Yay or Nay?
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People are going to go reeee ls swap but it's a 944, it's not sacred. A touch too drift styled for my tastes but looks very clean and well executed.
Lol still has the turbo badge.
ok gookboy
>he saved the thumbnail
the rims on that car are hideous. hence the need for a rimjob...
don't deny it either faggot. u like it
>bumping after less than an hour
>on Veeky Forums
This is one of the slowest boards faggot
just like all of the cars on here amirite? xDD
Lmao. .i think the majority of users like the op don't even have a DL
So much want!
>one of the slowest boards
newfag detected, /i/ has a thread up from 2014. Veeky Forums doesn't even compare to other boards in terms of slowness.
he wants your views
I said one of the slowest, not the slowest. I've gotten so used to Veeky Forums's slow post speed that it's almost hard to keep up on the fastest boards like /v/ or /b/.
Even so, there's still no reason to bump on Veeky Forums before 4-6 hours have passed.
it's safe
>implying you're not the shill wanting more views
fuck off and get banned already
>/v/ or /b/
Okay now I know you're a newfag, because you haven't grown out of those boards yet.
I also didn't say I visited them regularly. Going to /b/ once is enough to see how fast it goes, and I only go to /v/ when something big happens, like HL3's script being leaked or Iwata passing away.