Resume Review Thread-
Need to find a job. Any tips on updating/changing my resume?
Resume Review Thread-
Need to find a job. Any tips on updating/changing my resume?
Nice Resume Nicholas
Thanks user.
top tier wage cuck resume
you are a well trained doggie!
you sound upset
I mean, I owned my own business. How is owning your own business being a wage cuck?
one more bump
Shorten the executive summary, make it 3 lines long. Take some of those things you said in the executive summary and put it in the experience section.
since 10/2007 to present is your own business, I would straight up create a section and name it "Entrepeneurial Experience" And reduce the amount it takes up...
The dates are all fucked up.... 10/2007 to present? So you were working multiple jobs? Does not look so good if you want to get a job, I would call it: 01/2011-Present.
Get rid of the Core Competencies Section at the top, put that down at the bottom, put your education at the top. So:
Section 1- Executive Summary
Section 2-Education
Section 3- Entrepeneurial Experience
Section 4- Industry Experience (or w/e you want to call it)
Section 5- Skills/Core Competencies (if applying for american jobs- don't put core competencies)
I write resumes for my friends all the time, 3 people successfully placed in jobs, I had a consultant from a big 3 firm write mine for me a couple years ago, he gave me a lot of tips that I've held on to and that work... I can give you more or expand on some stuff.. You need to rewrite it as it stands, have more bullets for more important things etc.. Seperate your entrepeneurial stuff especially if you were doing it while working for others... It will look bad otherwise, and they will question your ability to stick to the job they give you.
Post an updated version... IT is kind of annoying that you "bumped" it 20 minutes ago while I was going through your shit, how much have you worked on your own resume in the last 4 hours?
I'm willing to give you shit I could get paid for for free on this forum, get to work user
Looks to me like you sound like a faggot and your shit is pretty retarded..
kek and he put his name and where he graduated from on this fucking forum.
but don't be a dick, nobody is hopeless user, nobody. I've had a particularly good day and feel like doing a good deed for someone but OP may be a goddamn idiot
I'm pretty ashamed of my atypical resume. Should I try to put it into some context in the cover letter?
>since 10/2007 to present is your own business
I only owned a portion of the business in my position as president
>So you were working multiple jobs?
Yes, though they were really more paid consulting projects that I did on the side.
Not many updates yet, I've been filling in applications all afternoon. Just taking notes on where I can improve it so that I can go through it tonight.
you should add locations to the job titles, but your gpa is really fascinating, you shouldnt have trouble finding a job.
Don't they all have locations? The Management consultant, president, plant manager, and office manager positions were all at the same place and all under the company heading, which has a location. You just can't see it because I blanked it out.
your shit is fucking unbelievable dude. are you like 40 or something? regardless hella impressive. god damn your that smart ass i used to beat up in school aint ya
Thanks user. I'm 31. I was always pretty decent at school. Had a bunch of academic achievements on there before, but removed them before I posted because I thought they were no longer needed 7 years after I'd graduated.
shit man im impressed by over achievers. how did u know what to do? when most people are partyin ? its like shit nigga i guess god gave a brain for a reason nawmean lelelellelelel
Eh, I wouldn't really call myself an overachiever. I did plenty of partying. School just came naturally to me. Unfortunately, being able to get a job hasn't. I can't seem to get anyone to respond to my applications or inquiries. Makes you feel a bit depressed and worthless after a while.
well shit be glad you got what you got under your belt. some of us don't got two shits to squeeze between our butt cheeks.
are you ugly or something? you'll be fine. just apply more. shit takes awhile amigo . good luck out there, and remember, throw some of us bums some change out there for us my nigga.
>are you ugly or something?
Yes. I'm also a manlet. Unfortunately, that seems to count for a lot in the professional world.
no man it doesnt. quit bein a self concious little bitch. do we have to go over this again? a 22 year old shouldn't be telling a 31 year old to be gettin his shit together. get yo shit togetha nigga
what in the fuck
Hey, how is it going OP, what do you think about splitting up the Experience Sections into two (One entrepeneurial, one industry?).
I really think you should because it is offputting to people trying to hire you like I said before. You don't want them to think you will be working on that while working for them. I wish there were a better way to communicate with you, or alternatively why don't you go somewhere other than this website for help?
Well, the only entrepreneurial position was the president one. All the rest with that company were as a regular employee.
I've posted on a few other sites and well, so I'm getting feedback from other sources.
Could I consider managing my family's business as "entrepreneurial experience"?
Been in school for a long time and I've realized that it isn't for me. I hate my major and I just hate my classes in general. I've thought abut trying to get a entry lvl desk job/HR job. I've seen some job opening in my area and the requirements are pretty low. I think I might try and apply for one of the positions.
Do you think I will have a shot?
I throw any resume that starts with "Results-driven" straight in the trash. I've only seen desperate people start off their resume with that. This is one of those "obvious" things that should be demonstrated in the rest of your resume, no need to mention it. Demonstrate in the rest of the resume how you have been "results-driven", and it speaks for itself. Can't even count how many times someone has made this claim, didn't demonstrate HOW in their resumes, gave them the benefit of the doubt and figured out they were fuck all in an interview.
