American """""luxury"""""

>american """""luxury"""""

Other urls found in this thread:

>european """""luxury"""""

>blow multi million dollar cars the fuck out in a quarter mile

Tesla is well liked in Europe so regardless of how shit the interior is especially for the price Tesla has found their suckers much like BMW and Audi.

Lol, that shitty tesla steering wheel looks like a golf mk4's basic wheel.

>lose to a 3k civic in the twisties
>get overtaken on the highway by a v8 beater truck
>can't even perform its one claim to fame, the 0-60, without having to stop and recharge after 2 pulls

That interior is very nice IRL

>asian """""""""""luxury"""""""""""""""



Damn Infinity looks like THAT??

And yet has more torque and is fun to drive.
It's almost like you can't just throw off retarded comparisons.
Have you been in one?

Yep, it's like Nissan hired alien designers with a very vague sense of what humans consider luxury.

High torque is common to all electric cars, it's nothing exclusive to Telsa.

And no, a fat straight-line pigmobile that can only do 2 0-60 pulls before needing a recharge and sucks by every other metric isn't fun.

not a luxury car

the i8 interior is great.

Does this look like a luxury car to you?

BMW is a luxury brand.

That right vent looks lonely

>starting at $44,000
Shit you can get a 4 series for less than that


Those cars are both maximum comfy my dude
The only bmw that came close was a 6 series, which costs more and seats 4(nani?)

Test drive them and you might sing a different tune

>bmw is a luxury brand

they make luxury cars but they're not entirely about luxury
a luxury brand would be bentley or RR

so Mercedes is not a luxury brand too.
You are retarded user.

the same can be said about audi
luxurious cars don't exactly mean luxury brand
the phaeton is a good example for this

Does this look like a luxury vehicle?

Does this look like a luxury vehicle?

do they still make tractors?


Lamborghini Trattori is a separate company.


But audis are luxury cars in general.
It's a luxury brand, it's not a Honda or Toyota after all. Same with BMW or Benz

>Audi is Luxury
>Acura and Lexus is not


well yeah but you can't really call an a3 or whatever a luxury car
sure it'll be nicer than a a corolla but it's still not a proper luxury car

by definition Audi/BMW/Benz are luxury.
No matter if they sell cheap cars they are luxury brands in general.

>this is what dumb amerifats actually believe

t. burger

lol please

Yeah, this may look like a parts-bin economy car, but I assure you Audi only makes luxury cars!

And here's the interior, made with only the finest recycled fabrics and foam plastic.

It's easy to hate tesla, especially because of the lefties that worship the brand, but I actually appreciate what they are trying to do (especially self driving cars, so soccer moms won't kill so many ppl anymore...privatizing the space travel industry is great as well).

i am eurofag.
audi is a luxury brand.
VW/Opel/any jap brand besides lexus is not luxury.
Audi is a luxury brand in general despite the A1/A3

That's fine and dandy, but no one is arguing that. We're simply saying that luxury brands can still make cars that aren't luxury cars.