Never cry over relatives dying or losing ties with people

>Never cry over relatives dying or losing ties with people
>Sell first car I bought 10 years ago
>See it driving away from me
>Cry all the way home

Yup, you have autism

Through no fault of my own, I totaled my dad's 95 Accord V6 that had been my daily for four years. I bought a 99 Prelude after that, but I still want to replace the Accord if I can find one with the same color, motor, and generation. I'll never sell my Prelude since it's my first car I bought with my own money.


This is a bait thread

Prove me wrong


>tfw she'll never do her happy dance while riding your benis

>sacrificed the memory of a cool first car to get something good to pass on to my brother
>buy lesbaru forester
>change headgaskets, keep the car clean, change some fluids
>he gets it, I move on to funner things
>see it now
>busted headlight
>interior filled with trash
>CEL on
>tires low
>out of alignment
>sounds unhealthy
Forgive me, machine spirits.

>sell my trusty little Ranger to a coworker
>still get to see it driving around every day

>Sold my old '92 E36 320i for $1000 about 6 years ago
>Trans was on the way out, pretty much a parts car
>At the gas station one night
>It pulls up next to me
>gloss black spray painted rims
>shitty after market crystal tail lights
>purple window tints
>paint beat to shit
>amazed its still alive
>feel bad
>after years of faithful service it ended up being someones beater in its old age

Never again.

>sold my first car, 99 civic LX
>it was so humble, took me through some of the worst years of my life without ever asking for more than a regular oil change and a battery one time
>hear stories from relatives that the guh I sold it to has it rotting in his backyard, unlocked, and lets his kids play in it
>fast forward to this year
>hear down the grapevine that it got sold to another guy that let it get flooded during harvey

Feels so fuckin bad man
Rip Morrigan I'll always treasure your memory

I always hear people say they feel an attachment to their car... I wish I felt that.

I don't feel anything anything these days.

>not keeping your first car

look at that fresh haircut though


>selling your car
lol retards

It's a childhood photo of zyzz

Autism is the only way to get gainz like that natty.

or maybe people are shitty

Buddy, pal, senpai--normal functional people don't think EVERY OTHER PERSON is shitty.

>everyone but me is shitty
Strengthening my claim lad

>big v8
Also, did the 289 come with four 1bbl webers even in a cobra? And I thought the cobra had a 427

Only people's death that could make me cry is probably my mom and brother.

how much time did you spend inside your car vs inside your cousins & relatives? checkmate freud

tfw car saves you too

my sl2 is too sexy for me to die

Fuck that shit OP I ain't selling my first car. I'd rather let it rot then sell it to some schmuck.

>scratch my head about how to get rid of my beaten old Passat before moving overseas
>a sleep deprived taxi driver totals if while it was parked during the night
>no more headscratching and more cash that I'd even get selling it
>still get a pang in the heart when I saw it getting loaded on the truck to be scrapped

tfw I kept the emblem as memento

Yeah, watching it get dragged off is always more sad and alarming than you'd think
>also pried off the emblem first