-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. confirmed for 8/25 in Japan, region free. [YouTube] 『モンスターハンターダブルクロス Nintendo Switch Ver.』プロモーション映像 -Monster Hunter Stories is coming West this fall.
>I have a question! pastebin.com/7Aa6HxUh Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
mhgen.kiranico.com/ Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
>Where does Veeky Forums play? Create or find a Gathering Hall Passcode: 7243 In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right) In Generations, Objective: Gathering In 4U, Target: Fishing
To try and kill the shitposting I'm gonna change the subject. Anyone else ever get massively burned out for awhile? When 3U was announced for the west I couldn't stop playing FU and Tri out of pure hype and played the shit out of 3U online, my hype was even higher for 4U but I ended up not going as far and only stopped at the end of the main quest line, and Generations I got the the first Diablos hunt before getting tired of it. If any of you guys got burned out how did you get over it? I thought about playing with friends but none of them really like MH because of its weird japaneseness all though one of them might by XX if it comes to the west for switch
>Directed by Kaname Fujioka >The guy who directed Monster Hunter 1, 2, 3 and 4
It's in good hands.
>Why the fuck is there no Switch version
Because the Switch sucks m8. Capcom has finally came home
Lincoln Gonzalez
it's literally the second line in this OP
Eli Ramirez
A team made it, while Nintendo is stuck with b team frontier trash,
Wyatt Jones
>outsourced trash like XX? No because its on a real platform now and requires actual processing power.
Kayden Ward
facebook /KaroshiMyriad/videos/1457587990930643/ Here's another source, the full video this time.
Parker Martin
Landon Campbell
>new MH encompasses everything that the original MH trailer in 2003 tried to showcase >/mhg/ hates it ????
Luke Martinez
No one? How long until the raid ends and people are back to talking about MH?
Mason Martin
Post yfw Yamatsukami will return to World.
Bentley Hughes
>Capcom jumping ship from Nintendo PSP3 confirmed for 2019. It'll be primarily a mobage machine, but will be able to run Worlds so they can make Worlds Portable G.
Jason Price
that boy aint right
Oliver Howard
updated pastebin, seems the quality isnt the highest but its the best we've got
Jackson Cruz
Current /mhg/ doesn't even know there were games before Nintendo. Meanwhile nips still idolize 2G as the pinnacle of the series.
Wyatt Kelly
Hi, what mh should I start with? I have a hacked 3ds and wiiu so money isn't a problem. I hear MHX is very differen't from the main series, something about special moves? So I didn't know if I should start with it or not.
Brandon Bennett
dang it bobby
Leo Cooper
you could say the switch was...double crossed
Mason Price
Nope. Developed by the GOAT himself.
Switchfags BTFO
Eli Hill
4U or emulate FU
Hunter Sullivan
im so fucking tired of your shit carlos
Cooper Wilson
The full game better have music, I don't want every hunt to be like Khezu.
Jackson Rodriguez
You stole that joke.
Jaxson Wright
That original trailer has very little to do with what the product turned out to be. Monster Hunter is a game primary about fighting bosses in arenas with tight combat, not sneaking around and running away from the monster all across the map.
Cooper Russell
2G is really good though
What's this I hear about XX being trash? I haven't played monhun since 3 and I was thinking about picking it up when it comes out.
Adrian Ward
I'm sure it will. There's no hud either in that video.
Isaiah Campbell
Why 4U or FU if you don't mind me asking?
Zachary Nguyen
Don't care, I just want Monoblos or white monoblos with W.Mono's moveset from 4U. That's a ruthless fight and usually solo only.
Jacob Lewis
>Monster targeting you when you need to heal >try to zone out >there are no zones, its all one big map now >monster chases you to the ends of the earth until it can kill you >The monsters are now hunting you
Michael Fisher
Dude what? The quality is great, click the little gear.
Angel Jones
It gives you a wide spectrum of the series as a whole and are the best of their type, FU was the pinnacle of the 2nd gen while 4U is the best of the 4th gen and fixed tons of problems with the 3rd gen.
Grayson Garcia
Objectively the best game in the series. 4U is also very beginner friendly as well
William Ortiz
Alrighty, I guess I'll start with 4u. Is there a particular weapon I should start with or any weapons to keep away from?
Grayson Evans
Just play it on your laptop, though. Yeah it's a bit bigger than a Switch but it's still something you should have with you wherever you go.
