>Parents are refusing to pay for my car insurance
>I'm only 21
Struggling to understand how they believe this is fair.
Parents are refusing to pay for my car insurance
Fuck you, OP.
back in my day wed have a career a house 2 cars and a family that we could pay for by the time we were 21
stop being lazy
Well OP, car insurance is expensive. Did you do anything to raise your rates?
For me, insurance is basically 65 a month. You can't afford that?
NEETs deserve to be busfags until they learn to live on their own
Get a job faggot
Fuck you normie!
If you have time to save and categorize fucking cartoon pictures you have fucking time to have a job. Lay off the fucking video games. That's shits worse than fucking meth.
>user did you decide what car you want for your bday?
>puts it in his fucking name
>takes the spare key
fuck you dad. Just another thing to hold over my head you faget
>time to save
literally under 2 seconds
>categorize even
didn't change the file name when he saved it
Shut up faggot. I paid insurance on my first shitbox when I was 16 about 20 years ago
Kek, I got a BMW when I was 16, now I drive a Porsche and my parents pay for everything still.
t. high school drop out barely made it into university without my diploma kek
>Be me
>Just turned 16
>Ask mom for a BMW 328i
>She says no
>Call her a bitch and storm out of the house
>Call up a ride from one of my friends
>Go and get shitfaced
>Come back home 12 hours later
>Mom is crying in the living room
>Tell her "nothing personnel" and go up to my room
>She breaks down and starts sobbing even harder
Fucking bitch, that'll teach her to not get me what I want.
If you're American, you have no excuse.
Mines 225/mo with 6 yrs experience and no tickets or crashes
ford fiesta btw
>ask parents to use their vehicles
>tell me no
>they ask me for favours like pick up dinner etc
>tell them no
your a fucking loser, no wonder grills laugh at you behind your back.
kys you fucking entitled millennial shitstain
Grill here, can confirm I laugh at OP every time he turns his back.
I'm a virgin as it is. Don't really care if they laugh desu
>parents gave me car and paid insurance
>decide I want something more dank
>make me give them the truck back
>I now pay $380 a month
Fucked up
You're retarded. My CTS-V is $180 a month full coverage.
see if putting one or both of them on the policy as named drivers lowers your premium at all
My parents said they're willing to be cosign but I must pay the premium.
>his parents don't pay for his car, insurance and college
must suck 2 be u
Boyracer mobile vs grandpa car. Gee I wonder why the Fiesta is more to insure...
>mfw i'm 25, pay a mortgage, my vehicles are paid off but my mom still pays my car insurance and phone bill.
>>his parents don't pay for his car, insurance and college
>must suck 2 be u
i came
I've been paying my own insurance since I was like 21 too. My parents never paid for my insurance. I've never paid over $100 a month for it. Buy a clunker honda and start saving your money, by the time your 25 you should be able to afford to finance something nicer.
Yeah OK cuck normie
>he's not making 6 figures at 21
>he still lives at home with his parents
100% cuck
>grandpa car
im pretty sure a cts-v is like 500+ hp..
>Buy a clunker honda
Insurance for Hondas are a little more expensive because they get stolen so much.
Hey I cant help that boomers totally fucked the economy. If you want something new and nice, your gonna pay through the nose for it. And your never going to get that value out of it again, the kikes will always win in the end.
It all comes down to if its worth it for you, You could run clunker hondas your entire life if you want.
he has a faggy little fiesta ST
economy is fine if you're not low IQ. Six figures is EZ PZ for most of us who actually got real degrees.
It could have 1500hp and still be a grandpa car. And I'm a mature adult and would never drive a ST anything.
Found the boomer that doesn't understand inflation and cost of living that's just trying to bait.
Here's your social security provided (you) for the month.
you must be retarded
im paying $180 for two cars its not that hard.
get a job you fucking leech
So fucking entitled.
People who can't afford a car shouldn't try to get a car.
just for living, you think you deserve a car? go fuck yourself
Not sure if falling for bait or unironic (YOU).
