>people walking along the road
>accelerate to spool up the turbo and blow off when I pass them
ITT: douchebag stuff you do
I notice that every faggot with a BOV just HAS to do this near me if my window is rolled down. Blow off valves were cool like 10 years ago, no one cares or is impressed anymore.
>traffic backed up for miles on the interstate
>wheelie past on the shoulder
i am
t. barely legal
there's nothing wrong with doing that. i'm in my 30s and it's one of the only pleasures i have left in life.
although i don't have a BOV, i have a DV that holds boost pretty well with a tiptronic, so what i do is short shift just after fully spooling around 3500 at ~50% throttle, then right when i shift i let off to about 25% throttle, which is enough to keep the DV from opening but the throttle plate is too closed for all the boost I still have in my pipes, so I get sick compressor surge that sounds like a pigeon coop full of darth vader wookies.
>Honk at everyone for literally everything.
Fuck them though. Srsly, get off your fucking phones.
I like to drive safely and courteously and always follow at a safe distance.
I also merge onto highways safely and overtake safely.
Instead of honking at people who are texting at green lights I just keep my car in neutral and hit the gas like I'm going to go right through them.
I should just give a friendly honk but fuck them.
Turn up my radio when there's people around, play t loud when all windows are down, rip skids if there's people around
>park in handicap and fire lane spots all the time if I know ill be quickish
>if I see some one trying to pass me on the right I gun it and chuck them
start at first gear instead of second when someone else is in the car. I'm going 25 mph but it sounds like I'm going 80 cuz it's at 6k rpm
>own a civic because it's what I can afford
>tell non car people who can afford better cars to get just get a civic
Sometimes I don't stop at the light if I'm making a right turn on red.
Fuck you nigger. When people honk at me at lights and stop signs I sit there on purpose for another 15 seconds. Granted I'm not on my phone in my car but it's still fucking annoying, eat shit. If you're late to whatever faggot orgy you've got planned that's your own damn fault.
>turn up my radio when there's people around and lower windows
I do this too. I don't know why.
Pay attention to the road, dingbat. If people honk at you then you're probably doing something wrong.
I jack off looking at women. Idc I do what I want. Oh hi Marc
Sounds fun and pretty much harmless
see a person driving fast apparently trying to get somewhere fast, speed up to match the car next to me so the other person has nowhere to go and cant pass
Keep my lincoln clean and waxed with the chrome polished, wear nicer khakis, boat shoes, and a simple vneck with a clean undercut, and intentionally fill up at a gas station in a trashy poor neighborhoood on my way home from work. Ill usually pay inside and use my smiliest, cakiest voice possible while talking to the cashier.
You have one of my favorite cars on Veeky Forums, No homo
Gonna have to start doing this
>turn up my music and roll down my windows
>keep pace with a car if they have their windows down to force them to listen to my music
>if i see someone trying to hurry through traffic in a two lane, I keep pace with another car to block the person rushing
>ITT: legally dubious habits bound to cause an accident
What the fuck is this, Alaska?
>a poorfag pos golf is your favorite car
I'm glad my life is not this shit
Maybe if you live in a small town, in a big city retards will honk at you while almost crashing into you/breaking traffic laws next to you
>whenever I notice someone antsy to jump in front of me, I always floor it and leave them in the dust
>when i see some young 16 year old in a BMW 128i thinking they're hot shit bc they're in a bimmer, I challenge them to a street race and completely shatter their ego
>when someone tries to undertake me, i floor it and outrun them
most hills in my town that I go up on my bike I have to turn into or go up from a dead stop.
so when I blast up them, my cobra pipes are really fucking loud. I feel bad for the people that live down at the bottom of the hill, but its too much fun.
I also hooked up 4 aftermarket speakers on my bike and fucking blast them all the time to hear them over my pipes. be a cruisercuck can be fun sometimes.
I can see the light is green without your gay little sound. I go whether I'm good and ready.
I only fuck with people who fuck with me.
If I'm in a two lane road and a car comes flying up behind me, I'll switch lanes so they don't have to.
If I see someone trying to change lanes but people aren't letting them in, I'll poke the nose of my shitbox or shitbike into the lane, letting them merge in, then continue on with my day.
