You have ten seconds to post a better modern interior

You have ten seconds to post a better modern interior.

a better modern interior.

cheeky cunt

>touch screens everywhere
>a fucking knob


What did I win?




The goofy tablet thing ruins it.


bitch please

That's busier and a little more boy racer than I would have expected in a Jaaaaaaaag.

too bad its a meme rover


the lack of manuals in modern cars is sickening.

I love this Interior, but its too bad the exterior has the same melted bean shape of every other god damn crossover and "SUV".


>those control knobs to the sides of the instrument cluster.

what is this the 80s?

anyone else find analog clocks on dashes to be a bit frivolous?

That's kind of slick, really

The only problem is the door knobs look like fanvy toilet flusher knobs

you have ten seconds to release your bowels

I agree that knob kinda fucks everything up. Don't like the 80's though? what about the 2020's

Already did that prior to the thread. The release itself took maybe 2 seconds. 3 seconds I guess if you count from the time of first ass-seat contact.

That gay thing between the seats is gay. But windows errywhere is pretty neat as long as it's easy to block out the sun.

Sat in a whole bunch of cars at an auto show this year. I wasn't really impressed with the Land Rovers. Of all of the SUVs/CUVs- yes, all of them, even the luxury brands, by far the nicest interior was on the Mazda CX-9 Signature.


>bling car
>ghetto graffiti
What did they mean by this?

it means you used to be cool but grew up but youre still cool because you never forgot how you were

meh. That's when it's time for more of a classy midlife crisis mobile. Something you always wanted. That's part of the rite of passage of accepting you're old and you'll never be young or cool again like you used to be.


Still thinking maybe I should have gotten one last time around. Next one will probably be my real midlife crisis car, but who knows what will be available and if I'll still want to just dump a bunch of money into a toy.

Yes I hate it so much, but I also seem to process digits a bit faster than most

daily reminder that interior design peaked in the early 00s with the e39
it just went downhill from there


Not modern but proof good interior design died a long time ago.

e46 is far more superior as a car,not much difference in interior though

This is pretty good, apart from the steering wheel not being centered on the drivers seat and triggering my autism.

It's the SVR, so it's more McKenzie jacket than sports jacket.
That said, since 2000 Jag has been steadily dropping the tweed and cigars, which I think is unfortunate.

Depends. If it's a really nice one that has clearly had a lot of effort put into it and it's well integrated then it looks good in a luxury interior. Otherwise, I agree

>fucking great wall of China between driver and passenger

That's acceptable in a powerful, low sports car where you have a honking great drivetrain running through to the back wheels. In a big luxury barge it's ridiculous.

any backseat where you can't get your dick sucked by the thot riding besides you is shit, tho I guess there's enough room for the bitch in the footwell if she can clamber over
excellent setup for cocksucking
this is ideal because you can have the bitch besides you suck your dick and the bitch in the footwell work your nuts or ass, or you could even sit in the middle and have a bitch on your dick, a bitch on your nuts, and a bitch on your ass. that gay flowery shit has to go tho
thought it was a brostang or some shit at first
color scheme is gay as fuck


>the 70s-90s car interiors will never come back
just end it all my man

everything just has to be gay touchscreens and obese surfaces


it's not fair
it should have been buick
i'm sure china would have loved saab just as much

the best

what a fucking hideous steering wheel
and god damn the instrument panel clashes with the wood HARD


If it was a Lexus I would say it looks sleek but knowing Land Rover those screens will stop working in a few months and you won't be able to control anything anymore.

Nothing like that just made it feeling when you drop trou and start releasing before making seat contact. Had that just before entering this thread.

I miss when cars didn't have such pretentious interiors.

wew lad really heated my owens

not a fanboy but probably the best at this point.

screen interface is too blocky imo

>that horrific stiching

jesus christ it looks like that one african car

obsolete navigation systems and no bluetooth or satellite radio is not peak

the RR Velar is going to be so trendy. very swank

at that time it was
by your logic we're never going to hit the peak because there's always going to be something better around the corner



that is sweet as heck


>having this pleb-tier taste
It's a fucking Fiero interior i.e. it's shit
There's a reason why people swap interiors in these

Stop having shit taste

>says the faggot who thinks a Fiero interior is attractive

>says the faggot who doesn't own a car

This looks like a Ford Fiesta interior.

Lmao imagine projecting your insecurities this hard

I bet you're the kind of guy who gets super defensive when someone says you have a small peepee.

cheeky cunt

people swap exteriors not interiors.

the ones that swap interiors are the faggots that got carried away and bought everything v8archie sold them.

A lot of high quality kit cars keep interior elements from the fiero because its comfy af

t. I own 3 of them

>that gay flowery shit has to go tho

You have dislespected my famiry, and my ancesto-ro. Sudoku to regain yo famiry hono-ro!

For real though, each of those "gay ass" flowers are constructed of hand dyed silk. Stitching each one in place by hand consumes 60 hours on the flowers alone.

It is a true Samurai interior as it resembles japanese cherry blossoms. To conjure the feeling of the blood spray of your enemies spraying from the cut that ended their life.

i think peak interior is low fuss, low clutter, without obsolete electronics is all. navigation screens are brutal for aging

Right, so people swapping over 4th gen F Body dashes or Grand Prix GTP dashes don't exist? Come the fuck on, the reason why people swap dashes in these cars is because the Fieros stock interior is outdated, archaic, and shitty
>t. I own 3 of them
And apparently you've never been on Pinnock's with that bullshit "no one swaps interiors on these"

>what is the Amida A1 dash

I've never met a man with his priorities more in order than this.

Cheeky cunt