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im gay

hes gay

Is this the waifufag?

im bi

Speaking of Triss:Butterfly, is this even a good card?

Everytime I've played against someone with it, I've managed to simply drop a card of theirs to 1 strength and therefore making Triss useless. Shit even weather makes her even more useless.

its a good card, its reverse-YenCon
it just doesnt work in most decks


>'this is my deck'
does he genuinely believe he invented it?

She's great at setting you up for igni/scorch/weathers.
It's an authentic NR experience for people who play real factions.

It's actually fucking insane how punchable Swims face is

I can imagine it wont even hurt your knuckles


Does anyone have any ST decks? They won't be stolen, I promise. This is just between friends. Just gimme a peek.

from rank 6(starting spot no games) too rank 12 today

24-5 win/lose

the meta is so fucking retarded at the moment and everyones trying stupid shit like consume and discard

just witcher machines bro xd

Tibor is still ridiculously OP, right?

at 1k mmr yeh, hes pretty ok

>All these Dagonlets everywhere
I guess we know where all the Calveit players jumped ship to. I think the dude was about ready to cry when I cleared weather 6 times.

>-2 power


wrong again
Calceit player are riding the bear now + Hajmdal and Cock combo

triss is fucking shitface cunt

its a [gold of your choice] card

free 800 scraps bro

every game is against weather

i enjoy free wins

tell me your secret

>when you play dandelion so early into the game you forget that you've played him so you mulligan away triss r3 because you're trying to get dandy and you end up getting a blue stripes scout and then you realize you played dandy r1 and you're a fucking retard
>then you win anyway

>opponent plays white frost in a NG deck

yeah i'm not GGing you asshat

>decided to be a good goy and buy 60 kegs
>tibor vilgefortz caranthir, bunch of really good silvers and few k of scraps

Pretty good

bruh you should have bought powder you could have had like 18 legendaries for 50 bux

>Playing Gwent at 4:40AM and you're fucking convinced your opponent's final gold is Kambi and you keep d-shackles in hand
>Opponent was playing discard Skellige and you knew he had bounced Ciri Dash multiple times and was thinking "KAMBI AND CIRI DASH HERE IT COMES" when it was just Ciri Dash the entire time because he already played 3 golds but your addled brain lost it

Spell ST is fucking cancer that is unhealthy for the game

there is no interaction it's just spell after spell after spell after spell after spell

just pack good cards my man

play move ST
you can run like 7 weather clear cards in the deck
but you'll be playing move ST

whats your most patrician deck lads

im running dandelion calvary and a machine deck with natalis and stennis

so besides the obvious monsters and bears carrying SK anyone had any think anything else will rise up?

30 games of ranked today mostly dagon with a bit of Sk, nothing else seems to compete

>when you forget you played dandelion so your double cross pulls some other shit you buffed rather than nenneke/thaler
feels bad

>don't draw witchers

wow nice deck

I dont get it.
Why is it called "Weather Update" if the only thing they changed was nerf Drought and RNR?
When I read the title I was hoping to find out that they changed the weather to how it was in beta - deployed on both sides of the field.

>Draw too many witchers

wow nice deck

Why does everyone run renew now?

God damn Kambi is some tilting shit. Do I need to run D Shackles to beat this?

why have 2 win conditions when you can use the same one twice?

or just more/better gold cards
also nice to know: units with deathwish will die but trigger their ability: harpy eggs will hatch and golems will split in 2 lesser golems

if your enemy timed it very bad, you can keep your strongest unit in your hand to play it afterwards

I gave up on trying Johny in post patch, but it seems he repeats Emhyr mistakes, cant make it work.

I've assembled something like this now.

Works suprisingy well.

Im just wondering if I should drop Scorch for some silver weather since I've alredy have a strong nuke wih Leo and Vilgefortz.

Especially since I wont be able to play it effectivly post turn 3 because of scouts and knights.

Any ideas what to add?
I am thinking White Frost or Assire for rezing Roach.

There are a few ways. Shackles but most kambi decks run shackles themselves either for protection or to kill off high value golds round 3. Also if you get CA over the Kambi player it can also negate him if your last cards are high value plays, like Crones played after Kambi ticks over.

Johnny would be good if you could cancel that effect or if it wasn't that they need to have a gold in deck
Sarah looks like a better Johnny

Should I put nenenke or thaler in here? I'm thinking that could be nice for some meme plays so you can play witchers rounds 1 and 3 but it sounds inconsistent plus I'm not sure if I want to even craft those two cards

only changes I've made was I replaced the reinforced ballistas with regular ballistas because it cucks consume decks

you need shani as well to reliable play the witchers twice with nenneke

I have 16k dust but I still feel too jewish to buy shani


Swim is insufferable I don't know how anyone can suck his dick so much or call him chill. I wish it was popular opinion that he's a smug prick that thinks too highly of himself.

