Dota 2 General - /d2g/


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might as well post in lelg because thats what this game has become, dotards

>solo offlane is literally unpossible
>roaming supports in every game

why do you even want to rank up your MMR /d2g/? why not just stay in the comfy 5x shadowblade tier?

>no aghs

>bring every gay shit in lol except for good stuff like forfeit and role selection
what was valve thinking?

As SF, how do you deal with a bane mid

nth for OG choking at TI


dont die stack camps use raze to get souls win because they had a mid bane

I play solo offlane almost every game and I've got no trouble winning games even when the enemy has roaming supports

Just git gud kid, or ask the roaming support on your own team to gank

>he gets lvl 25 and aghs
>lmao 500 damage spammable bkb piercing nuke/heal

wtf just caught my neighbor is watching me bath

invite your neighbor in

just saw silhouette of eyes, then it suddenly disappears the moment i stare at it wtf creepy women


Is there a more comfy terrain + weather combo?

People who pick Sniper can die in a fire.

That hero will NEVER be good.

user, anyone can die in a fire, even you!

carry morph should go for CDR instead attack speed anyway right? 1/8 reduction seems like a lot, compared to gloves of haste worth of AS

3/4 smokers die. the last one becomes immortal.


im pretty sure that talent choices are a form of iq test and shadow bans the idiots so they can all play with eachother in a pool

fuck this game, at this point you're more likely to get a bug fixed in this game if you submit a le EPIC meme on reddit and get le 1k upboats, than a constructive bug report in the dota dev forums.

What is your justification for not playing SUPPORT Zeus (farming)?

You're probably low MMR anyway, so:
+Enemies will either buy all damage, making them easy to nuke down, or excessive amounts of HP, making your passive extremely useful
+Enemies will be reluctant to buy mobility and magic resistance, giving you ample opportunity to kite and nuke them.
+You can actually utilize all the farm your retarded cores will leave on the map
+It's fun.
+You get FREE dewards which is important, because you will most likely be the only support.
+You stay relevant throughout the game

-Your laning phase is probably going to suck, but do you really expect it to be any different? It'll be either a jungler or dual lanes on both teams, so just go pull and win.

Is this a support zeus (core)?


Hey, do you want to win or not?

mana bars for enemy heroes when
blink dagger over-blinking penalty removal when
autoswitching threads when
autoconsumable cheese when

Daily reminder to post 20 pictures of Icefrog (Abdul Ismail) in every thread.

Why is offlane Weaver so fun?

>not having to press scoreboard for literally 1 second to check hero levels is on the level of shit you listen
cmon bruh
dont be gay
mana bars will happen though sometime, clicking on enemy too hard

Hey dotards, did you win the slutbreaker yet ?

>buying the jewpendium

Wageslaves are at work, try at 7-8pm

sometimes you just didn't have time to check level and also now you can't punish dumb faggots who didn't do that before

Who's ready for /ourguy/ Mason to BTFO some Yuros?

>still playing shitty MMO's
>it's fine you guys really

was it autism

Fat balding weeb

or was it love to manicuring his fingernails (wtf)

yeah, he would btfo them from the game casting couch due to his size and smell

guys i have an important question
who is the most american dota player: mason or ixmike?

ixmike, talks shit endlessly but isn't very good


rate pure maiden

Post best girl

esports in five hours

you're 90% memeing but this is actually legit, having a lvl 7-10 zeus in the midgame is OP as fuck, and since he's not farming that much all he needs is soul ring and arcane boots to deward and have mana in fights
ult is also OP in the lategame to scout smokes/rosh attempts/get vision in fights, and thats without considering the dmg

How important is it to kitewalk as Bristleback?

Should I actively be trying to turn around between swings in teamfights or do I just have to tryhard in lane?


You're playing Weaver. You're about to auto-pilot into building Linken's Sphere. But wait! Stop and think for a moment! Is there any reason you shouldn't get Eul's Scepter of Divinity instead?

kill yourself dotards

good morning d2g

>unequipped hud
>unequipped terrain
>unequipped weather
>disabled anti aliasing
>disabled high quality water
>disabled shadows
>disabled music
>composed a hardcore gangsta rap playlist lasting 18 hours
>fixed sleep schedule
>drinking only water and tea
>doing stretches in the morning
>keeping proper posture and monitor at eye level
>changed steam avatar to an anime girl
>changed nickname to 1
>prepared mentally
>prepared to analyze every lost match replay
6k here I come boys
I'm 3k

Today's matches:

I call that a successful day of climbing.

>changed steam avatar to an anime girl
So close and yet you tripped at the finish line

getting really mixed signal here

oh i want you to kill yourselves too

i'm just saying good morning

what if i want to win a game
it's not like i made it easy for myself since i picked weaver

non human gulagians or nhgs as they are known

Can we laugh at these fucking goyposters that are so against buying a battle pass?
>siltbreaker reward 5€ on market for entire day after release
>can easily get at least two just with some pubbies
>9 zones in total
>even now, treasures are at stable 1,80€
this shit happens every year
the compendium literally pays you for playing

Aghs refresher WK is a meme, either get one or the other.

