/ovg/ - Racecar to Rallycar Edition

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We're racing ARCA and Aussie Racing Cars on Saturdays! Check out our Google doc for more info.

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Will Veeky Forums do meme lobbies with shit like this once MP is enabled?

I don't know if the new homologation system will let you have fun.
Literally the most retarded design ever.

This. I'm really disappointed in this game.

Name a better game


Just turn it off for free play and online lobbies and stop trying to race meme cars in career.




>stop trying to race meme cars in career
>stop trying to have fun
Why the fuck are these features removed/changed anyways? It makes no sense.

The only reason I can think of is that they thought that everyone will immidieatly buy it because it's the first one on PC (I was almost one of them) and one of the first games to take massive advantage for the 4k Xbox, even if these features are removed and so when Forza 8 comes around they'll reintroduce all these features so everyone that's disappointed with Forza 7 will buy Forza 8 aswell

can i play FM7 with pirated windows or do i need shitty windows store?

because people have been whining forever and ever about OP cars so they tried to find a way to let people have some liberty tuning while being able to enforce some balance



14th for RR3
>join WAT1

do you like my new livery, senpai?

can't wait for the PRC article about it

The only time I will ever look forward to a PRC article

Can we replace NJMP in ARCA? Or at least decrease the fucking tyre wear so there aren't as many cautions

if you don't like it you are free to not participate.

Glad to see you are so open to suggestions.

it'll certainly be "interesting" with these brakes

I honestly don't see it going any better than yesterday, at least if the cautions are kept on.

stfu and stop being reasonable

Hey I don't mind racing around at 100kph

kph? freedom units only please

get good

link to the official /ovg/ discord: discord.gg/AKdvzdf

You are a brave man

haha lol he posted a link what a madman haha lol

that link containts a chinese botnet


Fuck Polaris for ruining the final showcase in fh3

discord.gg/AKdvzdf mumble is shit

>have nearly 200 cars
>have nearly 30 different motorsports, from vintage to retro to modern to futuristic
>have rain, snow, fog, night, and day
>all people want to do is play GT3's in the sun on 3 different meme tracks
Why are sim racers so fucking boring? Doesn't matter if it's Assetto or PCars are whatever, all they want to do is race their fucking GT3's

what if we made some kind of coalition for the people who rather want to use a chinese botnet.

Some kind of auto games coalition? Could that work?

Because GT3s are easy to drive

That's literally it

GT4's are easy too, why not try those?

Because GT3s are faster

People wanna pretend a 2:25 is fast around Spa in their GT3s with all sorts of assists, they don't want an actual driving challenge, look at the difference in attendance between GT3 series and anything that might take some effort to control here

Because GT3 cars are the Rust/Nuketown of simracing

Adding to this, literally only the turnleft series is left now of "serious" racing, why don't we bring on some touring cars? On some known and loved tracks instead of taking some obscure eastern european crap so people wanna attend?

>On some known and loved tracks instead of taking some obscure eastern european crap so people wanna attend?
Because no one wants to race with sj's funny european men

But src is a discord series and that had 11 people :thinking:

SRC had two "/ovg/" drivers attending

Anyway it doesn't matter who attends what, SRC is a hilarious fun series, there just should be some reasonably accessible series with something NOT GT3.

RaceX comes to mind, or some GT1 series or whatever, just not GT3 and put it on tracks people actually know and want to drive, because the instant you force everyone to put in effort to learn new tracks, people stop coming, as retarded as that may be for an online racing league

i think it's funny how you are considered some kind of second class citizen now even if you have been with ovg for a long time because you decided to join a discord channel

I'm not saying it's not dumb

>i think it's funny how you are considered some kind of second class citizen now even if you have been with ovg for a long time
act like a retard for a long time, be treated as one for a long time

so everyone on the ovg discord is a retard?

there's no such thing as an ovg discord

Do sim racing skills transfer over to real life, or will I still be shit if I go to an actual track?

yes, unless you're james

yes there is, stop being so dense about it.

Understanding of basic vehicle dynamics might but not much else unless you're running a high end motion rig

>top tier everything
>plays like ass on a keyboard
>controller isn't supported
>wont launch if my tx wheel is plugged in

Does anyone know how I can get my pad to work with this game? I know there are things like gamepad emulators but I don't know if that'll fix anything.

If I'm hearing a little bit of tire scrub but not fully locking up while braking, is that good for minimizing braking distance? I always back off a bit if I hear any noise, but maybe that's wrong

Are you engine braking too?

I just leave engine braking at default setting for the cars I drive. I thought about turning it up to max since I suck at trail braking

I can't help you but I can tell you to enjoy maxing a 288 GTO on a long beachfront highway when someone does.

No like are you actually using a driving tachnique where you shift down to allow your engine to act as a brake - settings don't help if you're not driving in a way to use it

I always downshift to be in the proper gear when approaching a corner so yes.

You might get better brake distances by changing your brake bias - ideally you should find the spot where your braking is as short as possible, but realistically you wanna find the shortest possible distance you feel comfortable with doing every lap

can you create custom tracks in FH3 like you could in TDU? is there a mode that penalizes offtracks like in TDU?



