What will Veeky Forums be about when teleportation will be the norm?

What will Veeky Forums be about when teleportation will be the norm?

Teleportation is impossible but you won't be alive long enough to realize I'm right because time travel isn't invented for another 3,558 years. Sorry

>tfw teleporting my shitbox to the Nürburgring and all the other famous tracks

Bring it on

Not spending money on daily-driving a shitbox and instead spending your money on the car you actually want?


cars will become purely for pleasure and you can take your shitbox everwhere

How manual teleporting coordinates are superior to automatic ones and how fast you can teleport to Nürburing and back.

Veeky Forums - Auto

>he's not autistic

>get in car, teleport to work
>after work, get back in car and teleport home in it

>tfw just ordered a mechanical cherry green numpad with two-way port support for my teleporter from china

>It's in chinese

Port my hole for extra brap and add images of my waifu

>wasting money on GMK sets

Cars will still be around, they will just only exist for leisure--only car enthusiasts will own cars, for historical novelty or just because they're fun.

Cars become a cool niche/hobby and car manufacturers that remain specialize in making really fun sports/performance cars instead of economy shitboxes and soccermommobiles. The prices of fossil fuels drop drastically if such fuel is still available. Visiting circuits becomes easy as fuck and all the road infrastructure is basically abandoned and barren so you can drive like an absolute maniac all the time if you want to. Sounds pretty good desu.

I'll buy the dlc first

Driving without the constant hassle of the law, old people, women and fucking cyclists piece of shit.

It'll be bliss.

It will be glorious!!
Holodecks will be your own personal real life vidya game
Computer: laguna seca, afternoon 75deg. Give me a bb1 prelude with few simple mods and naked ava addams in her prime in passanger seat. Start program ..... Just need to cryo freeze myself for another 1000 yrs

>tfw all the mountain passes get converted into racing tracks

You can't teleport into a tree sidways at over 120mph so yes

>You can't
Hold my beer faggot, as soon as teleportation technology is commercially aviable I'll show you what I can and can't do

>he isn't using it for masturbation

>it's 100% irrelevant when Time Travel is invented.

if it existed at all ever, we'd have it today.

>implying cyclists wouldn't continue to shit up the roads
>Lmao exercise bro
>Share the road, if you don't like it just teleport

They're literal pieces of shit

Taht's wrong, though.