If you're able-bodied and can't drive a manual you're either a faggy numale or a woman. Prove me wrong.
If you're able-bodied and can't drive a manual you're either a faggy numale or a woman. Prove me wrong
well how am I going to fucking argue with that?
What's to prove wrong?
well i guess me and Veeky Forums are in agreement. There's always so many anons shitting on mt threads I wasn't sure.
Do you think maybe you could not be so intolerant thanks
This post is wholly and categorically correct
This is 100% objectively and factually correct
I'm 6'4", 250lb and daily a powder blue automatic Honda Fit. I could probably roll your car over with my hands.
I didn't learn until I was 18, I don't blame someone for not knowing if they haven't had the opportunity. If they've tried and can't get it after a day then they are a woman or numale, sure. Although my commute in the morning is making me heavily consider an auto daily, even with a light clutch.
>tfw had an great dad
>made me learn to drive a manual before I even applied for my permit
Or an average American
Okay but can you drive a stick tho? Cause if not then the only thing you roll irl is onto your stomach to take your boyfriends cock
I don't enjoy working knobs my dude
>I could probably roll your car over with my hands.
I am sure you can't even rollover your own fit. I don't even want to embarrass myself looking at you trying to roll over a truck weighing 4tons while empty
same boat as this guy, didn't learn manual until i was suddenly forced to when i was 18 working at a car dealership. I just had never been in a manual car before.
Ok, so you're big and strong. Are you also into tattoos and actively post on Facebook? Do you take selfies?
Since 99% of my driving experience is in traffic jams in a city automatic is just way more convenient.
>no license
>everyone I know has an auto
>they're also "too busy" to help me practice, even though they plaster their social media with Stupid Bullshit We Did On Our Day Off (1749 More Images)
>college, so basically all the money I earn from my McJob goes to "still being unsure about my life goals, but now with more debt"
At least the bus is free with the campus ID.
Retarded and gross chick
Literally married to a guy who makes poop jokes for a living
or just not extremely poor or a tryhard
Dude you're not manly or extra cool for driving a manual, sorry to burst your bubble. If being able to operate an antiquated piece of machinery is your version of being a better self, kill yourself. Especially moreso now that manuals are slower and inefficient.
t. drives a manual for the fun aspects, not the edgy tryhard edgelord notions
anybody can drive a manual, but why bother learning when 95% of cars are auto and there's no need to learn?
Unless you're an enthusiast there's no point.
i can drive manual, i just dont like it
Change "manual" to "motorcycle" and I'll agree.
>inb4 people who are scared of them make excuses
Sleep tight brapper
It is impossible to prove something subjective wrong.