post of pics/vids of slutty models with cars
Girls and Cars pt.3
incredible tits desu
>artificial plastitits
t. has never seen a woman naked in person and thinks tits actually look like that
Tiny tits I can live with but holy shit where are her hips
>asian chick with 2 V8's???
something not right
asian car enthusiasts think naturally aspirated V8s are the shit
Japs make V8s too.
Funny you should think that, I was just thinking "Those tits look awful"
She actually looks better this way
We're making eastside great again.
At least cover up the grapefruits-in-a-haggis tits, jesus christ.
whats the car?
Liz Mau5
"Sometimes I sit on Ferraris and then get yelled at by valets #edm #edmlife #edmgirls #chi #chicago #nightlife #Ferrari"
Sum ting wong*
I would literally beat that bitch's ass if I caught her on my car.
Post 2D
Cool pictures!
>I would literally beat that bitch's ass if I caught her on my car.
Those models have aluminum hoods, so she's probably bent them under her weight. She wears shoes as you can see. For her to scoot all the way back to rest against the windshield, she must have pushed her shoes' edged soles on the hood for friction to push her way up to the windshield. So there's bound to be gritty scratches on the paint.
you're full of bullshit
t. asian
>I would literally beat that bitch's ass if I caught her on my car.
Looks like so many people hated her she deleted all references and then filed some legal complaint with google to de-list all results to her due to fear of retribution.
Tried searching but nothing comes up now. Old trails show the former accounts with pictures of her and various ferrari cars:
Looks like only archival sites have references now that she's hiding from any lawsuits seeking repair costs.
She's still at
Ha, ha, she's a SJW wannabe at that site.
something about the vette is awfully off
the euro bonnet height, the grille, the godawful rims, the suspension height? ALL OF IT?
>t. asian
But are you Japanese???
>Girls and Cars