Would you rather have a v6 manual mustang (new edge), or a v8 automatic?

Would you rather have a v6 manual mustang (new edge), or a v8 automatic?

I'd rather kill myself 2bh

v8 why would you get a v6

the v8 because 'muh manual' is a really fucking stupid meme

V8 since it's more of a grand tourer than a real sports car.

buy the v6 and use saved money for tarbo

I'd rather have a manual v8 because I can afford to get what I want because I'm not a faggot.

v8 auto then install one of these

Actually a good question. I am torn. Probably the V8 because automatic transmissions in today's cars have gotten so good, plus it's more valuable for resale.

>(new edge)

oh shit. Then manual for sure.

whichever will earn me the most money when i sell it so probably the v8

This thread reminds me, at work one day I stopped and looked at a new edge Mustang that was for sale parked out in someone's front yard. It was in good condition and was a low price, but I quickly discovered that it was a v6 automatic.

I was talking to my boss about it at lunch, I told him yeah I stopped and looked at it, but I'm not interested because it's a whimpy ass v6 and autotragic.

>mfw he tells me he has a v6 automatic Mustang

I tried to back out of the corner I was in by saying that the one I looked at was older than his and would have less power. I knew he had a Mustang, but I figured he had a respectable one with at least a v8 in it. Boy was I wrong.

Moral of the story is to watch who's around before you start talking shit.

ITT: Veeky Forumstists willingly admit that they'd drive automatic secretary cars because all they can do is mash the pedals


I have a new stock V8 auto and rape almost anything on the road unless its heavily modified.

I even beat a 392 Charger

V8, but I'd always hate it for the auto.

1. acquire v8
2. sell v8
3. acquire car of your choosing


Outside of Veeky Forums, nobody gives a shit. It would be weird for a while but I'd stop giving a fuck after 2 weeks.

Auto is the way of the future cuck. Manual is hella fun, but auto is more efficient, faster, and still fun because at the end of the day pumping an extra peddle and moving a stick up and down doesn't make a car any better or worse. It's all preference.


I do agree that auto is the way of the future, but not on a fucking New Edge Mustang. Those older autos aren't neither faster or more efficient.

>because at the end of the day pumping an extra peddle and moving a stick up and down doesn't make a car any better or worse

But it does though. It's not just preference.

Most automatic sports cars let you shift through the gears with the shifter anyway. You just don't get to control the clutch (assuming it has one).

I thought we were talking new cars.

On an older car like a new edge, yeah, it's necessary. Those cars don't make enough power to be fun on their own.

V8 if it's a DCT, but if it's a fucking slushbox I'd take the manual V6.


On a newer Mustang I would be ok with having an auto with a V8, but the V6 ain't no slouch so I'd still maybe rather have the manual.