/dlg/ Duel Links General

Duel Links General #63

Best lord edition

Last Thread: nobody cares

Latest News
>The world qualifiers are now over. Rewards for those who got ranked in KoG should be available so claim your prizes now
>New box Crimson Kingdom. Lots of Zombie, Fire, and Red Eyes support. More info here: youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=wC_-uE6bKfI&app=desktop [Open]
>The "Duel-A-Thon" event is here until the 18/19th. Get extra rewards for grinding every day and throughout the event
>Yugi's Grandpa will be arriving soon, stay tuned for more info
>Yami Bakura will return with a gate based event at the end of June

Useless (Duel) Links
>sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc.

>android emulators

A few tips for new players
>What is this game? It's mobile Yu-Gi-Oh! using the speed duel format and a smaller card pool. Great if you played the TCG previously and feel nostalgic about it, and not too difficult to learn if you're completely new
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>The new box may contain new staples, so save gems for now. If you can't wait, the other "big" boxes (UR, VR, NI) are good picks with several staples
>Some people recommend not leveling your stage past 35, but if you're not having trouble with the standard duelists advancing stages nets you some gems and jewels
>Level up Mai and Keith quickly to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua and Metalmorph for free
>expect f2p friendly decks to be nerfed faster than p2w ones. Activate those almonds while you can

Other urls found in this thread:


Vampire Lord was my signature card back in the day, I really hope he can be good now.

>Dark Magician limit was walked back after people called out Konami for nerfing free decks so quickly

Sure gets those peanuts popping doesn't it?

He has a summon animation. At least Konami shows him a little love

I think this card might get some use out of some of the new fire monsters

>need to be able to farm for the pieces which requires card trader exclusives and pack URs

Agreed, it's pretty powerful

>Farming without a modded apk


This one

Really got my golems gearing

Blazing Inpachi
Flip this
Free 1000 burn

Why nerf skills when you can just powercreep them haha

>Have no monsters
>play Storm
>destroy their facedown Security Orb
>The pop effect is mandatory and they lose they Harpie Lady 1

>play Gift Exchange on opponent
>they give me something I actually can use
If this isn't proof that average casual isn't reading the card, I dunno what is. 3 GEs in EVERY DECK.


Holy FUCK this card is dirty with the new flame support.

Okay, so you know how the text states "Once per turn"? That can be circumvented by destroying two monsters at once, like with the new Bonfire Colossus.

>Flip Kickfire face up
>Summon any Fire Monster
>Special Summon Bonfire Colossus
>It destroys 2 Fire monsters (The one you summoned and itself)
>Kickfire gains 2 counters, meaning 2k damage.

You can combine this with Goka, Pyre of Malice because he spawns a fireball token each turn, so you can also do something like this:

>Flip Kickfire
>Summon Pyro Monster
>Special summon Goka, which destroys the monster you summoned (Kickfire: 1 counter)
>Next turn, Goka spawns a token
>Special Summon Bonfire Colossus, which destroys two fire monsters. The token + Goka/Bonfire (Kickfire: 3 Counters)

You can also combine this with the new 1850 beater, since he's a fire type as well.

so is Great Angus. Also Gaia soul destroys itself

so is windstorm the only way for Black Tyranno to get an ez direct attack?

I got top 10 my Kaiba Cup group. What UR/SRs should I get?

Card Rotator
Labyrinth of Nightmare

pack seems to be shit tbqh.

what cards would a whale need?

Fuck you Fagabond, fucking running 2 E-Controllers and Mirror Walls

It's very good, but I don't want to spend all my gems at once on it.

What skill would you use with this? Last Gamble?

yeah, gamble works pretty well. It's not a meta deck by any means, but it's pretty fun.

Kill yourself, worthless faggot retard OP.

Last Thread:

parasite infestation

Alright testing some things out now. I feel that Earth Shaker would fit nicely in this deck. They either destroy their cards, or destroy yours and you get 1-3 counters on Kickfire.

Mad alert lmao

Thunder crash could be handy too. I think weevil just got some new playtoys

>Opponent plays the Gift Exchange I Gift Exchanged to him
>gives me Relinquished
Did he think he'd get the card he banished? What an idiot. Obviously I gave him a 3rd GE.

Calling it now, Red-Eyes decks will be tier 1. There's just an insane amount of support now.

>Red-Eyes Wyvern
>Red Eyes Spirit
>Vanguard of the Dragon
>Cards of the Red Stoen
>Champion's Vigilance
>Blue Dragon Summoner

I'm probably forgetting other cards, but holy shit this deck is so fun to play.

Reposting from last thread. Rate my meme deck and tell me what you think I should improve besides tapping the trashcan of course :^).

It looks disgustingly good user, holy shit I'd hate to play against that

Which is better? Nox, Bluestack or Memu?

I like Nox simply because it takes keyboard input natively which makes searching for cards a lot easier.

What's better to take for the SR reward? A 3rd Red Eyes Spirit or a 2nd Union Attack? I really wanted a prismatic UA, since it would be great for farming, but with all this REBD support I think Spirit would be good too.

Do you even run 3 Spirit anyway?

