dragon in TotG 2 Electric boogaloo

I want to build a meme forest deck.
But I don't like Arisa, she sounds annoying and needy.
And Serwyn is fucking gay and generic.

Should I get Cammy? She shows her ass during after using an evo point.

Cygames is actively trying to kill dirt

>ywn an animated fairy princess

When are they going to print this

Why do you want daria to be good? It was literally the least fun meta to play in because every game was a coin flip on draw rng. Control dirt takes too long to win games and cygames doesn't like that.


all sfv leaders are garbage except m bison, and shadowcraft is literally cheating bullshit

>Princess's Kiss
>cant use on Erika

>tfw you drafted a sword arena deck without albert
How do I win games?

arisa is cinnamon bun tier you fucking heretic


just abolish the earthrites and make something different. sigils are retarded in a game that's made to end quickly

Is there supposed to be a stream reveal tonight with more cards?

The Balanced Mage of Free Evolve Points

Keep killing yourself bloodshitting faggot

Isn't new famitsu or whatever it's called today?

>still no neutral golds revealed

I'm scared they will make another Grimnir.


43445 need a concede. Will return the favor if you need one as well.


Arisa is orcs' cocksleeve

tomorrow I think
we'll get a steady stream of reveals this week for sure

Is that...Beast Dominator? As a hostess? You'd think she'd be one of those demons with a sky-high pride and arrogance. What the hell is happening in the anime?

>her while texting vs her irl

wew lad

You read right to left, right?


then make me an orc

Didn't you post this yesterday
How assblasted do you have to be to post the same mediocre capture twice?

As long as she'll still beat the shit out of and stomp on me, I have no issue.

24 hours worth of assblasted prolly

Please help with private match daily

>How assblasted do you have to be to post the same mediocre capture twice?
You could say that to every other mompost in this thread, bloodshit.


Left: I'm going to make you scream.
Right: Want me to dye your hair too?

What's the point of that?

if you can't win, meaning your opponent can't lose, the only one that can lose is you. I'm assuming the 2 skulls is the cost so it seems like it'd be a good value card but it doesn't seem like it'd be worth that effect.

JP trailer got released btw

you can cast removal spells on your own stuff in mtg

The effect is only active while it's in play. Your opponent can't afford to leave it in play lest it knock them to zero whereupon you can kill it yourself to auto-win

u w0t m9

It's like dirt cheap for its stats and keywords. You play it, you wipe the floor with your opponent, and then you play literally anything that makes you sacrifice an allied create and BLAM - you won.

The card isn't very good.
The cost is Skull Skull 2 (aka BB2) which is 4pp. It's overstatted, the drawback being you cant win and your opponetn cant lose - it has to leave the field before you can win.

You can just sacrifice it when the opponent gets to 0 or something.

>japan gets cute loli alice kawaii voice
>west gets old man don quixote voice

This game makes me want to fucking destroy something.

Play it in a sacrifice deck and it's an easy removal

the voice is not old enough desu

majestic patrician voice > uguu anime noises

Alice is NOT a loli.

Is Don Quixote worth reading?

>not already using the JP voices.

It's like you hate yourself.

play shadowcraft, it's basically cheating and requires no thought process or intelligence at all

It's like 1/5 done for you already

Play DShift/Haven and enjoy other people's misfortunes.

I wanna suck Beast Domme's dick.

So it's easy to remove your own followers, that explains it then.

You can leave them at 0 even though they can't lose?
bit silly but ok.

You play it and hit your opponent to negative life then play something that kills it or sacrifices it
It's extremely overstatted for its cost

Alice my wife!

I will build control haven sometime soon - probably Seraph. Are these viable? They're related to one of my favorite Magic cards

Yeah it is, many academics call it one of the best literary works ever made, also is pretty funny:

>Don Quijote is a chunni neet that went crazy after reading too much isekai shit, now he believes he is MC of his own isekai history and his pal, Sancho, is a normalfag trying to avoid him both getting killed because of the crazy shit that Don Quijote tries to pull all the time.

There's also this card that has a similar effect albeit being a worse card due to it's cost/body.

Need concede

Switch to a T1 Shadow/Blood deck if you haven't already. It's not worth playing anything else right now unless you like pain.


The dress is very deceiving

I did. On a 12 game loss streak right now.

If you can cast an invulnerability effect on it, you can stall the game for so long that your opponent draws out their deck and loses by technicality.

Great summary bro. I couldn't better say it myself.

What if both sides cast it?

At least that's the other way around, but
Basically like dropping a timeless witch at 7pp and nothing else, to put it in shadowverse terms?

damn animated looks nice
yeah keep it
it was used before when the meta was slower and could see use again
I'm surprised nobody is running it in aegis decks for a surprise 10 hp heal at the cost of discarding a few cards you drew

why is she outside in her underwear

So, is it confirmed that 4pp shadow legend last word is not locked behind evo?

Reminder that Dshit will be T1 in WD and there's nothing you can do about it.
Thank you KMR.

>Daily mission: Win 1 match as forestcraft
>My forest decks are shit and I only have 1 roach
>Get bodied endlessly until one of my tormentors DC's at the start of the match


That sounds great. I'll give it a download now then. I never thought shadowverse would actually get me to pick up classic literature.


It's locked behind evo, the other picture was just a shitty paint edit made by an user and very few people went to the to link (where the card STILL says it gains the effect after evolving only)

Dat rune leggo is pretty busted, could even see play in d-shift maybe

Game-ai listed it as having it in it`s base form, I`d trust them more than the other site

duels have no end
reminder haven WILL get this card in the form of the seraph angel
damn nyarko is sexy

If you ever want to read a cuck revenge story, try The Count of Monte Cristo.

Neither side can lose by any game rules so you're stuck there with no deck and no cards to play until someone concedes or you arrange a draw.

to fulfill lewis carroll last wish

I hope not since the card is pretty stronk and goes well with ledger