Veeky Forums gift ideas thread

Veeky Forums gift ideas thread

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Definitely not that. Vintage car magazines off flea markets are a cool gift imo.


>not getting a poster of this and gifting it to your weeb friend

My vegas inhabiting shitposting nigger. too bad Autoart took a nosedive in quality in favor of cost cutting. went from Diecast to composite and the cars just don't look or feel the same. to add insult to injury they jacked up the price whilst lowering the quality as well. used to always love their 1/18 models as a gift.

Porsche is a girl's car.

top kek

do you ride japanese bus?

Of a very big girl.

Plush Twongi.
Only 20 bucks and ships in a week or two from Swissland.

only pink is available.
thought about getting a green friend for my red twingo but looks like I'm gonna have to wait for a while.

Why don't they make plushie foxbodies? Or mr2s?
Could only find this 5th gen mustang plushie..

sauce? i want black volvo

For you

spotted the booty bothered weeb

Man, that looks so detailed. Love it.

pink is the patrician's choice

>Yeah. S15>hopped up beetle

Because fox bodies are fucking ugly white trash cars.

Haynes manual

Dont say that about onichan!!

Get one myself but it's quite basic. Does Chiltern make better ones? Mazda 3 is a car in question.

8mm or thicker nytrile gloves that go up the forearms.

Half dozen 10 mm 3/8" drive sockets