Auto Sticker General #291

Previous thread: >List of Vendors and Social Media

>/osg/ FAQ

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers

>Currently looking for:
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, Veeky Forums club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment (Specifically Vinyl Printer Equipment)

Other urls found in this thread:


imoutodreams is not ugly

imoutodreams a cute

Post feet

pls, don't meme me
this is the 4chins and im certain thats a boy

>a man, duh

imma need proof

Would love to see her feet

i was notified my car was used in this thread as op. bad angle desu because the previous owner got hella over spray on the grill
feels bad

One of the running theories is that imouto is actually a man, but the pics are his sister("imouto"). He's using her to promote his stickers.
Also, they do the incest alot.

I want to get on the sticker fun but feel a bit too old for it (I'm 27)

what are some of the more fun yet subtle stickers?

for reference I drive a stock WRX in wrb. so I don't want to look even more immature than I probably already do.

Nigga, who gives a fuck.
I'm 25 and got some shit on my stuff I shouldn't.
Aslo, this may seem like a good hiding place, turns out it's not. Shoulda put it on the driver side.

But, maybe check watracing, or opposing force, they got some stuff you might like. Also, Pretty sure there are some people with subaru related ones, I just don't know who.

Is there a discord?

w2c mid night car special
(I know that says WAT but I want Mid night)

Just finished designing my first sticker. Any feedback would be awesome~!

10/10 wincest
I came all over.

Next week we make imouto a BBW! ;3

Also what's the discord you neets!


Sauce on the sticker?

Is notori kill?

that's a one off user got made.

wat. he has like 3 versions.

wat, opposing force, backyard tuners, township racing & yummy might have something you like.

Get some new shots!

M8 I'm 27 as well and I'm pretty into stickers.

Don't have a pic of my car handy but I have a window with like 12 slaps on it

I don't know why but apparently my phone wanted you guys to see a picture of an evap hose for a Silverado

Hope so






How tall do you guys think the Mid Night banner is? Like 5" tall? Pic related since it would go on my R32

If you find a store that makes a good quality Mid Night banner, please let me know. I'd like to put one on my piece of shit R34.

inb4chan said he'd print it for me (if he answers his email), I'm just trying to get the dimensions

Ah, I see. He already made a custom one for another user, didn't he? I remember seeing a picture on one of these threads and it looked very good. I'll have to send him an email about it too.

I'm just gonna go ahead and rip off Hoon's designs and sell them 10 cents below cost.

Question to any and all creators/vendors here: do you ship to grorius nippon? I'm moving soon so I don't want to /osg/ my current daily drive, but I'd love stickers for whatever subaru or something I eventually buy there.
should I buy before I leave, or is international a-okay?

I ship USPS international for a dollar

Do it, I wanted to cop the impact blue but it's $11 a slap shipped.

osg code: HOONXOSG

No need already sent in the order into my printer. Gonna be selling them at 2.35 with postage included. They'll be up in a week

Kuma Merch I think.
Hey, that's me!
Discontinued but cncls.us

Once you're international the destination doesn't really matter as far as USPS goes, unless it's like Iran or North Korea. Just make sure you write your address down properly, makes it much easier for the vendor since nip addresses can be fucking weird.

user, email me at backyardtuningwi at gmail. I'll help you out.

Awesome, glad they got there so fast! I have my DWW on the back edge of the trunklid over the passenger's taillight

>inb4 reee'ing over putting stickers on paint

It's a 23 year old shitbox that I'll never sell, so it doesn't matter.

I average 40 orders a month. Obviously when a print run drops I get swamped with orders and then it slows down between runs.

you buy from me with a nip mailing address and i'll hand deliver it, but yeah intl is just a yes or no thing, country doesn't matter... i ship anywhere in the world for free

Yeah I figured it wouldn't be too bad since its a matter of letters over packages, thanks

See you eventually then, I'll be the one in a shitbox Impreza that thinks he's cool but really he just likes it even though it's mostly stock and not at all impressive [spoiler]Kappa[Veeky Forumsdoesnthavespoiler]

w2c this thot patrol slap

you're joking right? you do realize if you do this you'll be blacklisted?

Check out Project Hoon if you want simple / subtle stickers. Initial D stuff is really dope.

>caring about the blacklist
The blacklist is a meme that nobody even checks anyway, and Hoon is already on it.
I doubt user cares.

literally scum

>Implying I am the one doing it

Hoon threatened to do this last time with the whole "the People's Stickers" shit.
I find it ironic that someone is doing it to him.


Anywhere where I can currently get a snek sticker?

nigga that was some literal user who came in here to shit disturb that wasnt hoon loooooooool

Notori said he was busy, but that he was restocking some things soon.

Maybe ping him a message on IG to ask him to stock some of those?

finally got order confirmation

new stickers coming this week

I would get new shots if i was done making her look purdy
Hi senpai

fuwafuwa discount code?

hiya kouhai, your Z is looking good!




