Australian track days

What the fuck is wrong with Australia? I got myself a nice little car, and all I wanna do is go have some fun on a track somewhere, but there are fucking none around!
Sure, go down to Phillip Island, pay $400, and have some fuckwit bogan ram into the side of your car, which he isn't liable for and insurance won't pay for.

The best I've got is going to the topmost level of a rooftop carpark at a local shopping center at 11PM and throwing my car around it, but where the fuck else can I go?

I just wanna have some nice calm time on a track to myself without anyone crashing into me.
So many tracks have shut down in the last half century, there's gotta be some that are abandoned and haven't been replaced with something else.
Or just a fucking abandoned bunning car park. A fucking go kart track or something, I've got a Prius C for fuck sake, I don't need much space.


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you sound like youre in vic, so, badluck

only legal motorsport is Calder park drags or through a club
but depending on your car, fuck clubs

only decent one is my mate has a renault megane, went there in my vy SS wagon to have a go in his car, and while I was there they told me to have a go anyway if I wanted

Look for an autocross event club near you. I was looking at one in the ACT and it looks to be around $40/day plus racing license, car maintenance, etc.

Generally to qualify your car for autocross you just need to have a sticker on the tow point and battery location, and a fire extinguisher.

Only bad side is that most of the time it is a dirt rally sort of scenario, so not really something I would be that interested to take my car on.

Only solution is to leave Australia.

I've had some fun at Norwell and Mt Cotton in QLD. Find a track you want to visit, see which clubs are running track days and sign up before the next one. If it's not competitive you probably won't need a CAMS license.

Where I live a track day is anywhere from 450-900 for 20 mins you got it easy Aussie

I don't know the actual prices, but a friend of mine once wanted to bed his fancy brakes in and needed a track to get up to speed, so he asked me if I wanted to come along and share the cost to split the track time.

20min away and it was like $50 or something to not care about for the chance to wreck my car on a track for lols.

Where I live a track day is $100 for a couple hours

>only tracks in my province require lifelong country-club-esque memberships at exorbitant prices

Consider yourself lucky you're not Canadian.

>tfw estonia
>tfw weekly car meets in all cities
>tfw weekly streetrace meets in all cities
>tfw club races 3 times a month in summer
>tfw all tracks within 3 hour drive for majority of population
>tfw 20 eur an hour 10 after first hour to track
>tfw entire market flooded with bimmers for a track car that you can buy and build with money found from couch
honestly underrated af country

Tracks are a meme. Clubs are a meme. Cover up your plates, take your car a fair way out of the city and go for a hoon out in the boonies.

Anything "official" or seeking to be is going to be grossly sanitized and snobby to boot.

Go to hillclimb tracks you fucking retard.

>honestly underrated af country
apart from it being a former soviet country


So what the fuck is your problem then?

Country VIC fag here.
Travelling hours and paying hundreds just to spend more hundreds on track days isn't appealing. if you're in VIC I strongly recommend DECA days at shepparton.
otherwise, find quiet hooning spots and go nuts. "doing it properly" involves a lot of lifestyle variables... May as well be a smart hoon because you're probably technically a hoon like all of us. take reasonable precautions, chuck a good diff in the car and go nuts.

so you have car meets in sydney like they do in SoCal? Im visiting it soon and Im wondering if its worth going

>Only bad side is that most of the time it is a dirt rally sort of scenario
So no smooth drifting around 180 degree corners at 200km/h, yay.
>you sound like youre in vic, so, badluck
From what is saying, more like
>you sound like youre in aus, so, badluck
I'm tempted, but that shit's all straight roads
I'll check them out, cheers

My rellies are all farmers and have massive paddocks, so I can fuck around in them, but it's not the same as a track.

At this point I'm tempted to buy a massive block of land down in gippsland or some shit and just make a dirt track, and if anyone wants to race around it they can just show up whenever and go for it.

Fuck this, how many people do you think would chip in $1k each to get a lifetime "Fuck around and do whatever you god damned want" membership?
I'd buy it outright, but I've just dumped my savings in other investments

And just as I'm looking for cheap land, I see this on google maps, right next to a block.

Invest in a swag or hammock or something. There's a few really quiet twisties an hour or two away with good camping spots, so I fang the titties off it in the evening, camp up and have tea, and repeat in the early AM before I bugger off. Midnorth coast of NSW though, so may be different for you.

PROTIP: find reasonably responsible car friends, camp out, throw a barbie, have fun

I've got the same problem here In WA. Options in Perth are:
Barbagallo - Always in use when open
Ellenbrook - A gravel 0 shaped track
Collie - 2.5 Hour Trek to drive to no E85 near the area

Get into rally instead.

Man I know this feel, I'm in Vic too.

Best solution is to just find a bunch of nice roads and drive them early morning or something. Even then chances are you'll get stuck behind a fucking nanna doing 40 on an 80k road.

I'd recommend the roads up to Sassafras, a lot of the roads near Yarra Glen, especially old Healsville road that goes past the Choclatiere, the roads up to Kinglake from St Andrews, or some of the backroads around Whittlesea is you wanna go fast or time yourself in 0-100s or something.

That's all I got dude. I like around the northeast suburbs so that's what I know. Don't bother with a club unless it's established or they're for odd cars like the MR2. My friend's in the MR2 club and he says it's pretty good because you have to be a bit weird to own an MR2, so everyone has some good common ground and it's pretty entertaining. Other than that Melbourne car clubs are a meme.

Stay strong dude, you can always find something to do. What do you drive btw?

I think he's meaning 'former' implies lots of corruption, garbage infrastructure, and general poor quality everything.

I wouldn't know personally, only place I've ever been to that wasn't 1st world was Thailand as a kid.

>I've got a Prius C

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