How does such a shitty vehicle get past production?

How does such a shitty vehicle get past production?

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how did such a shitty sperm get past your mother's cervix?

cheap cars have cheap build quality

Did you mean past development?

>door seams
>bumper seams
When did this meme become the new Shitpost, all cars have these.

pushrods are trash

well, at least they've won le mans 4 times. something ecoboost and rotaries can't do.

>class wins

Because they are the AMERICAN features.

>class wins

>doors how do they work?

ohc has won le mans more than pushrods

>that retarded subject deflect


What is your flaming autism, my post has to do with the body seams being normal on all cars

>I don't understand thermal expansion gaps, the thread.

>thermal expansion gaps

They should've put some near the engine tbf

>most track-ready Corvette
>overheats in the parking lot

even fucking motortrend said that it was too unreliable and they couldn't get consistent results.

Let's be honest though. We've all been stuck behind a Corvette in traffic. People buy them just so they can dickishly show off all the wads of cash they had to spend on a high performance car they never intend to drive faster than 30mph.


Please post the video. I want to see freedomfats get blown the fuck out.

hefty ziplock bags

Someone saved my old ass bait images
Fucking love it

that just the zo6 and apparently the cts-v is fine despite using the same supercharged engine.



Why the FUCK do people complain about plastic body panels? They're lightweight, don't rust, and are dent-resistant. No shit they flex they're plastic.

>gm build quality

they have plastic waterpumps in their superior cars

sounds like my e92

did OP get his bus pass revoked again?

yep better get rotary cause pistons are pushing on rods.

They don't age well either.... I mean none of the newer muscle cars do. Just looks at the new model muscle cars when they first started rehashing them. I valet at a strip club and one of the girls would have me run and get her shit in hers it was constantly having problems and aged fucking horribly. New model stingray sunvisor wouldn't stay up. Steering wheel and interior fading already. Door electrical prob wouldn't think it was closed so window didn't go up all the way and would rain on the inside and sense it didn't think it was closed wouldn't lock. Literally got stuck in the middle of our parking lot one day because it couldn't shift out of any gear. Autotragic stick would move but couldn't engage anything. It's a fucking uncomfortable cheap electrical nightmare.... and I want to like chevy products I really try.

Oh fuck and don't get me started on the camaro. I don't claim to be an expert on cars as a valet. But after driving and parking many cars I can honestly say it's pretty fucking hard not to nit pick those pieces of trash.

>be American
>make body panel plastic
>get laughed at
>be German
>make engine accessories plastic
>claim superiority

Americans are subhuman.

Federal bailouts?

OP's opinion is trash and he deserves to be burned and buried with the trash.

Because we understand the benefits of plastic body panels?

sperg more

No, because we have indoor plumbing.
It calls up devils, don't you know.


nah senpai


Because they know the oldfag boomers who buy them will be too blind or stupid to notice.

ich 2h2bs

That would be fine if they didn't cost more than a 911 Cabriolet or Aston Martin Vantage.

Reminder Ford owe $5.9 billion to the us government.

are you playing the 'new car' versus '10 year old car' goy card?

corvette > *

But that gov true not billion, but no

OP, that car has been in a wreck, they blended onto the right quarter and reconditioned the rear bumper as well as the deck lid- they don't come like that from anywhere but fucky body shops.

Post one new base model Porsche (anything) from a dealer website for less than 50k, I'll wait.

Comparing Corvettes to Porsche is like comparing your mom to a supermodel. The Porsche is just way out of the Corvette's league

How does such a shitty thread get so many replies?

>tries to trigger GMfangirls
>ends up triggering himself and 75% of Veeky Forums
>still no booty blasted GMfangirls

How is Veeky Forums somehow the easiest and hardest board to troll..

Lets just say there is a reason we call eachother Veeky Forumstists

But the guy he was replying to did compare the Corvette to a Porsche.

You really aren't smart are you

Can we all just agree that owning a dodge is a last stand for implicit white identity?

There's no fucking "trolling" Jesus christ. It's just image spam and some shit text vomited out along with it.

The zo6 almost get two time more power(when it actually work) you get what you paid for.



>yes goyim, buy cars that can't turn, they are very manly, it's good ol' american brute force...
>*gives every left wing death squad a fleet of miatas and MR-Ss*


>much narrower than a OHC v8(why v8 Miata's don't use Coyote engines)
>better fuel economy than any car of equal power

>tfw Miata would just stall if you tried to escape through an antifa mob

Spotted the assmad GM fangirl apologist

Hnnngg dat green

Post more best color
