A/c delete

>a/c delete

Other urls found in this thread:


>deletes at all
Don't do this unless it's a dedicated track car you have no plans to sell. Only acceptable deletes are rear seats in a 2+2 and the spare tire.

>everything works!
>no ac

>engine delete

>steering wheel delete

>direct exhaust injection

i live in the PNW. i don't need AC

>not deleting a/c, power steering, switching to electric water pump, electric fans for maximum gains
>not deleting brake booster for maximum cams
heh, too slow kid...
But seriously, probably worth 30-50 horsepower

>depowering a ps rack and not replacing it with a manual one

miata fags are the worst

>radio delete as a new car option
>it costs more than leaving the radio in

You can depower without replacing with a manual rack, doing it the right way is a little more involved than simply removing the pump and draining the fluid, though.


>not just saying removed, or removal

fucking autists i swear lmao

I deleted my AC gas thinking I had trapped air in the heater core. Oh boy, I learn every day.

I would say deleting over removal requires frabricating or putting in a new system that is required to make it work instead of just removing it. Anything you take off the accessory drive is going to change the belt dimensions, hence the pulley delete kits

>4 wheel drive

That usually how it's presented on option/build sheets though, for things that are normally standard equipment like radios or badging. This one is a 1972 Chevelle with "BW1 DELETE RR ORN" to not have any badging on the back.

>tfw your car is such an old, base model shitbox that it came with neither AC or power steering

You children think of business on such a small scale.

You think a de badged car, or a car without a radio would be cheaper because you perceive it as simpler because it has fewer parts.

Consider manufacturing. You're demanding a worker who can comprehend and execute specific instructions, when a worker that can just do the same thing over and over again till time ends is waaaay cheaper.

Variation from the norm.is expensive I'm manufacturing. Hence the optioning of a new car.



Pay attention in school, child.

Are you drunk

>transmission delete

>airbox delete

>truck is so old it never came from the factory with seat belts
Legal in Kentucky to not have seat belts if it wasn't factory standard

>not doing chrome trim delete
>not doing muffler delete on a V8 or I6
>not doing front license plate delete if you live in a commiecuck state

>brake delete

>camshaft delete

>the box said 10 horsepower

>oil delete

>cat delete

>implying we don't have hot and/or summers

>if you delete everything, then everything works

>you will never know the purity of a 987 Boxster Spyder with A/C delete and radio delete

>ps delete

My Ute is currently half way through a paint job delet

>coolant delete

My car tries to give itself an oil delete every day.

I swapped out my power steering fluid for transmission fluid, because according to my garage scale tranny fluid is lighter.



deleted my a/c this week to keep my compressor from smoking. Windows down, all around town.


>gf delete

come on dude wtf im not gAY


WAT engineering's technological secret to success.

air filter delete

I did this once and told her to sit in the back.

She was not pleased.

>Implying you don't have windows


bumping only for sick party hat

came here to post this

I just recently removed my AC and power steering. The ac hasnt worked in the ten years ive owned the car so i said fuck it!

Bretty gud.

>Frog Spaghetti says his C5 is a racecar because it has no a/c
>the C5.R and C6.R have a/c

why is your girlfriend the passenger seat

Just get a belt to bypass a/c

>the genie is ready

>driver delete

I depowered my steering rack. Now the only things driven by the crank are the water pump and alternator.

>driver delete

>driver install

Veeky Forums is the funniest board on Veeky Forums no homo

In all honestly I think that's a tie between /pol/ and /co/. Just my opinion tho

Implying you even need a/c. A/c is alright to have but there is never a situation where you actually need it.

>roof delete

A delete usually involves making it look like the thing was never there.

Underrated Kessler

Underrated Kessler

>camshaft delete

>turn delete

>ford modular delete

>Chris who? Anyways, can I interest you in pneumatic valve timing?

>tire delete(s)

>this is how spics treat your car when you drop it off for service

>delete delete

>doing any of these mods

>rim delete, rotor is where you get the most traction & power

>delete axle/rear/

fuck forgot image