/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Take your fucking meds Edition

>Stormblood Launch Trailer

>Pre-Order FINAL FANTASYR XIV: STORMBLOOD? (Early Access Begins June 16th)

>New Features, Jobs, Skills, and Changes Coming in Stormblood

>Callback Campaign for Returning Players

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells

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>yfw team Primal won the Aether cup

first for monk suicide pact.

I'm going to marry an elezen~!

Will RDM be good? I like how it sets up on my bars but im worried its got garbage AoE.

Not as garbage aoe as sch.

xth for knowing I can beat up any shark in Othard's ocean.

I don't fish under waterfalls or in baths (because the game won't let me) you're safe in those places.

So who is REALLY gonna die in SB and is not just trailer bait?

xth for be sure to stock up for Stormblood Early Access weekend, get those groceries early!

Me too never

It's alright. It might have MP issues, especially when executing AoEs. Very much the opposite of the other two casters.

Bard or MCH in SB?

Who would ever want to marry you

SMN isn't going anywhere dawg
We're good doing single target
We're good at doing AoE
We have a steady mana refresh and can raise
We flexible as fuck boi

all set.

Did Kaori find a special person to duo with?


Gimme the top 5 "DPS jobs I'd like to see in my dungeons to make them go fast" for 4.0

all sam will be the new meta.

Anyone who said SMN is bad now is just uninformed. The nerf that mattered was Bane but it affects SCH a lot more.

Post your character!
and then...
Post theme song!
and THEN...
Post your apartment or house!


Didn't your dumbass say you weren't playing SB

I would but I'm on Hyperion

>first big game release that i took time off for
>still haven't done any grocery shopping or prepped any meals
>have no idea what "gamer fuel" is
>realize i'm a filthy normie


Please... more Kaori and Banana tums... Daddy needs this...



Good on ya. I'm doing my shopping tomorrow.

For stormblood MSQ & Leveling? But we've always been a duo for that!

I know this is bait and more bait will follow but my previous statement was I wasn't convinced to pre-order prior to combat changes live letter last month, and that live letter convinced me enough to want to preorder and play at launch.

Wait am I missing something here?


Ain't got no place of my own.


You pretending the bane nerf is the end of the world when they get lot more AOE later on.

Hey fuck you for stealing my samurai battle theme you fucking ogrebeast.

So we're stuck with your dumbass for another expansion?

Great. Thanks. Can't wait to see more of your diaper shit. Appreciate it.

They can do Akh Morn now. Twice.
BLM is better at AoE now though, I think.

Faster enkindles, and 2 akn mourns every 2 minutes on top of a deathflare every minute.

bait that refuses to filter or is too autistic to do so

It's obviously a monk theme.
Here's your samurai theme.

Making Enochian easier wont make me like BLM Yoshi. Its just wrong.

beware the bait

you can thank chemo/yourself for that then until you learn how to filter, friend

It's ok to get some snacks & soda/sweet drinks, but don't neglect water and nutritional foods such as fruit and vegetables!

Mado, please, just ignore them.


I'll bite this bait

what is there to do with a day left

Any reason maintenance needs to be a fucking full 24 hours?

>nutritional foods such as fruit and vegetables!
That way the poop in the diaper can be extra firm, thanks for the fetish tips Mado!

>hurrr he doesnt force his fetish xd

No, that's all I knew about, didn't know if any other skills made up for it
Makes sense, thanks.

At this point Enochian is nothing. You can just pretend it doesn't exist and you just make sure your Astral/Umbral stacks don't drop or else you lose the effect.

Because its the start of a new expansion you fucking idiot. Probably some important stuff going on.

This has to be ironic...

suck me

BLM still feels sluggish in general. Maybe I just dont like cast times at all.

Just a piss-poor company. Guarantee there'll still be major issues.

>hyur farmboy goes adventuring

t. Someone who literally has never done any project, ever.

WoW can do maint before expansions in a few hours.

Your move.

need sauce

Of course it is. Most of the spells you'd be using have long-ass cast times.
Might as well play SMN which has mostly instant ogcds or better yet, RDM which makes the next spell instant after hardcasting one.


WoWs a shit game that hardly adds in any content with its expansions.

Your move.


And blizzard has a gigantic team that can be allocated towards implementing a new expansion.

This is like saying: "wow McDonalds can expand so easily and quickly, why can't this brick and mortar store do the same?"

Shut the fuck up and take some classes you fag.

lol... you xiv fanboys are nuts

do you do alts

Will RDM be very mana heavy?
I have a feeling when shit hits the fan and they have to use their utility heal/res they might start to falter

>tfw went the other day

I'm rip roarin ready to charge up

You do know Square Enix is one of the biggest game companies around, right? This is some weak fucking bait.

This isn't an argument.

Very big fan of coming of age stories and the daily troubles of an individual like not being able to find a decent pair of socks, one day i'll get the stones to RP him.

Its not an argument, it's just fact.



Why is this catboy wearing a skirt?

RDM has like 14400 MP with the AF gear, and the spells you'd usually be using costs like 360 then 600. RDM would be pretty scarce in MP after like 10-15 minutes maybe.

the air feels good down there

Why aren't all catboys wearing skirts?

You should know that the majority of SE's team is not involved with online gaming. It does not compare to the size of Activision - Blizzard. Even a glance at fiscal reports can show you that. You can't just shift a ton of developers to backend development and expect them to seamlessly know how to do backend development.

It's astounding how frail your argument is.

Who the fuck is Taletta Fluffytail and why do they have to be so annoying? I picked this game up again a week ago and they've done nothing but grate on my nerves in the novice network the entire time. Can you block mentors in there or does it autokick you?

>tfw will never see spider in an instant loss2koma pic

Easy access. Just lift up the skirt and make him bend over. Catboys are slutty af

>that pose
>those earrings
>book looks like a handbag from the angle
This is pretty gay.

Wtb more spider and Kaori pics.

You can black list him. Make sure to black list Guffy Guffs too he's another dick

Except that the majority of SE's team IS involved with online gaming (and pachinko).

I can expect a company to hire competent devs that know how backend systems and optimisation work.

Your defence has so many holes in it, but there's two giant calamity sized one's for you.

Same, especially the two shitting in fresh and fluffy diaps

would you ever do ooc lewd with a girl?

>early groceries
Nah, I plan to go Thursday and do all my tedious shit Thursday after work so I can crash out, wake up, and begin the Samurgrind.
Krile or Urianger.

Stop forcing your fetish chemo.

What are you looking at fatty

>Krile or Urianger.

Is PotD the only thing that will be worth doing for samurai and redmage? I have a ton of leve allowances and there is daily dungeons and shit too I should do right?

You definitely should work on it 2bh. It's refreshing to see characters that are just simplistic while also being entertaining and/or interesting. I'm looking forward to how you'll flesh out your character.

He's at the point where he says he isn't gay even though he erps with other men

Nigger he would buy you gifts

don't be mean to fatcat

eh maybe

Reminder that if you play on PS4 during Stormblood, you will be automatically kicked from every raid group.

No time for shitters and laggers.


tell him to go eat some balls

Aether needs a tank for Aetherochemical, ours left as soon as it started.


I liked Urianger better when he was voiced by Gideon Emery and before Moenbryda was a thing.

I feel like Krile is probably going to die to give Unukalhai more development.