/owg/ - Overwatch General

Euros are retarded and don't know how to make a new thread edition.

EVENTS END Monday, June 12 AT 11:59 p.m. PDT (OR Tuesday, June 13 at 06:59 UTC) AKA TEN AND A HALF HOURS FROM THIS POST

>Anniversary event page and item tracker
Event ends June 12th.

>New Assault Map: Horizon Lunar Colony

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20812212
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc/

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Hero tips, tricks, and basics

>Source/Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal Stats / Leaderboards

>eSports Info and Contenders League

Previous thread:

they're turning QP into warm up mode for the competitive shitheads that worry so much about losing imaginary rank numbers
if you paid 40 bucks to blow off some steam I hope you enjoy a tryhard yelling at you for not playing the right meta now

This is literally me

Pls someone tell me that i can have fun on tanks and supports in rankeds and skins doen't matter in this game.

>event ends ten and a half hours from this post
>ten and a half hours from this post is 2 and a half hours ago

Here comes T.Racer!

It's true!


Anything but Mercy. TF2 babbies won't stop spamming that they need healing when they're halfway across the map

skins are fun and you will probably get addicted


That is literally me.

Gulag servers when?

reposting please tell me theres someone in aus/nz who can help me get out of this losing streak

i have lost, deadset, 20 matches over 4 days. i have not won a match. my winrate has dropped from 60% last season to 40% or less this season for every hero i play. i am in absolute freefall and i cant stop it and i dont know what to do anymore.

ive gone from 2800 to 2500, and still dropping like a stone.

>people actually think a Reaper buff is neccesary

Guys, I've ran into actual fearsome Reapers that are straight up team killers. You need to get good the old fashioned way.

>TF2 babbies won't stop spamming that they need healing when they're halfway across the map
>he doesn't automatically filter out comm wheel shit

Jesus Christ, finally got Sentai Genji. I just need 500 creds and I can get Tracer or Mei's skins and just stop.

I want at least 2 of the 3 skins that I started playing this awful event for.

Why doesn't baby D.Va get emotes? Whatever it is that she does now is pretty shit.

Reaper is shit, dude. Just because he works in your bronze matches doesn't mean he's viable.

Keep going faggot of you don't deserve that Sentai skin.

I played this game for 14 hours and ran Love Live Sunshine in the background the whole time

Is it just me or does roadhog spam that shit the most?

>Keep going faggot or you won't deserve that Sentai skin.
Fuck me in the ass and my retardation.

>when Ana figures out who's carrying

>didn't even bother to update the OP
Come on now.

It's just you? Why would someone with a low cooldow huge self heal spam it?

>3-0 stomp on koth
>"gg" - enemy team

what is Tracer sniffing

>Mercy's beam now has to be aimed like Zarya's


winston's angry butt fumes

Which hero based achievements are you missing, /owg/?

>The Floor is Lava
Get 3 killing blows while wall riding as Lucio
>Did That Sting?
Kill 4 enemies using Widowmaker's venom mine
>Hack the Planet
Hack 15 enemies without dying as Sombra
>Power Outage
Hack 6 enemies at once as Sombra
Amplify 900 damage with a single use of Orisa's supercharger
>Halt State
Pull enemies into 1000 damage with a single use of Orisa's halt!

Hana protein mountain dew gamma bombs

my pheromones

>be Tracer
>blink behind enemies on point, fight 4 people there
>team nowhere to be seen
what do?

You always gg. If 5 of my players dc immediately I still say gg.

no that just makes her godawful



>Mercy can now only fly to teammates who are alive, not to death orbs

Is she fixed?

Get them to follow you to distract them and hope to god your team pushes. Most of the time they won't

so what dances did you get

i got widow, zenyatta and bastion

can't wait until Road is kill. Can't fucking wait.

Give her more HPS, just make her require some sort of agency to use. She's even more braindead than pre-nerf Lucio.

>Tracer and Hanzo skin

where is my doomfist?

It's not coming this week, they would have shilled it harder

Actual answer? Corrupting agent that makes her incredibly horny and a slave to her libido, prompting herself to masturbate uncontrollably.

god damn I want more (winter) sports skins

Sounds retarded

then that just makes her overpowered
like you really want 100hps pharah flying around

her being braindead makes her situationally flexible, which is fine, the problem is that she gains too much from res, it should not have ever been a teamwide ability
they gotta fix that shit

That would be stupid. You're stupid.

I'll buy it

The sprays we got were cute.

Terry Crews talked about him at E3, it wa- oh, right.

I NEED biathlon widow

>It's another bunnyhopping Symmetra episode
>Teammate: "Everyone outdamages Symmetra dude"
>Symmetra kills the entire team by bunnyhopping in circles and holding W+M1 on Hollywood

that's hot

>finally new Zarya skin
>covers her face

Symmetra is a more useful and easier to play Reaper.

anyone who main d.va is complete weeaboo trash that can't play her.

Yeah its great

i think the new Zarya skin is not bad, but it's just meh which is fine by zarya standards desu

Why are there no American women in this American game


So is Mercy pretty much required on Defense every game because of that retarded fucking resurrect shit?

>using a skin that covers the face on ANY character

Because they're the worst

I have all the skins, a majority of the dances, and voice lines, what did you guys get from the event?

>New Zarya
>The colors are absolute shit like Soldier 76's so they can release a better pallet swap down the line.

Shrike is ana's best skin

Well they're killing one of their tanks next update.

I got everything I've got no money left now

Young Genji and Sparrow are ugly

because they are annyoing cunts

The only thing an American woman is good for is spending a man's money.

Genji and tracers dance, some voice lines and hanzo skin...feelsbadman

He meant she's ugly as shit

we all know that be captain amari

I've been waiting for a hero like this.
I can imagine it being something like this fat fuck with turbo armor and a smaller, solo barrier around her.

She actually got a personal trainer and lost a lot of weight...just funny story.

Blackwatch is a nice compromise.

i literally regret every purchase i ever made for this game

looks like im gonna lose all the way down to 1500, from 3k last season, what the fuck is this piece of shit game

american men
>cowboy guy
>le grim war veteran guy
american women?
american women have no culture other than vile modern feminism.

Nice herd mentality.
Looking forward to it nonetheless, should make it so you can be more fast and loose with death blossom plus tip the balance in formerly close 1v1s.


tracer wears crocs

When's PTR going live?

a slow close range gimmick hero will never be viable. because you know, you can just not run into him.

If they dropped Dva's actor status, they could add some sort socielite or it-girl in the mix. Like a futuristic Paris Hilton, or something.

No, you've run into literal retards (yourself included) who don't know how to keep out of the melee range of a slow, predictable, easy to kill piece of shit hero.

They're comfy and easy to wear!

Sombra :^)
Delusional salty soul orbs detected.

>who is reaper


>Rein fix

All roadhog's nerfs will mean is shitters won't be forced to learn how to position correctly anymore. At least no as much.


delay ult and hammer hits

You shut the fuck up and never post your bullshit here again, you fucking whore.

>he doesn't remember the days when a third tank was more effective than a dedicated tankbuster

tank meta only died because we collectively got bored of it desu, ana is still op

All of her skins are great, even the recolors.
Problem is Captain Amari is too fuckin beautiful for me not to use.

Wasteland fits best with a golden gun desu

Yeah because the people who get killed by reaper a lot will insist he is a weak hero.

Your logic is as retarded as people who manage to get stomped by a reaper.

Your logic makes no sense.


>he doesn't remember when you could 1v1 a tank with mccree and win every time with FTH