League of Legends /lolg/

Riven is a fucking loser edition


Old >179624775

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>Ahri got cucked by Syndra for the faker worlds skin.

She is truly the champion of cuckoldry.

two remakes in a row wtf

xth for Syndra

Faker could FINALLY give Syndra a barefooted skin but he went for a generic mix of Justicar and Atlantis Syndra


what's the point of being the best player if you have an awful taste?? Even his recall is dull af

xth for what have I done to deserve this


absolutely plebeian

nice subjective opinion there user :^)

He's like a robot, he gave up his soul to be the best player.

Even his sign is generic.

top xth for discovering that the queue timer goes over 60m now
how long has that been in the game?

How about we just remove this anti-fun champ from the main game?
I'd be perfectly fine with her being the rotating Ascension boss over Xerath and never being playable ever again.


also comfy bfs~

Is anyone else getting random lag spikes?

I just lost a totally winnable game because two of my teammates were at 300+ ping and then later I spiked.

One person on the enemy had 100 ping instead of his usual and another just random spikes.

Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.

Then play a jungler who is oriented by objectives like shyvana or nunu

Play shyvana with exh and smite and do drk at lvl 3-4

You can also gank easily with her if u use exh correctly


>those glass-breaking bullet sounds
>the rose petal particle effects
>the k-pop Jhin theme for the recall
>the wings for the ult
>skin itself looks like some kind of end-game Dark Souls armor set

All it needs is the k-pop theme for the ult duration and it's good to go.


>No meme recall like the other skins
Faker doesn't like fun

>he didn't get his PBE account while he could



200% Patrician

Is the Bork passive damage converted into magic on Corki?

I love walking it sounds like THUNDER!

Zed nerfs anytime soon?

>best ship still not unretconned
Oh shit already? Nice

tfw you are so much ahead you penta them as adc in 2k17 lul before 20min

Udyr question:

no, it's onhit damage

Olaf is Thor now
>skills now give long-range thunder effects that drop down from the sky



>Double kill the enemy botlane
>Your jungler is clearing his botside camp so you tell him to come over to share turret fb and get the turret fb faster
>He recalls
>You get turret fb and share it with your adc
>3 minutes later your jungler complains he's too behind

really refreshes your cooldowns

actually what it needs is some way to make the second part of the gun not just hang there off of his model when he reloads

that shit looks so stupid

>>the k-pop Jhin theme for the recall
Ill just stick with the good ol base skin

It's obviously a glitch that they'll fix.

Same with the ult music remaining the same too, I bet. It's PBE after all, Riot usually polishes the skins in some way or another before their final release.


i guess i gotta start playing jhin now

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

You don't wanna have a little bit of fun? It's just for the recall after all, nothing major.

Either way, we still have classic and Blood Moon for the 'serious' skins.

Don't talk bad about junglers here, people here seem to think the jungler is never wrong. But when you get a stupid fucking jungler you get a STUPID fucking jungler. People with no knowledge of the game and when to go for drake or baron and have no map awareness should not be allowed to play jungle.

Diana buff when?

She was my best champion. I got my only ranked pentakill on her. But in this meta she sucks as a jungler because her gank pre 6 is garbage and everything si so early game focused now. Akali is better than her in every way. I hate this rotating between akali and diana, why can't they both be strong at the same time?

>playing anything other than range mages and tanks

>they actually made an interesting theme out of such a shitty character

nice I might actually play him now

Monthly reminder to stay motivated in your life!


git gud and play her mid
watch arcsecond

This girl comes down and smacks your bot lane on the ass. What do you do?

I got my first pentakill ever on my very first game as Diana. I immediately fell in love with her.

Trust me user.
You don't want to right now.

You really, really don't. It's not worth it. Just wait until he becomes semi-viable again, at least.

but what's funnier is that I mained jungle for almost the entirety of my legolegends and now I just don't understand why other junglers dislike things handed to them on a silver platter

I want to hug Koggles!



>lose lane
>win game

t-thanks I g-guess

Old Soraka or new?

they're both shit

didnt he just get buffed?

I think its a good time to pick him back up again, especially with new lethality item buffs coming

>olaf is a shitty character

t. short beard and thin belt buckle

there was an inbetween, soraka didn't look that ugly before her VU
also yeah I'd take her VU anytime of the day, but her old kit was funnier (without the self-mana of course) and honestly easier to balance, they could have just gutted her numbers with side buffs

i want to go swimming in you.

In my country we say "del maiale non si butta via nulla, neanche il sangue" translated is "of the pig you dont toss away nothing, not even the blood"

The one with the massive horsecock.
So both of them.

Nah, the buffs aren't enough to save him in the current meta imo, especially when his real issues are his itemization/mastery nerfs, stupid passive reloading times, lack of mobility and abysmally slow attack speed.

Sorry to necro, but I commission Afro as much as physically possible. They have really limited slots.

>g5 hardstuck rednekton otp posting unfunny webm of a boring play

>Jhin's recall reminds to of the kpop band where my homosexual demons rest
I can't escape faggotry

you all in with half hp dummy

it's not supposed to be funny or entertaining

d4 series bets ! ! !

t. numale

I like them but he goes overboard with some things desu

Hey /lolg/ just dropping by to show off my wife Taliyah. I'd like everyone here to boost her self esteem, since it's a tiny bit low, by saying something nice about her!

You are le only constant


you lost

You're the worst!

I want to fuck the snail.

>tfw still no graves bf

New obviously

shes extreamly skilled at sucking dicks to make friends

but numales love short beards and hate belt buckles

look at this, does this look like a numale to you

condemn her to her own ult

always trouble!

how do you faggots downsize a webm?

Why are you trying to show her off? Trying to sell her or something?

By developing a positive mindset user

Do Elise's spiders count in terms of reducing tower's armor?

Like what? I'll consider criticism for the next commission

take off the helmet, put on some thick rimmed glasses, and yes he would be a numale

beards, fedoras, and vapes is the numale starter pack

use webmforretards and set up a max file limit (use 2.9 mb because if you set 3 mb he'll make a 3.05 mb file just for shit and giggles)

Also remember to reduce the resolution of the webm, it helps a lot

Shitty headcanon pic

h ow

The Alpha-male has arrived.

Deja vu!
I've just swam in this place before

No I just like to show people my beautiful wife.

I'm on nofap so I don't really want to review each pic
In the first crop you linked the gape is really too much, the other version has just the giant dick on the way, and in the end you don't see much of irelia
the last one (which you linked just here) is all good but the lip looks a bit odd since her lips were nothing special in other pics
He seems inconsistent with how well he draws tits

>People who complain about champs like Fiora while shit like Darius is allowed to exist who outdamages, outsustains and outtanks 90% of top laners while barely building any damage

Ecks dee

Cut negative ppl, go to your city, earn friends, do some interactions with them, get a gf, try to be successful in your job, do some sports, get money, do everything you want.

Head up, stop being insecure and develope yourself, life is short.

oh and smile a lot

Literally just kite his slow ass you silver-surfing idiot.

>Not perma-banning Darius
Step it up fampai. I haven't let a Darius through ban phase in months.

theres a huge difference you dipshit

juggernaut was a fault and riot is converting it into muh cc and sustain braindead nu-tanks

Why is Akali clingy? She's more like a zero commitment girl that's so invested in her work that she'll grab an efficient quickie with the first guy that meets her standards when she's feeling randy, then quickly go back to her duties after the nuisance has been dealt with.


Yes, Darius actually takes skill to play well since he doesn't have infinite mobility and can parry every CC