It's really not hard to do, and its not like you will suddenly cripple up and die as a cuck if you don't brake check someone. Grow up and realize some people are in a rush or just want to have fun going fast, so why stop them?
>he actually has a BOV
>he doesn't take the compressor surge like a fucking man for the superior TOOOOOOOOOOOO-TOOT-TOOTOTOTOTOO-TOOOOO sound
kek, you call yourselves douches, step aside
If someone thinks I'm taking "too long" I'll wait an extra 15 some seconds before going. Especially if there was no opening to begin with and they're just honking out of impatience.
Pic related is a drawing of some guy who honked because I didn't go in some tiny opening, went left to go around me, pulled out in front of a car and was inches away from being rear ended by a honda CRV who had to swerve to avoid him. His stare still haunts me.
Man, I wish I could still do that, my current car has launch control or some shit and won't let me rev high from a stop
I never move up a lane when people from the on-ramp on a highway try to merge in. Nobody ever moves up for me either so fuck them..
>skid every corner
>every straightway is a time trial
>every trip is a time trial
>race everyone
>purposefully pass shitboxes just to get them to race me on dangerous winding roads downhill
>weave in and out of traffic
>all just to beat some random guy to a stop light
>tailgate slow drivers in the left lane
I am the epitome of an edgy driver, I don't even drive a fast car.
I pretend to pedal my motorcycle when I pass cyclists
>approaching tunnel with bridge on top
>sidewalks on both sides
>insane amount of people walking
>festival or some shit
>straight pipe v8
>drop to 3rd and punch it
>shatter eardrums of all people and snap necks
I do this all the time
>god mode
>doing it near a university with lots of stop signs, so tons of people notice and you get to do it over and over again
>purposefully pass shitboxes just to get them to race me on dangerous winding roads downhill
Stop baiting me dickhead
>coming up to traffic light
>faggot tailgating me
>light turns yellow just as I get in range
>slam on the breaks
>they slam on their breaks
>pull through the intersection just as the light turns red
Some guy in a chevy monte carlo did that couple of years back during rush hour on a highway, it didnt work the girl (teen) was still texting.
we need to start impounding cars for texting.
>Tunnel homeless people sleep in
>Lay on the horn every time
>Pic related
I typically do the opposite of this because I play weeb music
I'm guilty of double parking if the lot is empty and I'll be in and out in 5 minutes. Also there is a stretch of double lane road on my commute home, if somone wants to cut into my left lane ahead of me they better fucking want it.
Civics are good reliable cars, though, user.
Do they get mad? I saw a guy on an F4i rev bomb a group of cafe racers yesterday.
I do this to lifted truckfags near me (South FL). They're trying to 80 down 45mph zones and while I'm comfortable with a little speeding that just seems excessive to me. My favorite is when one pulls up right behind me while I'm already going 15 over. I gun it to the next car and then match their speed. The trucks usually just zip back and forth between our lanes.
If you're getting honked at at lights it's because you are taking too long.
I have never once been honked at.
>notice car swerving across lanes on the freeway going 80+
theyre clearly in a hurry
>attempt to box them in and go slow as fuck
>turn on blinker and change into lane theyre attempting to change into
>I never move up a lane when people from the on-ramp on a highway try to merge in. Nobody ever moves up for me either so fuck them.
big rigs do, they almost always do
>windows down
>loud music
>smoking cigarette
>flip off anyone motioning for me to turn down the music
>lay on the horn at anyone on the phone
i have become what i hate the most, and it feels so good
Thought I was the only one.
and this
thanks bb, means a lot.
>purposefully pass shitboxes just to get them to race me on dangerous winding roads downhill
This nigga knows what up.
>not even an S4
you really have low standards
I piss in my washer fluid tank and drive by place's with heavy foot traffic and spray away
>skoda driver who thinks he has a """"""premium"""""" car
No wonder you still act so childish
I like to play chicken with people who take too long at stop lights. I'll drive at an increasing speed while honking. This actually works most of the time and they shit themselves and take off swerving from confusion. Its also always faggots on their phone. To be honest i've crashed like 4 times doing this. I straight up ended up ramming like one dumb teen bitch and a soccer mom. Got off scott free because I filmed them texting with my phone while driving Lel.
stock S4s are slow and have crap suspension and brakes.
what are you talking about? my car's not """"premium"""" at all. i paid cash for it, built it up in a year and it sits in storage 99% of the time. i dont even drive it i just work on it, shitpost about it, and track it a few times a year.
