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- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
Jewish tricks? No, and please refrain from the antisemitism! Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> How is it free?
"People" invest your settled funds when you're not using them, just like banks.

> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
Are you aware how small this community is? Better to try stocktwits or r/wallstreetbets

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

>How do I git gud?
People here are gambling, don't listen to any advice in this thread. Do, follow news, earnings reports, and stay away from leveraged etfs, also learn difference between LIMIT and MARKET


Other urls found in this thread:


First for Twilio

any good medical marijuana stocks to look into?

Tomorrows watchlist based on news and TA:

Who /nmm/?


those technicals look like garbage, what do you se in them?



Half of them haven't been around longer than a year.



2 meme stocks for tomorrow.... Will post one now, the second after I buy it tomorrow.

Meme 1: $TGB... Taseko Mines Ltd. just acquired a new mine and will announce this friday in a conference call.

>i missed the MYSIZE moon mission

These are some sneaky Jews but i think this will go 20+ tomorrow

AMRS is making a big announcement tomorrow and will be hitting Sephora stores soon, currently at ~.60 P/S AND rising. I'm going all in tomorrow

Doesn't look too promising unless it gets a big meme mission hype. It's up to its 52wk high. Got any other info on it?

>Tfw sold at .45

That stock was making me fucking rage

more info pls

Oversold, near 52wk lows, catalysts tomorrow. Hbu?

beep beep

paging Dr. Gearsm

please come home

CBIO the next KBSF?

No need for a pump for this.
It's the copper/gold mine in this article which will be announced at the end of this week.
If you're scare of the high, just watch or keep a small position.

Oh here's the article

Thanks user you have persuaded me

What makes you believe it won't be rejected for the 3rd time?
Canada is literally cuck central, they're going to suck aboriginee dick dry before they allow a company to drill on 'muh sacred grounds'

Anybody here still holding OCRX?

Looking for another big day for URRE, currently acting as my saving grace to save meme losses

Who else here got screwed by DRWI?


the fucks a 10Q

I'm giving it another day


Special dividend wrecked it.

I am. Gonna leave it there a while. I think they have promise but it's going to be probably another 3 or 4 months. I was encouraged by not having a tremendous free fall since earnings...but if it does free fall, in to the trash it goes.

Wait...wrong ticker. Ignore me.

plz answer

anyone else receive a cornholing from GEVO today?
Feels bad man....


right here m8

Still holding OCRX hoping it randomly shoots up and i catch the peak.
Called MEME stocks for a reason.

>CEL-SCI Corporation engages in the research and development of drugs and vaccines. Its lead investigational immunotherapy is Multikine, which is under pivotal phase III clinical trial for the treatment of primary head and neck cancer. The companys Multikine is also used in a Phase I study with the Naval Medical Center, San Diego under a cooperative research and development agreement in HIV/HPV co-infected men and women with peri-anal warts. Its Ligand Epitope Antigen Presentation System, a pre-clinical patented T-cell modulation process that stimulates the human immune system to fight bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections, as well as autoimmune diseases, allergies, transplantation rejections, and cancer. The company also develops LEAPS-H1N1-DC, a product candidate for the treatment of pandemic influenza in hospitalized patients; and CEL-2000 and CEL-4000 vaccine product candidates for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Loading up for my mission today. The charts look good. Volume is up, RSI is solid. Probably looking to pick up 10-20k shares.

>MFW bought PLX last friday @ $1.01

>investing in peri-anal warts medicine

$SINO up 16% right now PM

Glad i got in yesterday at $4.75. I'm hoping there's more room for this one to run. Went up to $14 last ER.


Good volume yesterday and beat earnings. Hoping for a little pop today

Will it moon lads?

Todays meme is CVM and CVM+
You heard it here first, just look at that pump volume. Buy at market open for maximum gains



Did I just lose everything I had in SGNL????

What a waste of money. I had over $1000 in that stock


Holy shit was it delisted??

What happened? Was it delisted?

yeah itll be traded under a new ticker MGEN or something

I dont think my money just disappeared

But then again Im getting my info from Stocktwits so take it with a grain of salt

I wouldnt be surprised if I lost my $1200

Fuck this gay earth

NMM beat earnings by 800%

Hope you all bought it yesterday before close lol

for those of you holding, sell over $3

Hell fuckin yeah. Sell at open?

Should have bought more

i would sell closer to $3 then pick back up if it dips down like it did last time. i have 3300 shares in one account and 94 shares on robinhood with an average of 1.95 on each

Bought AMD yesterday at 13.62

Did i dun goof?

Nice job man. Will probably sell early and won't buy back in, but this was a great overnight hold

I'm in at 13.50, same boat. It'll swing back up. You haven't lost money til yout sell. Be patient, if there's one stock you can bet on climbing again it's AMD


as long as you make money user, i've been in it for too long to just make 1k. its going up alot higher the market cap is too small for such a large company

All in CVM lads, we're fueling up

Well, bought 170 shares of NMM, but also bought 17 shares of SGNL. So I don't know what the fuck is happening with SGNL nor what my money is going to look like soon.

No daytrades left, good for an overnight hold?

Protectors Warning, Stay away from this!


How long do sell commissions take? I want my buring power back!


Thanks senpai

DCTH is looking to bounce, don't hold onto it for long though anons

Wish me luck, I went to work without my phone. I work the whole market day. I saw PIP sink to 1.05. Pray for me

Limit buy NMM @2 on open for this rocket ship?

Nigger get out. CVM has been shilled here for months.

>already dipping
>not even market hours yet
Meme magic has betrayed us

Stay poor fgt

In at 1.76 and wish I could do this, but desu man I think the ride is over.

Don't chase the bull. Hold your money for the next moon mission

You guys think nvda will rally today? Amazon had the same thing happen to it and look at it now

Beware of Greeks bearing ships

Thanks, bros


I suggest you sell now, the rally from the profits is over if there even was one

Who here still MSTX? Hoping for .17, but won't be greedy if it doesn't get close to that.

Is NAK still worth getting into? That dip down to $3 is making me want to get a few stocks

NMM is going back up to around $5, it's starting to trend there, also has a gap to $7 might not get there for a year, but $5 within the next 6 months. $3-$4 today easy


I looked at this stock, but didn't buy it. How did you know to buy it? Any technical or fundamental indicators?

should I be scared of this oil rally? I remember others popping AH+PM+5 minutes into the market then dropping like a dollar

Selling that shit right when the market opens. Time to move on from that meme It will most likely drop back to .13 or hover .14

Why do you need a tripcode?

ive been in it for awhile. it's also stronger than other shippers, the stock is also healthier than other shipping companies. Navios is also a good shipping company in general they have other tickers that do well.

Groupon earnings tomorrow. Good pick?


Selling half for an easy 10%, gonna wait for .75 after

Memes for day : NMM , ZSAN :)
Truuuuust me :)

Core PPI +0.4% (Expected: +0.02%)

Is it a JDST kinda day? Yellen also speaks this week so idk



No day trades today boys what should my plays be

Who still holding IMMU?

I see, thanks for explaining

I'm getting rid of CERU and MSTX and BTSG as soon as I can make some money off it

Buy at the bell or wait for a dip?

Did you not catch the peak yesterday?

I'm in the same boat but with DCTH and MSTX. Got to excited on the AMD Moon mission thought Veeky Forums had credibility

I'm lucky that I got in MSTX at .1389. Don't think I'll be losing money, but I sure would like to hit a solid peak at some point today

Why, please motivate. I'll continue holding it.

o shit NAK @ 3. That's a deal right?

NMM is on its dip. BUY!