What's the discord??

I went back to find it some time ago, but it seems councils changed their site I think. Thank you the info.
I'm going to keep track in case they bring it back, cause they had a girls side along with the trap I have, but it was sold out at the time. I wanted to get it and stick it on the driver side door.

First in for saying loners crew is a little fucking cunt. Fuck him put him on the black list, that faggot is worse than hoon.

Howdy furenzu!
New stuffs up on site for preorder and a special lewd sticker with 5 choosable variations.
Have a good Weekend!

Show me on the doll where the jew touched you, Maho.

he is a asshole but he has design "talent" and does commissions for anons

What's wrong with loners crew? Ordered multiple times from him and there has never been an issue.

Hey senpai, wanna /ss/?

Idk even know if he's an asshole, he's sent me multiple free things, and the quality of his stuff was decent.

He seems about on par as anyone else here.

Thats not me, loners is a gud boi.


>you will never have a delicious onee-san to /ss/ with
Why even live?




didn't work


What did he do?

No one cares your stuff is shit and people only buy it because they take pity on you.

How does an autistic person such as myself get a shitty low res meme made into a sticker?

I'm looking into making embroidered cock hats. Plan to run a preorder and sell at cost.
What do you guys think: dad hat, flat panel, snapback etc?

No autism logo either.

such a fucking jew, trying to copy Ai

Why are people charging $7+ for stickers and also making us pay for shipping? Why are you falling for this scam?

t. too poor to afford nice things

Go to /hg/ if you want, I own an old and new NSX. I'll even go take a picture with your name on it right now if that's what it takes for you to tell me how you justify spending $9+ for one sticker.

Why does anyone need to justify why they buy shit they like?

If anyone else wants to make the cock hat be my fucking guest. I'm making it because nobody else is making it. I don't own the idea and it's not exactly an exercise in creativity, so selling at cost.

Most of /ourguys/ charge around $5 per sticker at most.

Honestly only Hoon and the other Instagram based stores charge more

I never pay $7+ a sticker, all the good vendors have discount codes for us. Which vendor are you looking to buy from?

Literally look at this He has a fucking code for us.

Do you have a discount code? Tryna buy big right now

>has a code to bring it down to the prices which other stores have without a sale.

No kidding. Imoutodreams charges $12 total for two stickers that, when combined, are roughly the same size as a regular slap. Notori and TwinCams and Loners and Speedmaster, Yumny and Cream and a handful of others charge easily $7+ for this shit. How much do these actually cost to make? Racingbeat and Injen and other stores charge actually $1 for the same product, instead of an anime design it's just their store name/logo. What's the deal?

If someone is happy spending $10+ anytime they want more than one sticker then that's just fine, the point I was making is that charging this much is fucking ridculous.

actually I charge $5 for OSG, and the dual layer was $6.63 which was an appropriate amount considering the extra cost to get it produced, roughly a $1.75 more than the other slaps.

I have an /osg/ coupon code to get those prices, it's "FUCKHOON" :^)

So? It's still $5 a slap you dumb fuck. Pick one of his cheaper slaps and use the code and get it for less than $5.44. A $6.66 slap, or a $5.55 slap. Don't forget Hoon also sends extras. He is literally cheaper than fucking most OSG stores.

Hoon sells Initial D slaps for $7.77 ($7 after 10% off), but for us that slap is $5.44. Its a special finish slap that most of osg would charge $6 for, so he charges $0.66 less for us than other osg stores.

Don't forget, Hoon isn't even liked by the osg vendors, he doesn't owe us shit, but he still gives us discounts and they're on the best slaps too.

>it's "FUCKHOON" :^)
That's not very nice, man

>best slaps
>>best slaps

don't get me wrong friendo, I have nothing against Hoon personally, but I'd never buy his stickers, even for $5.

They just seem too generic, and not worth the price to me.

More like fuck yourself because your slaps are shit and you have to give discounts to get sales, further you have to lie about better vendors than you to get sales, your life is shit.
And that's your prerogative, but other people spend $10 on one of his slaps, and other people spend much more.

Daily reminder that trolly was PERM BANNED for selling wat stickers for the cost of postage ONLY.
A couple days later inb4chan muscles into the market and has a banner up.. Now there is this shit fuck thread with literalwho newfags shilling their $8 weebshit stickers.

Mos pls remove this thread for violation of global rules... Oh wait, inb4chan is buddy buddy with the only mod on this board (longpostguy).

Trolly... Is that you? BUDDY WE MISS YOU COME BACK

I'm not lying about anybody, just voicing an opinion :^)

>Oh wait, inb4chan is buddy buddy with the only mod on this board (longpostguy)
Go back to reddit. Veeky Forums doesn't work that way

Your stickers are shit, just voicing an opinion :^)

Lmao. Clueless newfag.

and you're welcome to think that. no skin off my back.