How do people crash when driving fast...

How do people crash when driving fast? Don't people wait until they actually have a feel for their car before driving like an asshole anymore?

Sometimes there are road conditions you can't anticipate, like water, oil or sand, or maybe some moron hanging out in the middle.
Sometimes you take a curve no faster than normal, but then you have a catastrophic tire blowout and hit a tree.
It isn't always the result of moron drivers.

People usually do not realize your driving technique must adjust for how fast you are travelling and that tires have a limited amount of grip that can be exploited at once.

The average driver will often brake while turning because they do not understand that the action of braking and the action of turning together gives less driven wheel traction than if they just coasted around the corner at a higher speed. They equate the difficulty of having to negotiate this turn under braking to all turns because they do not know how to corner effectively, slowing their driving down even more and creating a driver who fears more than is necessary.

If you do not know the limits of your car, you should not be allowed to drive.

We should all be expert 16 year old drivers like OP

If you're going to crash, why not do it when you're driving fast? C'mon OP put some effort in to this.

Shit happens, some faggot cuts you off because "YOURE SPEEDING" and you end up in the ER with him.

This. You can only control what you can control.

Never been the same since Ronaldo left

Hahaha no. Every normie idiot now thinks the car means everything, just press the go pedal and it does the work for you.

Most of the time high speed crashes where I live are people simply driving too fast to slow down for a car merging in front of them or for a traffic jam they're driving too fast to stop for. Tailgating to try and get people to move over or simple impatience and not expecting them to touch the brakes for traffic or something in front of them also causes a lot of fender benders. Really doesn't help the "speed kills" narrative here.

>he's from australia
what did i expect

if people could feel anything, they wouldn't be driving like an asshole.

If you don't crash a car these days it's just a waste of all those safety features you paid for

People who crash are down-syndrome-drivers-license.

>Most of the time high speed crashes where I live are people simply driving too fast to slow down for a car merging in front of them
This. I couldn't tell you how many close calls I've had while going 100+mph on the highway and somebody waited until I was just a few hundred feet behind them to change into my lane. I've actually had to pass people on the shoulder because there simply wasn't room for me to slow down enough.

>if you don't know the limits of your car you shouldn't be allowed to learn them
L o l I love elitist logic.

and that's not your problem....why?

This is actually a huge problem on the autobahn and will likely be the reason the speed limits get reinstated in the future. Merging cars also often get rear ended because they have the right of way there and moving over to let them in is extremely dangerous and possibly illegal. UK highways are about 3 times safer statistically than German ones and choosing to exceed the advisory speed there often means you're completely at fault for a rear end collision because you were driving too fast for conditions. Not to mention tailgating is an instant 3 month license suspension there which contrasts with all the videos of assholes with supercars tailgating on the autobahn to get people to move over. The amount of cognitive dissonance you create when you tell reckless entitled car guys this is quite amusing because you completely spoil their autistic delisions of how they believe the road should operate and how the law should be interpreted.

He should be allowed to attempt suicide if he wants user what are you a commie

And kill everyone else involved in the process resulting in huge financial and resource drains to get the mess and loss of life sorted out. It's retarded that suicide is illegal, but this is something else entirely.

Are you sure about this? I think you're wrong. The reason why racing drivers never coast is because the car has the most traction when force is being applied to it (power or braking)

I'm being facetious user, I agree with you

Which is why racing drivers slow down before turning into the corner and power out. They get the most grip. However, if you're entering the corner too quickly it is better to coast than to slam on the brakes.

women tend to get in the way

unless you're in a RWD and wanna pull a dogumi

Always beware Skoda drivers.

You should know that Initial D isn't realistic user.

Then why wouldn't racing drivers slow down before a corner and coast through it? Are you saying that coasting is the safest way around a corner, but braking into a corner and powering out is faster?

Powering out is safer than coasting, coasting is safer than braking.
Braking before entering is the safest and fastest way to go through a corner.

This, there should be more availability of resources to learn, and harsh penalties to those who willfully act to put others in danger

Advanced driver courses with skidpans that throw you sideways, and cone courses.

>Le reading it means you can do it meme
If only user
If only

Unless you meant like Said (or are the same user)
In which case godspeed

Ok okay I see now.

Precisely that.

It's now illegal in the UK to be in any lane but the innermost on any multi lane road, be it dual carriageway or motorway unless you're overtaking.

Also "tailgaiting" isn't an instant ban cunt


It's unfortunately unenforced, but fast drivers enforce it by default with flashing and indicators

What if I have to make a left (right) turn?


How are you stupid enough to ask that?


If I'm not allowed to drive in the "outside lane" unless I'm overtaking then how am I supposed to make a turn or exit on that side safely?

There are only about 5 places in the UK where this is a concern, one of which is in Glasgow where I live.

Where people have started implementing this in North America and other places it's become a huge hazard and source of revenue generation for that reason. Any amount of time spent in the outside lane that isn't driving 20 over the limit to pass another car is met with rage and a possible traffic stop just for trying to turn or exit left. Cops sometimes sit at left lane exits and simply ticket everyone who drives by because they were using the lane for another purpose besides passing, and other motorists lose their minds because they now can't speed excessively. A motion to try and enforce this in Florida was shot down for this very reason and thank fuck for that

You live in a police state, I live in a police state that doesn't give a shit about my particular area.
Driving in Scotland is mostly great other than the average speed cameras on some of the main "highways" but the busiest ones around Glasgow are largely unpoliced bar the end of the month. Plus they can't shoot anyone for reaching for their licence.

I always wander if tards have any self awareness.

>matt malone

>obligatory course after having license for 2 years
>throws you in random direction
>slippery underground
>even instructors spin out most of the time
>only give you 2 tries to scare you