Wouldn't know, I'm already four blocks ahead
Lol, kudos for being honest.
I will concede one thing, bicycles make for fun 2smoke conversion projects
I own a shitty 500$ car even though i could easily get a car worth 10 times as much i have no need for it so i act like im poor and people give me money
excellent tale my good fellow
lol. reminds me of my first cab ride to the medina after hopping off a plane in tangier, morocco. it was like a 15 minute cab ride and we hit 5 cars on the way. that's just what they do there instead of honking if youre late to leave a light. they all drive these old indestructible mercedes diesels with giant bumpers.
t. Drives a late model shitbox
Fake and gay
I drive twice the limit on the freeways at night and weave through lanes to get around people because I watched too much wangan midnight. I love when camaros get butthurt about being passed and try and maneuver their pigfat shit through traffic, inevitably eating my dust.
What bike do you have?
Not a bike. I drive a mk1 Toyota mr2.
See people hugging, kissing, walking. Honk them as I pass and pray there's no red light. It's a bit of an adrenaline rush. I had one person get onto a car and chase me one time.
How often do you get BTFO by bikes?
>be me
>be in purple taurus as passenger
>listening to wu tang clan loud af
>pulling out of mcdonalds
>group of high school students standing around parking lot
>hang out the window
>scream wu tang clan aint nuthin to fuck with
>immediately hit red light
Only thing i really do is when some slow piece of shit is driving slow and not even accelerating hard i overtake them and get in front of then with my loud ass exhaust
One time I was riding somebody's ass through a turn at 90 mph and a harley mounted cop passed me doing 110. Chill guy lol.
Other than that, never though.
>I'm causin more Family Feud's than Richard Dawson
I once got out with my gun in hand because some faggot was doing this. He took the fuck off like the pussy he is.
Keep doing this and you might meet someone like me one day.
I would just laugh and say I’m not broke like you.
Post your car
If i was one of those kids i would had yelled fuck wu tang clan while your ass is waiting at the red light
Fucking this.
Why don't you just go? Why does everyone have to wait on you, faggot?
Obviously not you fucking dip shit learn to drive
>pretending a $5k car is worth anything
lul even with that car you're still poorfag.
Speed up when shit boxes that look like they can go over 90km try to pass me in a small 60km zone.
>Committing a crime because some fag likes committing traffic violations
What is wrong with you
Keep in mind that the slowest of cars were doing 80 as this was between rush hours during the day. I had no intention of doing anything other than keeping up with traffic with just enough room to react because I am not an idiot who speeds recklessly.
Keep doing that and you might meet someone who doesn't give a fuck and you're dead.
Purposely block people in their Lane when they are in a hurry and obviously trying to get somewhere. Like I will get in the passing Lane and then slow down to the same speed as the car in front of you. And if it looks like you'll be able to get around the car in front of you soon I will speed up and try to block you on the next car before you can get around again.
Sometimes I'll pretend to be on my phone and be completely oblivious to you. Laughing the whole time under my breathe
I've keyed a Corvette for not having a handicap sticker. It's one of my favorite things to do is fuck with people being dicks in parking lots
Sounds cool 2bh.
Loud music like other anons, I just do it for myself and enjoy it though. Sometimes windows are down & sunroof open.
I also like to purposely "screw" drivers who are driving like cunts. I'll speed/slow if I see them cutting lanes behind me and ensure that I get ahead of them. Then I might drive like a normie at speed limit, just barely enough space between me and the car in front so he can't pass in front of me. Then speed off the second I am the first car at a stoplight.
Was being a LEO too hard?
>bragging about pulling out your gun on unarmed non violent people.
>have cutouts on my Hemi Challenger
>someone does something that irritates me
>scream past them with the full force of my engine shaking their entire car and everything inside
>proceed to sit in front of them at the top of my RPMs until they abandon all hope and either slow way the fuck down or exit the street/highway
>I pretend to pedal my motorcycle when I pass cyclists
I do the same thing
>go WOT after they see me and pedal faster
I drive a truck (no weight in the back), with no traction control, a limited slip diff with almost no preload, and a 4.10 rear end, so on rainy days I can effortlessly powerslide anywhere and anytime I want.