I would, as long as you learn from the stubborn and stupid things a family business tends to do hah
Could you please take a look at my thread and tell me the best way to sell myself to a hiring manager:
>Languages - Malayalam
wtf, I had to google that.
So is my resume any good?
Saving this to use on my resume in the future, I didn't think about all the little shit working customer service means and how to reflect that on paper.
I'm not too sure your customer service experience will translate well to HR. I think it's probably best to get some more experience (administrative) that transfers across to ensure that you're employable.
I personally wouldn't take the chance of leaving full-time education for an HR job at with the current CV you have.
I take it back, yes, this should suffice to get an entry level administrative role but won't get you into HR.
Is that Calibri?
Use Arial, its formal without being Times New Roman-tier formal
I've read a lot of posts saying people get into HR without even a degree. Since the job posting I'm going after are all entry lvl, what do you think I could do to improve my resume and chances of getting the job?
May be dropping out of grad school, I don't know how to parlay this experience + no degree into some kind of non-minimum wage job.
My school told me that it was fine to use calibri
Also, What part of DFW are you from user and whats your favorite dish at Salt Grass Steak House?
Put your education at the bottom. Nobody gives a shit about this without proven results. Education only matters as a supplement these days. Take it from an user who is making 6 figures with a high school degree(yes I'm in IT.) Automation is the future, either get on board by creating it or managing it, it's the only chance you've got.
has anyone here got experience writing cover letters, in particular, writing cover letters for a finance job for someone who graduated as an engineer?
how does someone get a job in a field that has nothing to do with the degree they studied?
fuck off with the two page resume.
No one wants to turn over to the backside unless it is truly interesting
fuck that is already good enough, even graduated cum laude, and if you were finished B.A. by the age of 22 you were already 10000times better than me (switched college twice and still in college by the age of 24)
He's been out of school for 7 years. why the fuck would he put education at the top?
why is Veeky Forums full of retards?
I'm still in college and I'm almost 26. And I still have 3 years left
My classmates are like 12 y/o . It feels horrible
But only finishing it is the right move. Forward forward ffs
>completed credit card transactions to 90 percent accuracy
wtf does this mean? you fucked up the other 10 percent?
btw this resume is set up fine but the content sucks ass and wont ever get you a worthwhile job. That project is laughable and makes me believe business school must be easy as fuck. Like no wonder connections are so important because the education clearly means fuck all.
First core data like languages, DOB, place of birth, marital status, get rid of the summary which is full of buzzwords, keep that to the interview nobody pays attention to your marketing spiel. Core competencies is subjective and not backed by any data.
Then education always goes on top
>asks why would he put education on top, then proceeds to call others retards
Then Job experience, align and table that
Then additional training and diplomas, then awards this is where you consolidate your qualities with sugar coating anything
Then Interests
That's it, just data matters and don't try too hard because if your credentials don't speak for themselves any pep talk goes straight to the trash because that's meant for the interview
Use a standard serif font like Times New Roman or Garamond
That's because having your own business on a resume is a huge red flag for employers.
If you were truly a successful entrepreneur, you wouldn't need to be sending out resumes. Where did you fuck up?
Please don't tell me you are American because you know know nothing about building a resume here.
care to post an updated version?
I would not, unless you were the one who started it, or you did something substantial there.
Did you make an impact/start a service-line at your family's business that would not have been there without you? OR did you just work there because it was your Pops' business.
I would put the academic experience above the work experience, since you are shooting for a job in business not in Food and Bev, you need to tailor the layout of your resume to the positions you are applying for.
For example: my background is in healthcare and in research. When I was applying for pharma industry jobs- I put my research as the first section- when applying for healthcare jobs- I'd put a section titled healthcare experience at the top.
OP has an MBA and good grades from decent schools.
For you putting education at the bottom is fine since all you have is high school education. But an MBA, a fucking MBA?? That goes at the top, Summa cum laude, cum laude, that goes at the top.
Where you went to school matters a lot, higher degrees matter, an MBA counts as a year or two of work experience....
In general a CV has One page per 10 years of work, a resume should always be one page.
He has an MBA and excellent grades. I don't know why biz is full of retards.. But remember this: if you think everyone around you is a retard all the time.. you are probably the retard.
Languages goes at the bottom IMO, DOB, place of birth etc. is not required and could open the door for ageism if it is at the top/even on the resume
So True
No way he is an American, that shit should not be on the resume/languages at the bottom- only if truly proficient/ has working knowledge of a language.
Delete the summary. Nobody cares. Also put education before experience.
All I can say is I'm glad I'm in an engineering discipline where my resume can show demonstrable competencies.
>calls me a retard
>then says to put interests on a resume
top kek. You do not put education first unless you are a recent graduate or your work experience is trash you dumbass.
Putting interests on a resume or putting education before experience would be absolutely stupid.
No it would not be. don't put interests, but you have to put your education at the top. You have an MBA dude....
I'm starting to think you are just a joker, you should know better than this
t. elite BTC trader
Do I have a shot at a decent job or am I doomed to
mediocrity? My GPA is exactly between B and A.
