Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

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>The event begins during the week of June 13, and lasts until June 26

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Varian is the best hero

Li Ming is a cunt and I fucking hate her, what heroes can I play to ruin her day?

Feminism is ruining this game

Malthael is the worst hero

>8k experience away from levelling up


also coincidentally the best tank in the game atm

cuck her out of all her damage when her magic missles and orbs crash into a random summoned beetle or giant 50% magic resist cryptlord

Anubarak, kerrigan, stealth heroes, tracer, tyrael

what the fuck is that raptor animation blizzard

Post you're level. Here's mine.

Anyone who moves consistently or is melee and not a super slow crap. She excels at range because of her W blasting people for 1k+

Why? What happened?

Look at all the female characters. In real life they would never be as strong as the men, or as quick and intelligent.

This has nothing to do with feminism. It's catering to sexuality, you mouthbreather.

Every time my team forces me to pick a healer we lose

It's feminist sjw bullshit. If this game had any shred of realism the women would all be brainwashed by Jews to race mix

>Feminism is ruining society*
Also progressism, liberalism, socialism, relativism FUCK! all lefty cancer is destroying the world

Lets fight those lefty cunts together

I think we should put outlaw freedom of speech

What is your favorite ult? Doesn't have to be most viable ult, just the ult that you love using. Mine has to be Tyrael's Judgement---so satisfying hearing the whole angelic sound que and then the loud CLANG!

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

Kil'jaeden hero when?

bring back absolute monarchy and inbred kings imo
maybe the new king will finally pass a law forbidding feminazis from reverse raping me by refusing sex

All of those are interconnected, but the most underrated one if relativism, since society progressed just fine with strict morals and norms, but nowadays is all about that individualistic autistic moral routine which creates selfish, degenerates human beings without a purpose in life and everysingle thing is gray now there is no absolute or objective everything is a whole feels > reals

Lets talk about the game before I go nuclear political shitpost mode

Anubarak's cocoon. Feels so good to cuck their faggot hero like siege tank when stimmed.

Stupid assholes who rely on one trick pony strats are always the most fun to beat.

Artanis laser beam is a close second. It can win games solo if you are good at bursting down people and swapping them back into it. At 20 it retargets and you can teamwipe with it

>playing Lost Vikings on Sky Temple
>temple in bottom acitivates
>one enemy on top attacking Olaf
>another enemy in mid attacking Baelog
>Erik on bottom killing minions
>team still manages to lose a fucking 4 vs 3
>feeding all match long so any XP advantage I could have given the team is wasted

Playing Vikings is fun sometimes but goddamn, this shit is going to give me an aneurysm.

Auriel's Revive

No best feeling than reviving someone who has 5 niggers ready to gang up on him as soon as he pops up so you can escape


Do all angels end in el or is it a coincidence? Never played Diablo

Butcher thingy since its basically a free kill

>queue with 4 friends as nazeebo
>nobody playing malthael
>it puts me ingame as malthael
>I don't own malthael
>I actually get malthael xp despite not owning him

pic for proof


>want Blood Raven Sylvanas
>notice those gross spots on her skin

Is this shit going to get a lower price eventually at least? It doesn't even have themed abilities


>Join group for quick games
>Leader sets AI games to Elite
>Doesn't pick any pushing heroes
>Pushes the lane where the bosses doesn't path

I kept telling him to change it but they didn't and gave no good reason to keep it. Might as well go QM at that point.

Archangel diablo

Happened with me as well.

Yeah, I've seen/heard of this happening for years now.

Only experienced it twice. Quite the surprise.

Bit of a toss-up.

ETC's Panth ult
Counterstrike and Deadly Charge
Thornwood Vine and Leaping Strike

They all just feel so good. Especially Alarak.

"el" is just a popular suffix. You have Imperius who doesn't have it.

Also Inarius, Izual


Or you could just not shitpost. Or shitpost on /vpol/, you're in good company there.

>feels good to use literally one of the best heroics in the game on the best character in the game

yea I bet

apparently has something to do with the other nazeebo queueing as auto-select


I love Leoric's Entomb.


>kinky beetle hasn't been nerfed

I've always loved him, but just don't quite understand.


>Not even the Boba Feet tint

Best skin for /ourboy/.

Are you salty about anubarak? Lol how

>basically 100% pick/ban regardless of map/composition


kinky beetle's been nerfed about five times in a row, it's not lowering his winrate much because it's his mechanics that are strong, not his numbers.
[stunning intensifies]

I mean it's not really that he's over powered it's only the fact that he's one of the only characters with AOE stuns and initiation that isn't an ultimate.

The sheer lack of CC and intiation in this game is what makes faggot characters like chromie/tracer/genji so irritating.

I get that casual shitters think being stunned is bullshit but they shouldn't add characters like genji/tracer if there aren't enough reasonable options to lock them down.

Dude's got two stuns that and a root, his kit is fucking amazing for this game.

That's part of why they're removing cleanse.
In the early days stuns were longer or on shorter cooldowns, and unstoppable was harder to come by.
People bitched and moaned, so they started to shift that.
Now that they're adding in more mobile heroes that show the importance of having strong consistent stuns and CC, they're starting to move back towards reducing the amount of unstoppable, and presumably soon will be introducing more methods to fuck said mobile characters.

Can I buy gems in the blizzard store or something? Paypal is rejecting my shit when I try to buy in game


I think that you can purchase battle.net currency which can then be exchanged for gems.

Rooster skeleton.

