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/sthg/ #792 - pfffffHAHAHAHAHAHAHA edition

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>Eggman didn't actually win
>he just released some ancient evil
Fuck this game

Hey, we get to listen to Nakata again. That's always a good thing.

>an ancient evil awakens

At least they used the one Zeti that was kinda interesting.

Literally generations 2

I'm actually very excited to find out what this thing is

Are they going to make Shadow an antagonist? I sure hope not.

Leaker here, told you so. Anyone got any questions for me?


Literally recycled crap.

As expected, I would say.

Why do kids love the taste of cinnamon crunch?

So wait, if that's Mephiles, then where the fuck is Shadow?

We already know what it is.
It's the same as Chaos/Gaia/solaris/[insert god of destruction here]

Probably helps eggman win with its own secret agenda.
Blah blah blah fight eggman.
Blah blah blah endgame is teaming up to fight real villain.

Same song and dance

Is Classic Sonic really being retconned from being a younger Sonic to an alternate-dimension Sonic? And is Shadow really Mephiles like you said?

The new villain looks like Mephiles! Crystal-like appearance! Chestfur! Similar colored eyes! It's all there!

God dammit I just want Eggman to win without the need of some ancient god/evil just once come on man

Yes and yes. Classic Sonics inclusion in the story is as hamfisted as you'd expect. He really just sort of gets involved for no real reason.

So why is Zavok and the rest of the whatevers so shit? This may as well be called Generations 2, and if Chemical Plant is a stage there's no hope.

I don't understand. Isn't Shadow and Chaos good guys?

I mean, it's Eggman, did you really think he was competent enough to do this on his own? Not even Sonic takes him seriously anymore, did you really think they'd just change that?

Japanese voice actor?

Too bad. Eggman needs some help to win, otherwise Sonic will just stop him. Even in Mania, it's likely that the Hard-Boiled Heavies will betray him.

Fuck you Iizuka


Since Chaos is back, I want Tikal back too.

Yes, he's well known for his deep and manly voice.

Eggfags on suicide watch!

Not even close

Yes, he should.

Not anymore. Remember, Sonic doesn't have canon, they can and should be able to do whatever they want?

oh my god finally
>we're gonna get an official HD render of tikal


Why are you here? You -should of- died with your game, no one wants you.

Edgy McEdgerson the Ancient Evil probably brainwashed them or something.

I'm going to be honest with you guys, I'm actually looking forward to this. This is really reminding me of the Adventure and Heroes days and some of you may say that's a bad thing, but can't help but want to know what happens, that's how I used to feel with Sonic. It looks like Sega isn't playing it safe with the story that much like the ones we had previous.

Probably, but I'll wait till I get more info
No, nothing is confirmed yet. It's all simple speculation at this point like usual. Someone might point out the Eggman line to speculate a retconn but I can do the same and speculate that the Classic Sonic here is not the same one from Generations.

I'm so fucking lost.

I'm fine with him being here

It even hamfists together multiple playsytles like in Adventure!



It's mephiles, shadow is still a good guy

You're gonna buy it anyway, admit it.

>Original Buddy Donut Steel

Why is Doggo Cyan?

I thought he punked out like a bitch

Eh, it's alright

>yfw unveiled to be hiding a qt female hedgehog underneath

The villain's name is Infinite or Infinity

I hope Metalfag is happy.

At least Metal is back, I'll take it.

The fuck is up with Modern's mouth?

Fucking clockwork

Well, the game is going to have three playable characters: Modern (Boost) Sonic, Classic Sonic, and your own custom character. Sonic's friends reappear to talk to you during each level like Heroes, and Sonic's old villains return in full HD like Generations.

Up to speed?

Eggman actually looks menacing with that lighting

I want that new villain's mask




Is Modern & Classic Sonic and Buddy enough to defeat these nefarious foes?!

>Metal gets on the poster
Oh yes.

Jesus, way to be a dick, Sonic.

Its going to turn out to be your own character beneath the mask. This game is going to have the worst plot since 06, but at least I believe it will be incredibly fun to play.

Sorry, I meant more like "why?" with the new trailer reveal.