I have literally no relevant work experience.
>green text in your resume
Guys I have a question.
I have a choice to use my universities influence for one of three internship positions.
The first choice is my unrealistic goal, an internship with Coca cola.
The second choice is my realistic choice. It's a Human Resources internship with the local government. Human Resources is an industry that pays a respectable salary and the work isn't demeaning.
Now for my backup choice, I have two options.
>Walgreens Management internship
>10 weeks
>14$ per hour (4$ more per hour than my current salary at my job)
>Presumingly retail management tasks (I currently work retail)
>Walgreens store manager median pay is 66k per year
>Digital/Social media and PR marketing
>Internship for a marketing agency in my area
>3 months
>Tasks include
Promote products and services through public relations and social initiatives,
Create social media content for clients and the company,Conduct extensive media outreach
,Coordinate scheduling and logistics
Executive summary and analytical reporting
Is "Social media marketing" a meme? Google says that median pay for a manager in this industry is 50k. Is this a growing industry? Is entering this industry a loser move?
Well it's LaTeX so I can swap the colors pretty easily, but I think having a bit of color livens it up, no?
PR marketing is top meme, I'm surprised its not all automated yet.
Management sounds good on the resume, and
so does Coca Cola, obviously. HR not so much,
its where business majors who are shit end up.
Don't use colour moron.
Thanks for the input user. Couldn't get a straight answer from google.
Ill go
>Coca Cola
>Walgreens management
Only a dead weaboo is a good weaboo
I would delete Farsi you terrorist
>no job expierence
>mfw youre probably late 20s
better start a business cause youre fucked. oh wait you live in commie sweden lmao cant do that either
I'm new to this resume shit, please rate and tell me how to improve it
Does anybody have a good source for templates? Looking for something that would appeal to PR/Ad.
Are there any ebooks about improving your resume?
There are a shit ton of different templates. Just find one you like.
Yeah but I want good ones. Like ones somebody made that you'd have to pay for but you can pirate it.
Also none of that tacky "X/10 Proficiency in Y" shit.
I want something that looks clear and unique, but still serious enough to use a serif font. There was a guy that posted in one of these threads months back with a gorgeous one with lots of division lines (hard to express how this looks).
Maybe I should just make my own…
how do you guys go about writing cover letters? you do attach a cover letter to your applications, right?
ayy my dude, did you happen to study japanese with a dude named eric at ISI?
Templates are mostly shit. Why can't you format one for yourself?
I actually work as a resume writer for an established companies, so many people bring in old resumes in shitty templates with all sorts of useless garbage on them.
How do you guys get through the shitty automated systems that trash your resume before it even gets to a pair of human eyes?
It depends.
Some job systems ask to separate it; others want it all attached. I have two versions of my resume just for that purpose.
Are there some jobs you can get without a degree? I've read that a lot of people get into HR without a single degree.
#1 -- The only thing that matters is what THE person looking at your resume thinks What what person hiring likes, another may think is awful.
As someone that hires software engineers, my opinion is that less is more. Be very judicious in your use of adjectives - i've seen worse, but this resume has a fair amount of filler.
Emphasize your most recent and relevant experience. For example... I don't know what job this person is applying for, but I would guess your time as an office manager/production assistant/marketing intern from 10 years ago is of zero consequence. Devoting nearly 1/3 of this resume to it is a waste of his time and the hiring managers.
Expand on "management consultant" and "president" sections. provide more details. I feel like there should be more to tell there.
Soft skills on a resume (at least from where I stand) doesn't help. I do want them, but you telling me you have them on a resume isn't helping you. I'll figure that out when we start talking.
from my experience that isn't they way it works. sometimes resumes are never looked at because of circumstances - but usually, human eyes do the "trashing."
CV Review Thread
Last thread is dying
are u srs
holy fuck my sides
son of a bitch why would someone make a new resume thread when there's one here that's been up for 3 days already
Help please.
Also, what kind of other jobs could I apply for with my degree?
What is the usual advice for somebody with little to no work experience?
Get work experience.
Alright, which job should I be gunning for that requires no work experience?
There is absolutely no need for your resume to be two fucking pages
> Header (name,ect)
Format it so it reduces space. Like image shown. Guess it doesn't reduce much space, but it is nicer.
> Summary of Qualifications
I feel like this isn't something needed at all, but leave it if you want. Remove fast typer. Unless youre going for a data entry job, this is a waste and its assumed you can type in 2017. The software could be placed into a software/technical skills section. Strong written and verbal communications skills... Just removed that. It's like you copied it from every job posting ever.
> Educational Experience
Remove the quoted bullet points. It looks bad and makes you appear to have no idea how to verbally communicate properly. See above.
> Work experience
This should go above any of the other experiences. It is what people actually care about.
Remove the bartender/server shit. It is a waste of space if you're applying to engineering related jobs.
> Awards
This is a good section if you are lacking actual experience.
> Overall
Clean up the summary of qualifications and educational experience. Move work experience higher. Get it to one page.
Have actual skills. Lie about experience. It is what I did after working a bullshit job for 2 years. Just be prepared to work hard when you actually get the job you want.