Camden Collins
I'll be your housekeeper in World, for the price of 20 horn coins.
Try all of them and use the one you like the most.
Levi Roberts
Hammer is pretty beginner friendly
Jayden Walker
>Alrighty, I guess I'll start with 4u. Is there a particular weapon I should start with or any weapons to keep away from? I'd advise starting with a blademaster weapon over a gunner one.
Josiah Perez
Theres guides in the game but if you dont feel like checking out all of them I would recommend long sword or sword and sheild
Blake Ramirez
Levi Moore
>tfw I actually met a grill via hunting hall and she gave me the succ I love Monster Hunter.
Julian Peterson
I hope the home base is a super comfy frigate that you can decorate docked at a make shift colonial encampment. Make it really feel like you've arrived in the new world.
Cameron Harris
People actually cared about Dauntless?
James Kelly
Why is the logo all weird? That always sucked about the 3DS version but at least the framerate was decent on that version. >tfw XX Switch has to suffer because of cross play with 3DS
Connor White
You'll never get rid of me no matter how many wystones you carry.
Evan Collins
So, do you have to forget all the things you learned on the previous games because the new one it gonna work in a different way? Why they made this?
Tyler Morris
Except it's a multi plat game, faggot. And Double Cross still exists, retard. Take your console war shit elsewhere, this general doesn't need it.
Dominic Baker
muh clunky control tradition
Elijah Hughes
Desperation for a MonHun game on something other than a handheld and isn't a chinese MMO.
Daniel Powell
Shoo shoo Ninten-poo
Xavier Diaz
I don't know
quickly everyone, what can we learn from the logo?!
Christopher Peterson
which team developed a) mh4u? b) gen/xx? c) is developing world?
Joseph Sullivan
Exciting times boys. Can't wait to get into this.
Jose Sanders
Let's say MH5 gets announced for 3DS
How you react?
Brody Cook
Link is broken. Anyone got a still working version?
Eli Peterson
Its most likely going to be a Persona situation where its close but not as good I mean the text font, why is it all small, thin, and spaced weird
Ethan Anderson
>TurkeyJho breaths fire Why? Dinowaldo already do that.
Logan Miller
Mason Morales
>it's actually true >Everybody is getting a real Monster Hunter game meanwhile the Switch is getting a fucking 3DS port
How the FUCK did Nintendo mess up this bad?
Can I return my Switch unironically if i've had it for 1 month already even if there's nothing wrong with it? I got one for Zelda which was "meh" and I can play it on PC and now Monster Hunter is on PC. I literally have no reason to own one
William Scott
Alright, time for abit of level2 autism: Where do you think the new world could be on this map?
Hunter Torres
>looks like a coat of arms >left image shows stars above the earth, lines connecting, perhaps symbolising the use of stars for navigation while journeying to the new continent?
Aaron Flores
>quickly everyone, what can we learn from the logo?! The crosses are shedding tears.
Elijah Roberts
Its rumored Switch is getting a traditional game called MHPortable, honestly I'm just going to get XX since none of my friends will buy World
Jordan Thompson
Ryan Young
So you can use stealth and traps to set up ambushes? I have doubts it will work well in practise, but good job Capcom. You only took 13 years to get it in the game.
Noah Butler
It's an AoT reference.
John Adams
I dont said that. I mean, every behavior of possible past monster (like Rathalos) you learned now are usless because he is going to move different because the new terrain.
Zachary James
The stars are the signal flares used when you're calling for help bro.
Kevin Russell
A) The mainline team B)The portable team C)The mainline team
which is making me wonder if the mainline team is working on this why not just call it monster hunter 5
Carson Rodriguez
Thanks bud
Samuel Hughes
That's a good thing.
Landon Taylor
The MH team developed all of them.
Connor Miller
Looks like it has stars over a landscape, maybe day and night cycles while you hunt will be a thing?
Brandon Russell
Seems like it's actually a bit more complex now, what with all the fucking gadgets/ways they can be used. Combat looks like it will stay the same, because from what little of the GS animations I saw, they looked exactly the same as normal MH. Actually there's a lot of classic MH animations used in this game, Anjanath has a ton of Jho's/Aubergine/Glavenus animations you can see in the trailer (probably uses the same skeleton too I bet), and lots of the hunter's animations are basically the same with mainline but slightly tweaked and with some added flavor (subtle added movement, transitions, etc.)
Carson Jones
The "stars" on the left are the flares you shoot into the air