Hydrogen or electric cars

why don't you desire one?

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Why? Is it better? I don't fap to that any more than I fap to the latest iGay.

I would like an electric tractor since there is no range issues

Both are horribly overpriced, I couldn't even go to school and back without recharging an electric car somewhere inbetween, hydrogen cars have such a thin refueling network it might as well not exist, there are no issues with air quality in my region. Don't get me wrong, I expect hydrogen cars to succeed internal combustion unless synthetic fuels become a thing, they're just completely useless right now.

I want an electric car, but hydrogen cars are too impractical.

If I had a project car to work on and needed a new DD then I would buy a hybrid, if they weren't overpriced (which they are)

Used Volts with under 50,000 miles are going for $15,000 or less at Carmax. My mom bought a Volt, and it's awesome.

The true test is what will happen to the beat up cheap old ones. Will they retain desirability? If so, then that would be a demonstration of success for that particular market segment.

BEVs are too inefficient to be worth the additional embedded energy in the production of the vehicle, hydrogen is a third as efficient as that,

she lost weight?


now she reminds me of klaudia kelly

I prefer my Ferrari.

>I drive an electric car! That means I don't have to do any maintenance whatsoever!

Maybe there will be a government-funded buy-back program to recycle the batteries.
>checkmate deniers it has a negative environmental footprint now

Just like all the cash for clunker cars that got recycled? These clapped out EV's will wind up in a field somewhere.

Are you not counting the emissions from burning fossil fuel to make the electricity to charge the battery?
Inb4 muh renewable energy, that shit doesn't make nearly enough power to make a difference. You're still producing green house gases, quit lieing to yourself tesla fags.

Hey cool it man. I need my special parking spot and free charging at work.

That's pretty expensive for a used commuter shitbox. You can get a brand new Versa with the whole warranty for that much.

>44% of energy in 2011 made is clean energy
Thanks for the input idiot. Back to breitbart or whatever shithole you came from

>trying to edit out the eggs

Electric cars don't come in the form of electric driven but 300hp ICE powered and never will.

don't you live down the street from that store?

If by down the street you mean like 2000mi away or maybe more, then yes.

nice stalking

We do not forgive. We do not forget.

Nissan Leaf owner here.

Bought a 2013 with 40k miles for $6500.

Paint is in amazing shape and I'm getting 80 miles on a charge. A huge portion of my charging is free from stations around me and I get a power discount from my power company.

Pretty sweet deal. Lowest total cost of ownership of any vehicle I have ever owned. It costs less than half to fuel as my previous daily driver (2008 Prius), assuming I only charge at home. If I use free chargers that are out around, it is even lower. No oil changes or belts, either.

My car is fuelled by natural gas.

>zero emissions
More like displaced emissions

I'm waiting for the day when Mazda perfects the rotary and hydrogen tech, that way I can get a quad-rotor dorito spinner that revs at 14,000RPM that runs on water and vapes more than a Subaru, all while creating true zero emissions.

No engine and related auditory/tacticle experiences, no care.

It literally goes no further than that for me. Muh feels. Get mad if you want to but you won't change my mind

Hydrogen just seems cool.
Also faster refuel/charge time.
Charging an electric car sounds pricey.
Either way new technology is always interesting and should be pursued to a degree.

Just went through another hurricane, gas was hard to get, but there was NO electricity in most places. The grid is too vulnerable for me to own an electric car, even if they were good. At least when hurricanes or just severe storms hit most gas stations have generators to make the pumps work. electric car? SOL

Why the fuck do people live in those places?

Why the fuck do people live stacked on top of each other in giant concrete prisons in stinky crime ridden cities?

>A car
>You can only drive 80 miles
Y-you guys have another car too, right?

We have 3 other cars, but the 80 mile range hasn't been a problem yet.

Get a gas generator if you are concerned about the 1 out of every 5000 days you will be without power.

>We have 3 other cars
Get a load of this bourgeoisie wrecker.

>gas generator
>charging your electric car
Yeah it'll trickle charge it, give you a dozen miles of range per day or so, it's more important to use the generator to run your refrigerator and AC though

>why don't you desire one?

is that you zuckerberg?

No way, range issues and retarded long "refueling" times

Once the distribution network becomes better and once they stop being overpriced maybe.

If you care about the environment and your wallet so much, get an LPG car. Less emmisions and cheaper, without needing to wait overnight for it to fucking charge.


if you go CNG you get all that plus you can install a pump off the house gas line in your garage just a little fyi

>ywn drive a 12 liter twin turbo V8 that runs on hydrogen
Why even live

If they can build a street legal all electric or hydrogen car with >900 hp that can go more than 200 miles per hour I will consider desiring one.

Also that bullshit that the only product of burning hydrogen is H2O is fucking bullshit. H2O and CO2 are the two main products of every single combustion reaction, that's just bullshit popcorn science and I'm sick of hearing it.

>only product of burning hydrogen is H2O is fucking bullshit. H2O and CO2 are the two main products of every single combustion reaction
>implying burning Hydrogen and Oxygen will produce CO2
literally what
The only carbon coming out of the tailpipe of a car that burns Hydrogen and Air will be the result of the CO2 that is a part of the ambient air. How in the fuck can you burn Hydrogen as a fuel, a single element, and form carbon from that reaction? Huh???

>he doesn’t know about fusion
Laughing cunts dot jay peg

He's saying carbon and CO2 are not evil. Oxidizing hydrogen fuel is not very attractive as a general solution unless you have some sort of fetish against the energy density you can get from breaking hydrocarbon bonds, or some fancy technology based around an efficient hydrogen cycle.

>15 fucking thousand
>shitty prius clone with no good defining features besides muh electric
>people just accept this

No, my friendo. Get a half way decent generator and it will have a NEMA 14-50 50 amp outlet that will fully charge a Leaf in 4 hours.

You have no idea how a Volt works if you think it is just a shitter Prius.

Which will have its CVT die in 40k miles.

That nuke slice needs to be bigger

because tesla doesn't make a full size piccup...




Better solution is to buy an old non turbo diesel and run it on cooking oil biodiesel.


Or an electric semi with enough range for a full driving day. Hook it up to charge while you sleep at a truck stop, functionally preventing truckers from falling asleep at the wheel.

Electric is supposedly best at torque. Why don't we ever seem to use that?

>oh shit my truck stopped
>well at least now I can sleep at the wheel

>Electric is supposedly best at torque. Why don't we ever seem to use that?

uhh what are trains, ships and earth moving machinery?

A motor only converts energy. The actual energy and power comes from the battery, which are currently pathetic. All the torque in the world is meaningless without the energy to feed it.