>be me
>be 21
>mfw insurance is 600 europoors per year
Just don't have insurance, m8
>be me
>be 21, Murrican
>mfw liability plus for a 600cc supersport is only $200 a year
>Struggling to understand how they believe this is fair.
What are the reasons why you believe this is unfair of them?
I pay 300 euro per year for a 1999, 120hp toyota
Get a joooooooooooooooob
Same, 300 Euro dollars for '01 Galant 2.5
It's not fair...
Fuck off op and stop being a lazy princess
I pay $50/Mo but then again I was an honor student and took the safe drivers pledge.
I can't recall a time my parents paid for my insurance.
hes being ironic, underage poster
>22, driving for under a year
>1.6 fiesta chav chariot
>£1000/year with no black box cuckery
You're doing it wrong
>Be me
>Be 22
>Insurance is 100 burgerbucks a month
>imagine paying for insurance monthly knowing you are getting dicked 20% more for it
>had to insure my car last June
>have my drivers license for almost one year.
>most insurance companies in the Netherlands have this policy, where young people ( under 25 ) can't insure cars over 100BHP.
>car has 170BHP.
>finally find a relatively big insurance company that wants to insure me.
>end up with 98€ p/month for insurance + storm damage and passenger insurance.
how'd I do?
First year aerospace engineer here
This is somewhat true.
>True story
>I always had a job but lived with my parents
>They bought me my first car and they wanted to flip it to to make some money back, I refused to give them the car keys and I cried as a man
>I cried because they wanted to sell the car
>They never sold it and I still have it today
>The car is a piece of shit these days and a shitbox that should not be on the road
>frankly, I should have been my own man and bought my own car, paid for my own insurance, and moved out in my early 20s
Never live at home too long, never expect your parents to always be there and pay for shit
You're an adult, your parents do not matter and only you matter
>MRS spyder 2zz
>first car
>300 a year
feels good living in the free world where banks and isnurance companies can't fuck you over because thats how things have always been
Get a job
The supreme gentleman
Rate groups. Same reason why a STI costs more to insure than a Ferrari for some people. Immature idiots usually drive boyracer mobiles and crash them, That's why they cost more to insure.
Fuck you, OP. I had to wait till I got a job.
>I'm only 21
>Parents are refusing to pay for my car insurance
>Struggling to understand how they believe this is fair.
Seems like you don't work full time at a real job.
My parents did not pay for my college education. Yet I got one. They did pay for the dorm housing and food though as my safety net. But the rest including tuition and books was on me in order to make sure I learned values in life.
not sure if bait. . .
>I'm a mature adult
>21 year old neet virgin living with his parents and can't pay his own bills
Choose one faggot
Do Americans not have the option of paying their car insurance for the year? You all seem to talk about monthly payments.
I'm 21 and pay for my own rent, car insurance, phone and internet bills
Moved out at 19 after taking a few months off after graduating high school, work full time. I don't earn a lot but it's enough to support my hobbies and cost of living.
We do. If you do this you get $X off your payment for the year. Trouble is, most people can't afford to pay $x,xxx.xx at once in a lump sum. They work pay cheque to pay cheque and can't save each month, or they're too stupid to save and would spend it, so they choose monthly payments.
I've always paid my own insurance, but my mum paid for my first year of rego.
$280/year for third party, fire and theft on my car.
$370/year for full comprehensive + gear cover on my motorbike.
I'm 23 and have had my licence suspended once for speeding.
>tfw poorfag and poor as shit parents so don't even have a car even though I've had my licence for years
I'm a minimum wagecuck having a really hard time affording insurance at times, so so far in 2017 I have driven without insurance for a good 8 months.
No way I'm paying $120 a month on that piece of shit I drive, even if I get caught and towed the fine is only $330 so I make that back within three months of risk
Get a job you piece of shit. I'm 19 and I work 10 hours a day at a lumberyard just so I can put all of the money I make into my car.
you fucking faggot