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who /2tilithsandwaitingfor6*awakening/ here?

Stop playing BE

Threadly reminder that Judge Magister Zargabaath is one of five other Imperial Judge Magisters loyal to the Emperor of Archadia in the FF12 universe. It is the highest honor and rank that can be bestowed upon an imperial soldier. You don't need to know the names of the other Judges because they're emotional babies with anger issues who do anything the emperor tells them except Drace who is kinda cool but tragic.

Zargabaath gets tragicly short screen time in the game and just as little in the manga for FF12 but every canon appearance of Zargabaath he is successful in his goals, meaning he has a 100% win rate. His defining trait is his loyalty to the Empire as an ideal not the emperor himself he represents and fights for what the Empire stands for not a power tripping man in a chair. He is a master tactician, level headed, and is known as the voice of reason in the Judges. Oh yeah I forgot to mention he is the Commander of the largest airship in the Imperial Fleet and largest still functional airship in Final Fantasy history, The Imperial Flagship Alexander, that's right Judge Zargabaath's ride is named for FFIX's most powerful esper and the issuer of divine judgement. And if that isn't cool enough he's the only judge to single handedly command the entire imperial fleet of airships at once.


I'm happy that one of our resident drawfags got his art to be a thread OP, keep on truckin' fella.

I fucking love Final Fantasy. This 30th anniversary year is making me cum continuously.

You first.

Now on to my man's accomplishments we'll start with the most likely least known one. In the manga we find out he is the sole reason the Empire wins the fight for Nalbina Fortress before the game begins. He and his soldiers remove the paling that was keeping the Imperial Fleet from providing supporting fire for the ground soldiers that were being slaughtered as we see in the opening cutscene. Next up he is called into action to deliver and command the troops to attack a religious site but is forbidden from acting individually as Vayne knows he would level the place with the Alexander, his troops are successful of course. His final canon call to action is to command the entire imperial air fleet alone to defend Vayne's personal airship while it charges it's guns against the forces of the Rabanastran and Resistance air fleet. He succeeds and the Empire would have been victorious had Vayne not been such a colossal failure. But the real thing that solidifies this man as the best judge is a massive spoiler so read at your own risk.

After the Bahamut is set to crash into Rabanastre, without a second thought Zargabaath orders the Alexander to ram the Bahamut to move it away from Rabanastre because he believes the Empire doesn't stand for the wanton slaughter of civilians. Had two protags not taken the Bahamut down themselves Zargabaath was prepared to sacrifice himself and the Empires air superiority to save the innocent civilians of an enemy nation. If that isn't a true hero I don't know what is.


I don't know what to do guys, I'm in love with Garnet genuinely 100% in love with her, I stay up all night thinking about her, I have dreams about her, I can't stop drinking I feel so depressed knowing I'll never be with her. I wish I never bought this game. Garnet is the most beautiful girl in the world, she has the most beautiful smile, I have honestly never felt this way about any girl in your whole life. I genuinely hate Zidane that scene where she embraced him and hugged him when he rescued her made me so angry, I wish that was me. I can't even bring myself to finish the game because I don't want my journey with Garnet to end and I figure her and Zidane get together and I'll be friend zoned again


I totally killed spider girl with an esper now give me my moogle !

>team of all Veritas units
>team of all XII Judges
Make it happen Gumi.


>download Mobius
>bricks phone

Wheres Buttz?

> tfw manlet and enjoying it

dancing like his life depends on it.

KYS Yams

What kind of phone do you have ?

Also you can play it on steam

Yda any good or is she a TM slut

I'm rocking her, Minfilia, catslut, Setzer, and the annoying sidekick guy from the story because I don't really have anyone better.

What are the chances I get banned for reseting on titan twice?


>tfw manlet and ashamed of it

minwu when?
would be nice to have a male healer BTFO of every other healer.

She's good until gumi patches her tomorrow night.

Wait to see if she gets patched, I guess. Perfect Balance as it stands is awesome, but if they patch it tomorrow, then she's dropped.
If they don't, it's entirely possible they don't care, and she becomes a surprisingly cool unit who winds up for a super combo burst.

Oh. Not like I'm in any place to exploit whatever glitch she was doing. I'm only at the third island place and my units are shit.

you should be rerolling right now before you lose out on the chance at catslut, actually.

suck my cock Yams

leonora is here

why doesn't gumi fix the game so that 90% of the cast isn't useless

Send it back, I ordered Materia.

But I have catslut.

yes but you don't have memegod


I don't care for some lame looking old dude



lol, in before people who don't get the meme reply seriously


Is anyone honestly excited about the upcoming brave frontier event?

people who believed the shills

>not getting the meme
Memelandus confirmed for newfags


i'd like to have another chance at elza.

He may be a Japanese manlet, a whole other tier of manlet, but damn does he seem like a chill/fun dude. Would raid with/play Dissidia with.

guy you responded to aint me

i figure ill get memeking eventually. I'm having fun with the content I can run until then.

yes i am newfag

Your favorite BE character is added to RK, would you pull on their banner and if you haven't picked up RK already would you for them?

Meh. Some of the event equips look pretty rad and if the RNG decides to play nice and drop a Tilith in my lap, that'd be just dandy. Plus I'd like a Maxwell.