Eul's can be such a game-winning item on Weaver, though! Pesky silences and roots that Linken's can't reliably defend against if at all? Eul's! Opponents know about the 50 gold item that not only keeps them safe from Bloodseeker but also Weaver? Eul's! Time Dilation and Arcane Curse ruining your day? Eul's!

Easy build-up and on top of all that utility provides the mana regeneration YOU deserve.

i would rather get lotus orb then since it also gives you more mana, armor, hp regen and small amount of damage, doesn't cost half of your mana pool to use, has lower cd and has non-retarded build up
and i can live without TP interrupting since i have teammates for that

is bloodseeker the honeypot hero?
farm items to stomp midgame, then do absolutely nothing in late except for dying

If you need a Euls to not die as Weaver you probably picked the wrong hero anyway. The move speed is largely wasted on him, being the one hero in the game that can be useful without boots, and it's a delay to the damage you want to get ASAP.

/OURTWINK/ strim

bloodseeker was basically designed from the ground up to appeal to teenagers

overly aggressive in-your-face playstyle with built in farming tools that let idiots feel productive

An intriguing choice! Alas, it fails to account for your Crystal Maiden still farming her Midas and your Lion's inability to catch enemies since he's rushing Aghs. It also costs more than 1k gold more with a much more difficult build-up, further delaying your foray into damage items.

Fret not, as this is presented as an alternative for Linken's Sphere. Your damage will with Eul's arrive much sooner!

If your response is to not get either, then eh, fair enough.

esports when

>start playing ranked for the day
>win 1 match
>25 mmr
>queue up for the next one
>lose it hard
>start panicking and getting angry
>start seeing every single thing that goes wrong in the match as my fault
>thoughts of self hate and suicide start filling up my brain
>start screaming at the top of my lungs and pulling out my hair
>start smashing my face into the wall until it's a bloodied mess
>dont eat for the next 4 days because i'm a shit person that doesn't deserve nourishment
>sleep with the window open, no blanket and all limbs spread because i don't deserve to feel warmth
>get 2 hours of sleep because spent the most of the night crying and screaming
>wake up and start beating myself in the face and stomach until i pass out

in four hours and forty minutes

Relax, you're doing fine.

It's dependent, Weaver naturally excels against heroes with targeted spells since he can juke them early game while most heroes lack the mana to keep spamming them during a fight and haven't finished their starting items. Linkens lets you keep juking these spells late in the game.

Can this team make it to TI?

Is it just me or theres a tendency for bad players to pick Rubick as pos 5 anyway? Recently, often theres this kind of player playing solo support as Rubick when he does so little by himself, god forbid if this Rubick then comes to my lane or the other sidelane and starts stealing last hits.

What can you do when this happens?


SEA is really competitive at the moment. If they do get it, i imagine it'd be through the wild card

>What can you do when this happens?

Honestly, if it's common in your games, consider banning him. Hero bans below 7k aren't for removing meta heroes, they're for preventing retards from picking heroes that they always fuck up with.

Rubick is a very strong hero overall, even at a low level of play, but has a low winrate because dipshits try way, way too hard to make BIG PLAYZ without any items because they think they're gh.

at this rate how long until you can see team mates spells on cooldowns above their head?

whats your estimate?

depends when riot adds it to league

They are gonna do it like in HoN first.
Enemy mana bars visible at all times.
Their items visible when hovering ober them and on scoreboard (only from last vision).

what if they added TP scrolls, couriers, buybacks and all the fun items like blink and force staff to league instead

leage is reddit
dota 2 is tumblr

>its a "windranger mid who doesn't build a blink dagger" game

cause its not like a hero with a conditional stun that relies on positioning would ever want a thing like a blink dagger NO SIR

>buying an item worth 2000 gold for NO damage
um do you know how to play dota?

for some reason i just remembered that poster that shipped riki and slark and masturbated to fantasies of these two living together with wyvern carrying them on her back

people only pick wind because they think everyone is impressed by their dank 420 MLG skill shotz so blink is obviously for n00bs


you're supposed to rush aghs on windranger so you can get rid of the damage penalty on your ult

I wonder why mana bars arent shown for the enemy by default. This is pretty important for mana burning heroes and diffusal blade users after all

>not maelstrom so you can farm well while still having decent damage on your ult
legit question how do you build windranger? I have like 30% winrate on her fuck that hero

She's a hero that requires upwards of 10000 gold to become relevant with no way to farm efficiently.

You don't pick her period.

You dont, theres a reason why WR is out of the meta ever since that nerf(which I welcome because I was getting sick of seeing her in every freaking game)

In any case, I checked it out in demo mode and maelstrom does more damage at both levels of ult

boots of repick into urn of waiting until she becomes non-gamelosing hero

Im trying to start a dota series that puts to rest the optimal dps on certain heroes
So far with windranger im 90% done, and the optimal dps against both evasion carries and Crimson Guard Axe is Triple Daedalus

I meant to say 1 and 2, not "both". both doesnt make sense

Not to towers though

there is this

Not him but its almost like force stuff but it isnt, its sort of sad that ervery mobility item in league needs to have some sort of damage tied to it
Just like ekko ult which is a copy of weavers but its so toned down with the shadow following you and it deals aoe damage at the end of it and heals + returns your hp you were at there 5 secs ago.. Its just fucking retarded and stupid

Why is everything in league "fun sized"?