I've been trying to do the British Supercar Challenge with the Jag XJ220 and in rain the car feels like it's on fucking ice rink and I literally can't control it. It's impossible to do on a controller, because even the AI at 20 somehow manages to easily plow through the water puddles and maintain a perfect stability. What the fuck.

Why did they fuck up the grip in this game so badly oh god.

Love will get you killed
But pride will be the death of you

Sorta. The bucket list allows you to pick a point on a map and race to it but it's more of a time attack.

Other than that you can only pick from the tracks featured in game to make events.

>try Project Cars on a mate's PS4 today
>spin out in any car, everywhere, even with FWD
Back to Gran Turismo 2 on a poorly coded emulator it is.

>>spin out in any car, everywhere, even with FWD
This, this is a fucking joke. I tried doing the Clio Cup but for some fucking reason on every single corner the rear decides to lose traction.

They still haven't fixed AI in puddles? Fug, that killed me in GT5. Try taking 2nd place and just drafting the guy in front of you until the end. Cars disperse puddles when they go through them.

>Racing a boosty supercar with 20 year old tire/ driver aid tech in the wet
>Complaining about grip

Loose or stable setup? They made loose setup default to please iRacers who think grip is unrealistic

what controller?

PDP Afterglow XB1

I can't. My car keeps going left and right. I'm literally driving on ice.

Stable. I don't know why people keep saying Loose is default if I always get stable by default.

>tfw no touring car series

Try an actual Xbox 360 controller (or a 360 afterglow if you got one), i have had weird situations where games that work fine on a 360 pad reject the XB1 pads.

Also pretty sure you have to manually bind the axes and buttons.

I've tried that before, and there are games that predate TDU by two whole years that support XB1 controllers.

i'd gladly join dtm series in assetto, but now is probably bad time to run series. i bet some of players starts college year now, that's one of the reasons for everything to be so dead

something casual and effortless could work, but nothing is casual and effortless. even some kind of subjectively judged akina dorifto showdown would need preparations. dirt rally events could work, but that's not really "an event"

Controller support is fairly broken. IIRC the last patch has completely broken FFB with at least Logitech wheels, so perhaps try downgrading.

AS must as I prefer Assetto Corsa, putting a series there rather than an rFactor mod STILL keeps players out of racing

The Ariel Atom in FM7 sucks a huge dick, but the formula ford is a dream!

Also these silly suits are the best thing in racing games since genki racing project went tits up

I ain't downgrading, I wanted to try Project Paradise and that needed the latest patch, then I wanted to grab the megapack so I could see everybody's cars online, which required me to browse fucking leddit for an old installer because I can't be asked to torrent things. I've been through a lot with this game and after all the bullshit I had to go through to get things working with the patch and megapack, I'm not downgrading any time soon.

how about you apply some throttle in the corners you stupid cunt

Why did SMS think this was in good taste?

What was that fix the stopped rFactor 2 from running in slow motion?

fucking regression of racing games
the world gets bigger and bigger but the fucking important features are just not there anymore

i'm fucking angry because i almost considered buying this shit and this puts me off

I found the fix but Sim Processor Thresh is gone?

This bs is one reason why I refuse to get PC2. In the first game every car looses grip when driving at motorway speeds and everybody just shouts cold tyres and bad technique when an evo is less capable in game than a fwd family car is irl

Rate my shitty idea for a feature of a racing game set in England:
>cars cheap
>insurance expensive
>if you don't buy insurance any cop you spot in free roam will chase you automatically
>have to use free roam to get to races/garages/etc

you forgot about
>nobody exceeds the speed limit because you can go to jail for that

youtube.com/watch?v=lSZ2GcilS0E&feature=youtu.be&t=431 apply yourself

i think clios might do that naturally when you start engine braking and turning. i was driving clio 2 1.6 (not really clio cup, still) in the winter and it was waggling rear on roundabouts when i let go of the throttle

This is what Forza should be, not a bunch of kids in Aventadors

So every single event in the Forza cup picks your car mods for you? What's the point of having the customization system? What's the point of having so many cars if they're all forced to be exactly the same? You can't disable this shit? FH3 didn't have this bullshit.

I'm in love with Sue. She's the only reason I keep playing this fucking awful game.
>rigged pink slip races (303hp Acura RSX vanishes down the straight against a 399hp Mustang)
>shit physics
>maria is unbeatable if you bet against her
>lose respect for asinine reasons
>shit circuit design
It got exactly the sequel it deserves.

This AI is pissing me off.

but did fh3 have balance racing?

The NSX for AC is back

I don't see why it isn't, I mean it's unfortunate he died doing what he loved but we should remember him how he would want to be remembered.

I think he would have liked this, having a name drop in pcars.... also don't forget SMS have some kind of deal with Fast and Furious franchise.
Probably an arcade game or some DLC cars like Forza

That looks fun as fuck. Please tell me there's a mod for this for literally any sim.

rf1 but expect zero balance

I'm a little disappointed with FM7 but I'm still going to get it first sale. As with PCars.

Gonna buy GT Sport on release because Polyphony always execute well even if people don't like what they choose to offer.

Not mention they'll probably have a shitton of free DLC like GT6

>new to sim racing
>PCars 2 license system makes me scared to try MP because I'll probably hit people and run off the road by accident