I made KOG during the qualifiers with a similar deck, in the end I found the shooting star bows were a bit clunky, the decklist I used was:

2 x Tyrant Dragon
3 x Vanguard of the Dragon
1 x Flamvell Grunika
3 x Totem Dragon
3 x Mirage Dragon
1 x Blue-Eyes White Dragon
2 x Stamping Destruction
2 x Enemy Controller
1 x Mirror Wall
1 x Security Orb
1 x Skull Lair

>all these spell counter cards
>no silent magician
for what purpose?

>mfw I fell for the Gemini Fusion Deck meme

gemini fusion deck is about turboing out the fusion and spamming gearfried. dunno what the fuck you're playing.

Only have x2 gearfried

>tfw got that gay psychic UR
also anyone notice how this pack only has one non-minster UR?

>fuse your Dragon
>woodland archer to get butterfly
>tribute butterfly for darkstorm
>btfo shitty mcshit shit
It's not rocket surgery

Hmm, sweetie, if you pay attention, you are going to notice that polimerization was the last card I draw.

This guy?

He's actually pretty powerful, the boost is permanent and he supports the banishing aspect really well.


Who Veeky Forums here

How many weeks of allowance have you dumped into this game?

I get tons of free gems by farming SD and LD for 8k with modded APK LOL

Rate my N tier shitfest

First PvP duel with this I bonfire collossus'd after flipping lady assailant with 2 kickfires on turn 2 and cucked some lp boost shitter

>wrecking chinks with my odion chain reaction deck

Man this new set is amazing. Dino's, zombies, fire, BUSTERU BURADER. There's even god damn rock support

Also, what's this boy good for?


You idiot.


is toy magician the hhg of yugi?

>inflict 1500 points of effect damage with a single effect activation in a duel against lvl 40 kaiba using yami yugi
how the fuck do i do that
i dont want to fail this and waste too many white keys

Suck a facedown card with relinquished and let Vorse Raider beat you.


Does the modded APK still work or is it in blocked limbo still?

What's a good demon deck for Bakura?

>prismatic Speed Bird
For what purpose

Rate my deck. Filling your field with 3 monsters in 1 turn is hilarious and satisfying to pull off.

>700 gems
>One shitty SR
>Not even that 1800 4 star rare

Why you do this Jewnami?

Should I reset? Also got 2 warrior returning alive and 2 inspiration.

>9 of each normal in a pack
>only three allowed in a deck

You should just play the game and stop trying to cheat

dont tell me that you dont enjoy authentic experience of opening packs, goy

It's also like that in TCG/OCG

Question, if my goal is just to get my monster to safety does interdimensional matter transporter work as well as D. Gate? Aside from the resummoning at direct attack effect, it looks like a good substitute.

Is it worth going for at right after windstorm and metalmorph?

Yeah IMT is good to save your monster.

Interdimensional is better for cards like Relinquished who you want to protect but can't protect themselves. Dimension is better for big beaters.

Can I use it to farm Kaiba?

Labyrinth Wall can farm Kaiba to an extent, with Dimension Gate, since the combination takes advantage of the opponent not wanting to attack you directly since Wall comes right back, as you amass the cards you need to push for game.

See, I don't have D. Gate. I couldn't get it, so I'm gonna need to do it the hard way.

And without that I might as well not try with labyrinth wall because he'll use his banishing fucker on it

It's not worth going that route if you don't have it, since then I assume the most you can get is 1, maybe 2. I have 1 and tried it out and it's too inconsistent since I can't draw it in time. I still haven't picked my free UR and 2 SRs so I'm considering getting 2 D Gates, however, I just got Luck on your Side dropped last night so I'm going to go with that to try and farm Kaiba.

The combination might appeal to you too. You basically drop your LP to 1k or below however you please. Get Array of Revealing Light out so your opponent's monsters can't attack on the first turn. And then spam Time Wizard's effect to keep wiping their monsters.

Rate my meme deck

Where can i get a modded apk and is it safe just to uss it to farm LD?


6/10 not enough S/T clearing nor ways to dump a Zeta

WhyDidntYouJustScreenshotIt/10 tyrone?


You dump it with last gamble
What is st clearing?

I didn't want the whole screen.

Oh ok that's fair. How does it play as it is?
S/T clearing is spell and trap removal, to help you go for game, typically with like Storm or Nobleman of Extermination.

if u do something well in life
u wont know if ur good at it
or if its cuz ur white

wew lad
you just BTFO'd that whitey drumpfkin poster


This is absolutely fucking ridiculous

There I fixed it.
Why was somebody pretending to be me?

Again I ask. Suggestions? Thoughts?

I could only get to gold with it but it's alright. It's been especially good against 3DS decks. I should probably put a storm there but idk which card to take out

Get that shit out of here habib

Just pulled a Prismatic Buster Blader Swordsman

Why not Goka? It's like a Bonfire that you can realistically summon of its own effect, and it even makes tokens so you can go into Bonfire or more Gokas if you need to.

That's a real burguer-kun

Straigth from the lush coconut jungles of hueland

Would have been funnier if you said Link


They're shit. I know because I play Pyro. Surely you can fit in some two headed dragons? Or at least Tenkabito to meme on trap cards?

Would Lightray Grepher and the Hijiri Trap card go well together in a Fairy based deck