My favorite BE character is already in RK

No, scumi went and fucked things up again with the bullshit on the 4* rates. Not gonna bother with it besides daily pulls.

I'm pretty excited for Maxwell 6*

Is this the first banner with no 3* ?

I don't actually like RK as a game. The ATB is too rapid for my tastes.

You know RK probably has literally all FF characters that BE has, and no, donuts don't count
>The ATB is too rapid for my tastes

that would be the original BF banner.
These have been the only banners with no 3*.
That means Tilith has a 1.58333% chance of showing up in each pull.

Considering she's shit anyway, it's literally the trappest banner.

You can slow it down to a crawl from the pause menu you know. But if that's not enough, then that's fair enough, everything isn't for everyone.

except zargabarth

>Considering she's shit anyway

He's not wrong you know

>You know RK probably has literally all FF characters that BE has
>No Paul, King Giott, Lani, Werei, Anastasis, Rassler, Zargabarth

I probably should of been a bit more specific, meant the characters made for BE when I said BE characters.

No, the Thief/Fencer/Juggler banner was. All three of them were 4*.

BE has characters RK will literally never get.
Rasler. Anastasis. Reddas (soon). King Giott. Judge Zargabaath. Lani. Black Waltz. Alma. Cor. Crowe. Nyx. Libertus. Glauca. Proper non-dissidia CoD. Most of the type-0 shitters. Werei. Kupipi.

Characters specifically from FFBE? Well shit, don't really have a "favorite" one of those, at least, not one that I really like. I guess if I had to choose from one of the main story units I'd pick Lasswell, and from the other random donuts, Xon seems cool. Wouldn't use 'em/pull for 'em in RK though, that game already has samurai/knight and thief characters I like a lot more.

RK will probably get most of those tbqh


the foxes are shunning the grapes early this time

None, BE is trying to be it's own thing so it having OC's is "acceptable", RK on the other hand is about fanservice celebrating majority of FF titles
I say that but RK does start moving a bit towards "it's own thing" with what they said recently
That and BE characters have no personality so it's hard to call any of them "favorite"
Literally who? RK does have type-0 guys actually

RK might get the XV guys and Reddas someday.

>can't rez and heal at the same time
Just being good at one or the other isn't enough if you can't do both.
You only ever need to revive one unit at a time, maybe two if you're shit. So that makes her heal suddenly worthless.

When you play tilith, you have to make a choice between healing and reviving EVERY TIME your tank dies. Which he's gonna be doing a whole lot more now that there's AoE cover.

RK doesn't have all the T-0 guys yet (neither does BE). RK's missing a whole lot more though.
But especially for shit like Anastasis and Rasler, you can pretty much guarantee RK isn't going to last long enough to get.

The game will be dead when it has to reach that low.
Technically BE doesn't have access to Reddas yet, his sprite's just in the data.

Priceless for the "no (white) magic" objectives though. Of which Aigaion famously has.

I'm nervous, I don't know if I should feed my kektuses to Cecil, WoL or Wilhelm


Is world collapse even worth the extra effort?
It's just a shitty AoE.

>The ATB is too rapid for my tastes
What the hell are you doing in a FF general?

>how to spot a X-babby

With exp dungeons about to end for the week should I change my RW to Ceodore with his burst, Garland with his physical break ssb, or Faris with her usb?

Ceodore BSB

It's free full break which is pretty worthless by the time we get to aigaion.
400% is pretty much nothing by then too, especially for 60 MP.

Threadly reminder that HD Vayne Solidor will do nothing wrong.

FF games don't actually come with challenge. ATB is fine when it's a cruise, but adding difficulty? Give me turn based.

t. newfaggot casual

>Give me turn based.
There you go

I don't know what you're trying to say here. I don't mind challenge in a turn based game because you have all the time in the world to think and devise a strategy and there's no bearing on you hitting the wrong skill because you tapped too fast or thought a different character's meter filled first.

So you can't think "fast"? Even though FFRK has snail pace? I'm sorry you were born retarded

What the fuck is with these arguments? So you think that working against the clock isn't part of the challenge? Or you can't come up with a strategy when there's a time limit?

I don't work well under time pressure. It doesn't bring me joy, and so I find it ill fitting to spend my recreational activities building stress for any reason.
What "argument" do you think I'm making, user? I'm saying it's not to my taste.

how you deal with Vetela (Ultimate)'s barrier bullshit?

Aigaion isn't hard, it's just a rikku check that takes literal hours to clear because you have to kill it 20 times.
There's no strategy beyond just keep reraise up, heal constantly, and mash attack.
You can actually safely press repeat for 99% of the fight without consequence.

The 10 man missions are harder by virtue of the fact that you have to actually strategize, even if they don't require 10 hours or specific units.

hit him until it breaks

I just porceeded to hammer on him as normal.

do we know the awakening materials of Wol, Tilith and Ultrosposter's waifu?

>I don't work well under time pressure. It doesn't bring me joy, and so I find it ill fitting to spend my recreational activities building stress for any reason.
Do you own one of these?

Why are these threads so hostile ?

suck my cock dude

Gambling is serious business.