When people say "go back to /pol/" I thought it was ironic... Now I'm not sure.

>removing cleanse
That's a mistake though. Give each support their own variation of conditional cleanse.
Also buff some of the skillshot stuns, Tyrande's should REALLY be 1-1.25s for how difficult it is to land.

>falling for the tricks of the controlled opposition

Is ANY board safe from this shit, god fucking dammit, can I enjoy anything on this goddamn site anymore without having to read this tired fucking clockwork on any and every goddamn fucking board

normally when I see "feminism ruined X" i imagine /r9k/ (or reddit)

/r9k/ /v/ and /pol/ might be more receptive to this, friend.
Then again you are getting your so much needed attention right here, so good for you I guess.

What's the damage report, /hotsg/?

5 wins 7 games here.

>replying to bait and shitting the thread up more instead of staying on topic
Pic related.

And so I'm not a hypocrite, someone recommend me a good tank other than Anub, Arthas, or taunt Varian.

I know it's bait, but it still aggravates me. No matter where you go it's the same shit.

Also Arthas

Kripp playing HotS?

>casual shitters

sorry I don't enjoy never having a tank or support in teamfights on a 60 second cd while also being the best cc

Anub'arak has been a fucking problem before genji was added and isn't even that much of a counter to him unless genji fucks up

Pretty consistent, birds are directly descended from dinosaurs (or are classified as dinosaurs themselves)

I thought QM was cancer but my god was I wrong, these placement matches are by far the worst. It brings all the edgy kids together in one place.

>watching other people play video games online

my placements had no edge kids but they did have some retards like a malf who decided "fuck the 5man deathball around our sylv killing a fort on hanamura i want to go solopush a cart and leave my team with 0 healers"

>carry myself to gold last season
>place silver 4 due to a bunch of dumbasses

Johanna, I don't understand how she isn't more popular as an Artanis counter.

>Calibrating day 1

You should know better

So this new guy's kinda dull.
Next hero when?

What's wrong with that?
It's decently entertaining

>carry myself
>to gold
>b-but it's the others holding me down I swear

you dont understand user im perfect at videogames its just everyone around me who's retarded
i only lose my games when the jews conspire to put peruvians on my team

I was 4k in dota the problem is you can just straight up lose in drafts in this game and it's hard to solo carry

I played azmodan to win the game on my own and had a 70% winrate but I don't find him very fun

>tfw getting bored of patches and new heroes within the day

I think I might've killed my attention span.

Would advise against doing placements on day 1.

>tfw gold 3
>tfw 1k mmr in dota
there is seriously almost no skill involved in winning hots it is so much easier

>have fun playing cassia
>can't justify buying her for ranked cause there's already a million and 1 ways to counter auto attackers and I don't need another

Well I think there is a lot less thinking involved in Hots (except for the draft stage) but the skill in teamfights is more necessary since you can't rely on OP items carrying you.

>gold rank
>it's so easy winning in hots I don't climb to Masters just to show you guys how cool and aloof I am about this game

Post replays plx

As opposed to just playing it yourself? Gee.

But i do?

>we have all of our structures
>they have literally none of theirs
>somehow both around level 16-17
>we lose
I win a lot with Azmodan but the losses are so fucking miserably painful.

Still can't judge rank/mmr in this game, desu. Placements just throw people all over the place.

gold rank is not particualrly good
but 1k is the dota equivalent of sub-bronze

Rexxar if you can into micro-managing.
You can do a lot of shit from safety behind Misha, you can aggravate your enemies, stun them and capture merc camps all day long.

Use her to counter ypurself, she's great against anything that wants to get in your face and murder you. Artanis, Illidan and depending on the success of his rework Thrall
Even if few heroes primarily deal damage through AA right now everyone still AAs (or they should) and a blind is valuable

Welcome to the BONE ZONE

>Auto select hero is back

>Pic related
>Needs recommendations for a good tank

I'd say Artanis if you need a bruiser, Stiches if you can land a hook and a team that can follow up said hook and as this user said Johanna is pretty good.

Then why would you ever want to sit there and watch somebody else play it?

I'll never understand this new thing of investing as much if not more time into watching other people do things when you yourself could be doing them, I'll also never understand why anyone watches Youtube "reviews" of shit, when you can just go watch normal gameplay videos of them and judge for yourself. Preferably no commentary, because some obnoxious 20-something fag always mucks it up with his nasally voice.

Anyone notice that Auriel has thicc thighs?

Samuro is the most obnoxious of the stealth characters, I swear to God every time I fight him it gives me cancer.
Any other stealth hero is forced to actually fight you once you reveal him, this faggot just vanishes again since that thing goes on cooldown while the illusions are still active, walks away and summons illusions one more time.

Yeah it's awful.playing Azmodan sometimes. I usually just play him to manage lane control (since people are too fucking stupid to lane efficiently) and also be present for team fights to carry them. But then there's the rare game where your team charges to the enemy side of the map to contest an inconsequential camp while you are orbing a different lane and they throw then blame you for not anticipating them being braindead apes

The dunkester is one of those specs, along with Aba and the Memekings, that relies on the rest of the team to fucking do their job properly because he has little value outside his own niche so he can't fill in for lacunes
Probably safer to build for Sieging Wrath / Black Pool, at least if things go south you can help your team with long ranged poke... At that point you could have just picked Gul'Dan or Le Chink

>just played auto select
>had the summer Kael spray equipped

They're in, but why are they not yet purchasable ;_;

>How can people possibly like things that i don't?