Fighting Games General /fgg/
Friendly reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
Friendly reminder that SFV and T7 are identically bad. Both have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, and sparse on features. They even share artificial load times. If you promote either of these games you're a fighting game community killing scrub equal to a Smash kiddie.
ty i almost forgot
I love Asuka Kazama
capcom won e3
Reposting for people who want it:
Keep your neckbeard away from my girlfriend
How does one go about being as cool as Harada?
I'll kick your ass Lili
>cell teleports for free
Wear sunglasses and let the facial hair grow a little?
there is literally nothing hype about this
SFV s3 should have dating sim elements
>tfw her showing off armpits win pose is not in T7
missed opportunity to take advantage of the sweat tech desu
Have good taste in idols
This is my wife.
(Not the black one)
aww u deleted it before i could report u :c
this looks alright but it's just not...engaging. thanos looks cool at least.
kys capgay
idolmaster is pleb shit you punk bitch
I guess I can't be surprised that I'm not impressed since its probably their first time playing the game. Then again, watching Combofiend do fly/unfly combos with Nova didn't do it for me either.
any dbz impressions i wanna hear how its bodying mvc
You think Japanese don't have skin pandering? I have no issues with it but you really are high on jenkem if you believe the have no pandering of that type?
I bet you think Otaku bait games are popular outside their demographic
Yeah, but maybe they'll give her something to compensate for it. Or maybe they'll give her the ability to do it in the final version.
She looks ok.
Whose tittymonster this is?
this desu
I don't get why all games don't have dating sim elements, I don't understand stuff like that
i sniffed ur wife
wut u gonna do fuccboi
>another e3 where nintendo vehemently denies the existence of a smash community as they shill for pokken and splattoon and arms
say that to my face not online and see what happens you little brat
iirc that's a normal for Cell only, no cancelling into it and it looks like you can't combo of it meterless.
I'm saying people do not care about sexual pandering to makesell a product in these countries and in western contries at large out side of vocal minorities
literally getting SFV: mahvel edition.
At least we'll only have to suffer for about 6 months
give us examples
quetzalcoatl from maidragon
Persona 5 Arena will save fighting games
Your favorite streamer aris call out marvel shills:
so to have fun with Tekken do you (personally) read and learn all the frame data through studying spreadsheets or do you just play and learn over time through trial and error, asking questions when you can't figure something out yourself?
she won't be able to be abused like she was in umvc3, come off it
After playing Tekken I have literally no reasons to ever return to 2D fighting games
Maybe I never liked 2D to begin with
Fuck that retard
>literally a basement dwelling neckbeard
Hey, can you please delete this comment? We're trying to be a Capcom general and you keep fucking it up.
I thought Frieza was a woman
Learn it over time through trial and error, unless you're absolutely serious about the game and want to be really good. Then you go memorize data.
How tf do I keep pressure off me as eliza.
Good. Those are way more respectable than smash players.
>tekken shill calls other people shills
>look at me im ignorant about a popular thing tee hee XDD
Trial and error. Only look up data or head to practice if one move is fucking you up specifically.
>being this much of a mad capcuck that you gotta talk shit on Aris
Well, time stone storm lets you throw out a ton of projectiles super fast. So with that you can bring back soul fist lockdown for a little while.
wonder woman
Please don't waste bandwith with posts like that
>that monitor
>no new smash game
>how dare they advertise new games
They do plently of directs throughout the year so have patience.
ok so liek ryu chun and cammy invade the sahdaloo base and then chun asks if you want to go right on a forked path with her or left with cammy, you get a third option for the gay hobo ending where they go together and scissor at the end while u walk away on a street at night, if u choose to go with either of them u get points and at the end whoever has the most points u end up romancing and u get to see ryus bare ass while he makes out with them
I couldn't even look at this with a straight face.
is fchamp the biggest capshill of all time?
Hot Coco
>harada figures out how to make Tekken patch on PC without making you redownload the entire game
capcom pls
>Talks shit about SFV in interviews
>Still plays in every tournament
Nah, he said Infinite looked like ass earlier today.
What was the objectively better system?
Focus attacks and ultras
V-gauge and crush counters
this really is going to kill marvel
That's yipes. Even fchamp said marvel models looked like shit.
I'd do something I hate or just reasonably dislike for money.
he's not shilling
wong and uyipes on the other hand...
Why don't you just go play your game and stop begging people to stop playing theirs?
in theory the v-system could have been something great, in practice they botched it hard
nah Yipes is shilling MvCI hard though despite its flaws.
Crush counters and assists
he has two memes revolving around twitter about the shitty graphics...yipes however is sucking every dick possible with justin wong
the game looks and sounds really cool. it'll be even better because I can play it with my normie friends that love db. I wish I could feel emotions because then maybe I'd even be really excited.
looks solid to me, shame about the ugly faces and weak roster
>Cell's destructodisk can hit him
this is my wife
say something nice to her
I don't care for capcom but I would like for asw to get their shit together with ue patching too.
This fake hype is just getting sad
Most people do. Most people don't enjoy their jobs.
I wasn't able to check this general when DBFZ was announced. How was the general reaction?
v gauge and crush counters by a country mile, it's just everything surrounding it, aka no defensive options.
she's not your wife shes a cartoon
you will never have a wife
you dont even like girls
Meant Frieza's fuck
Delete sfv
Make focus cost meter like every other roman cancel and remove ultras.
She makes my sniffer feel funny.
>he doesn't know real whores will be phased out in the next 10 years
lmao get fucked faggot
I'm calling the cops Mohammed
>harada can't figure out how to make a rematch without reloading the game
>xbox crashes in warmup and you still can't find matches, only favors sony
juu hachi
more like
cute hachi
>tfw this qt is stuck in nrs kusohell
that sucks man
I know Marvel is all about being broken, but everyone looks so broken it's kinda killing the last bit of hype I had left. I just hope there are no touch of deaths. It looks like one combo = half health which sucks.
whats mvci's comeback mechanic?
it'd be different if half of the pro players who talk shit actually placed consistently enough to make a decent living but many of them do not.