I'm still trying to be optimistic and happy for the game, but it's becoming more and more confusing.

I look forward to Eggman losing control and/or being betrayed yet again oh boy oh boy

>Frenzy Wispon

Same, thought my reasons for looking forward to it differ from yours

probably a vacuum gun?

Who the fuck cares? He's been the main bad guy enough for the past games.

If all of these things happened in Mania you people would go nuts.

I know it won't help but this dude's name is "Infinite"

Just...just throwing that out there.


That sounds familiar. Wasn't there a leak that said something like that?

We need a new antagonist. Make him like Sonic, but edgier.
We need a new antagonist. Make him like Sonic, but even edgier than Knuckles was
We need a new antagonist. Make him like Shadow, but even edgier.
We need a new antagonist. Make him like Mephiles, but even edgier.

This. Shit. Is. Fucking. Dumb.

This OC donut steel villain has some of the worst character design I've ever seen.

I must say, that was incredible. Although Mario being able to possess anything sounds kind of strange, I'm still glad Nintendo is trying to take more new and fresh elements to Mario than old stuff.

I'm not sure what to say. When I first got into gay bara stuff, it never ocurred to me the need to question myself on what was I doing. I never really thought on that, just that I love the stuff and that is it, even after I first found this imageboard.
Whatever the situation is on your own, I just want to say thanks for sharing the same taste as mine. Enjoy on having heartful thoughts of Rotor.

>Why are you here? You -should of- died with your game, no one wants you.

Considering Chaos and Shadow are evil again, and Classic Sonic is here, I'm assuming time travel is involved (and the reason why Zavok is also here; he got sent to the future at some point before the end of Lost World, but will eventually get sent back).

I'm ready for the fucktons of fanfics and fanart he's going to be in.

This will probably be the case, at least with the second sentence

Wait, why was this in response to me?

so any chance of more mania news today?


Yeah. Way back before the Party someone leaked that. Iirc it was very similar to the leak from SSMB albeit it did mention Ian Flynn being involved in some way (Basically fixing what was otherwise a broken script) and Mania being delayed for quality reasons

Worse than buddy?

Since the new bad guy sent Classic Sonic into the future (perhaps inadvertently), could he have somehow sent SA2 Shadow, Chaos 0, and Zavok into the future as well?

If there was I don't remember it, though it makes sense since the infinity symbol showed up at the end.
I quite like it though, looks legitametly menacing for a Sonic character

Apologies, I interpreted the fact that you find it hard to be optimistic and happy for Forces because of all the confusing elements as a negative criticism.

What does the new antag do? What are it's abilities?

You faggots better buy this game multiple times, or else we're going to have to deal with Colors/Lost World garbage again. I'd rather have this bullshit than that other dull garbage.


>Buy this bad game so we don't get these good, safe games again
??? Lost World was crap but Colors was good. I'd rather have Baldy Nosehair than fucking OCs and Mephiles 2: Now with more edge

Screencap this post, the next 3 threads will contain the word "edgy" at least 5 times, because Lost World wasn't a big enough hint for you idiots that Playskool Sonic doesn't work anymore.

So much for Tikal keeping Chaos under control. Guess they just threw that out the window.

Actually, from the looks of the mouth piece, that might be used with the Void wisp from DS Colors. Still uncontrollable

Off to a great start

But I liked Colors

Yes, I'd rather have more "bad games" like this than the garbage with no substance and cheesy ass jokes.

I wouldn't.

I miss when Sonic was edgy. I legitimately non-ironically like edgy Sonic.

Couldn't agree more

So you'd rather have bad games because memes than good games that happen to have 1 or 2 bad jokes

Screw you, man. "Edgy" Sonic all the way.

>get to kick Shadow's ass again
>Metal fucking Sonic
>motherfucking Chaos is back (Tikal also possibly)
>Zavok can fuck off
>Nazo tier OC villain
Jesus, what a clusterfuck this is going to be.

Every tone of Modern Sonic is shit, both the edgy games and the baldy mcnosehair games.

Classic Sonic is the only era that ever got the tone of the series down right.

Someone draw the nu villain unmasking themselves to reveal it's Bump