Thanks for the suggestions. This guy played Avallac'h going into round 3 and I drew my remaining 2 crones, really sucked. I guess I need to identify the deck ahead of time (hadn't seen all the discard stuff before) and save golds and/or bully them in the first 2 rounds so they can't spam 3 golds round 3.

Zoltan/Dijkstra? Or is Birna some sleeper op
I'm playing a Radovid cavalry/flower deck with some machines so Dijkstra doesn't look good with drawing

ciri is worse than silver spies now

thanks reddit for calling everything you don't like "unhealthy for the game"


Since Calveit is fucked anyway I guess I'll meme it up a bit
Ceallach should be good although spies can't really catch buffs anymore unless the opponent is playing Wild Boar

>start playing weather Monster
>salt everywhere

Holy shit this is so fun.

I plan to go full-in on this deck, what are the upgrades I should make next? Replacing Triss for Caranthir is pretty self-explanatory. Maybe remove the Ancient Foglets? I don't feel like I get much value from them.

>Maybe remove the Ancient Foglets?
Yes they are bad

get the netdeck memes while they're hot lads

Why do I hate playing against every single deck out there? It didn't use to be like this.

At 6 power she would still be playable. Even at 7 she wasn't overpowered, just really efficient. At 5 she is borderline useless. What were they thinking?


This is what I've been playing, Alzur's Thunder is my perhaps vain attempt to kill bears. I think I need to swap Ge'els or Caretaker, I feel like I need some stronger gold bodies for round 3 against SK.

so you are supposed to win round 1 with reavers right ?

A single Harpy. Why are you running 26 cards you double nigger?

If you played Ciri for power you played her wrong
You cut 2 of them and you still have 1 silver slot
You can play the Frightener/Jotunn/Fiend

Swap a thunder for a Mardroeme. It's the single best salt inducing card in the game

Ceallach is great when you get him off, but I had him appear in my hand too many times after I had used all my spies or in round 3. Or in round 2 when opponent passed after my first few spies and I was winning anyway.

Fun card but just like Fringilla, too situational. Would rather run auches/peter/joakim/cantarella/decoy/scorch and oh look that's 6 silvers already.


>implying it matters

Ciri would be good even if she was a 4, she is a free card-advantage legend

silver spies give you more value than her

So If I run a weather deck do I just replace Ciri with Caranthir now? Ciri doesn't seem to be worth the trouble.

Spies force you to play a card

Ciri forces the enemy to go first on an empty board

why don't you want ciri to be good mang

you are literally disgracing /ourgirl/ fuck you

Phillippa is /ourgirl/.

She's miserable, rude, and everyone hates her. Perfect fit.

dorfs are cool but i have nothing for their deck

move scoiatael is total shit
just letting you know so you don't waste scraps trying it out

only choice here bruh

Does anyone actually still believe that CDPR is capable of creating a game with a fun meta?

when was this meta ever fun

Never. That's the point.

How would you fix it?

Hire better designers. Stop listening to reddit.

Wat Do
I like NR but marching orders looks good

That's not really the answer I was looking for I was hoping for you insights on what you think is unfun or overpowered or ruining the game specifically

>no infernal golems
explain yourself

marching orders is dank as shit for pulling nithral or mages. Or even pulling reaver scouts or rezzers or any low power card with an effect, It's in most of my decks

I'd take Margarita

>last 7 games was all monsters

gg cdpr

I won't do your job for you. But you could start with fixing the mulligan.

Play SK and drop some bear shit on them.

A big problem with Calveit this patch is that overall he lost a ton of power. Peter is still good but doesn't do much against NR since they spread their buffs around and dwarves are still quite dead.
Ceallach seems fine as a temporary solution to both issues

I have no idea what to choose, all 3 of these look good

Actually they are all shit. Aelirenn probably.

>get rid of the orders keyword
>tone down deck thinning and tempo capabilities by a significant amount

And this is the mos important one:

Get rid of half assed archetypes. Every leader must serve exactly one archetype and nothing more. Universally useful leaders like Calveit only hurt the game in the end. We need more clearly defined archetypes. Just look at fucking ST.

>Ambush ST
>Mulligan ST
>Move ST
>Dwarf ST
>Special card ST

We have three ST leaders but 5 half assed archetypes. Get rid of two and introduce them later on with new leaders.

NR also has a huge Archetype problem.
There is:

>Swarm NR
>Machine NR
I wouldn't even call Blue Stripes and trio mechanics their own archetypes. The NR leaders don't correspond with the archetypes either.

The game could use more decks that are not shoved down your throat by the devs.

golems + roach in heavy draw decks fucks your hand up.

Reminds you a bit of Hearthstone doesn't it

honestly this NR and ST really suffer because they have way too many archetypes and not enough synergy between them

there's nothing inherently wrong with having variety but NR and ST are to the point where they have so much variety it hurts them