2nd day of Spooky Edition

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>power being retarded

some things never change i guess

I don't think I fucked anything up but okay

There is no way this is possible, right?


>forgot /ovg/
>15 posts early
Nothing fucked up at all

NICE, well feel free to get rid of the thread than

7th for RR3
>join WAT1

link to the official /ovg/ discord: discord.gg/AKdvzdf

>fast paced games where vision is important (Burnout, WipEout, etc) only got made on shit-graphics can't-see PS2 era tech
What the FUCK

Name a better game

Project Gotham Racing 2
Burnout 3D
If we're strictly talking sims, then none




>hey, look! A newer car, made specifically to beat the 962, actually beats it!

You mean futuristic racing games were only made on tech not cluttered to shit by visual effects.

Also there's stuff like Redout and Formula Fusion on Steam, they're still on my wishlist because they haven't been cheap enough for me so far.

really made me think

Paradise sucked.

>implying PS2-era wasn't the best era for vidya
Shit was so cash, i remember the days where every single one of my friends had a well specced PC and/or a console.

Your opinions suck.

>objectively the best game in the series sucked


>forgetting best bike gaem

that's not takedown. paradise is for babbies

Takedown is the normie choice, the original was the best. It's got that comfy arcade feel.

Was 3 the one on PSP?

3 was on Xbox and PS2 my dude.

Well the PSP one was the one I played the most and it was very fun.


that was dominator, a midway point between takedown and revenge

Hey hey, tú tú
Odio a tu novia
No no, no no
Necesitas una nueva
Hey hey, yo, yo
Podría ser tu novia

forza 7
gran turismo sport
mario kart 8

Thanks to emulators, you can up the resolution of those games and that helps a lot. I find that doubling the resolution already is enough, but if your PC can handle more you can always go for it

There is one oddity with emulating Burnout games where the skybox is glitched, but you can fix it by switching to software mode with F9 before the race starts and then switching back to hardware mode once you finished loading. You need to redo this everytime you restart the emulator but only once while in game

I would if I could, but I'm not still playing games on an actual PS2 entirely out of choice.

>Implying they shouldn't have released it on the PS4 to begin with

WipEout HD/Fury is great.

You know half my problems with the divisions system in FM7 would be fixed if cars could span multiple divisions, and or if they were tiered for entry level to top level. It's silly that you can't use the 3000GT, Z3, etc without a restrictor plate

Why the fuck do my laps keep getting invalidated before the first corner at knockhill, I've spent 2 fucking hours at quali trying to set a time. Pcars2 btw

>reading more about fm7 economy
user im sorry i doubted you but it does in fact seem set up for microtransactions

>never played a rally game
>choose autocross as first route in pcars 2
>MFW sawing at the wheel

I need a wheel stand, any suggestions?

Only sucks if you're a completionist desu. All the autist tier cars are easily attained and all the fancy ones are normie 12 year olds are willing to pay or grind for the supercars

Well I caved, dusted off the xbone and bought it.

Who else Forza 7, GT sport, and pcars 2 master race?

If you've gotten a penalty in the last sector of the last lap your next lap is invalidated.

The reception to Forza 7 has been lukewarm at best. How'd you cave to that?

The want for a nice simcade game while waiting for GT Sport assuming it doesn't get pushed back again

>29.30 Mb/s

>gt3 rs (991 and 997) are 'exclusive'
they're not easily obtained

also this special vendor shite so you cant buy an xy falcon etc. normally

what about it? It fucking sucks downloading shit over wifi. I have a 50 Mb/s connection but it shit the bed so had over wifi.

hm, that might be it. I'm getting "slow down to avoid being given a penalty by race control", I said fuck it because I thought it'd only invalidate the warm up lap. What's up with the slow down thing anyway ? Does the race director just randomly decides you're too fast ?

>pcars 2 is filled with unconventional or interesting cars to drive
>90% of lobbies are GT3/4/E, LMP, or Indy

>popular classes are popular
Shocking, I know

it's because you're getting out of control (lots of tire squealing/sliding) or exceeding track limits through corners. in short, git gud.

I guess it's because I'm taking the chicane too aggressively going over the kerbs



shit posted this on the old one... Anyways does it get better with wear or do i have to take this fucker out?

b-but that's the fastest way to take the chicane
I'm now just slowing it down and taking the chicane like a good boy, at least it wastes less time than avoiding the penalty

Is there a way to speed up the rest of qualifying like you could in the first game ? If you just skip to end the AI sets some ridiculous times.

not that I know of. I've found if you want to qualify top 10 you have to at the very least stay on track for 20 minutes. Game simulates the track heating up giving more grip as time passes.

Build one

formula meme ruined and killed OVGT6 series

is this any good? I've been itching for some F1 action.

give me those fumos my youmu is very lonely

If you like cars on rails in the parade formation yeah

>Shit cars
>shit tracks
what's even the point?

buy forza 7 goyims


>play TXRD2
>AI is stupid easy to beat, can beat the 300 hp 350z in your 100 hp shitbox on the first day
>play kaido racer
>AI is still retarded, but puts up a pretty good fight when conditions are equal
>also it has irohazaka which is pretty fun

Why was TXRD2's AI downgraded? Did people complain about the AI in Kaido Racer being too hard or something?

Forza shill here. Cars have been switched from GT3 to anything built to s class 800pi (homologation system can fuck off), only requirement is racing slicks and a cage. I also made the track schedule less autistic, first race will be on Mugello now. Still October 6th.
Sign ups are here docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KmJlRBsaaLNmuhpNzENjmbr_ld5MNP7-Q8PgjANrT18/edit?usp=sharing
and discord for annoucements discord.gg/V7CYNag

Just started playing Forza 7. How in the fuck do people think this is a sim? This is dudebro shit to the extreme. Fucking dropped, going back to AC.

>microtransactions have been in Forza since 4
>surprised they will be in 7
u a dumb nibba

Try the open wheels first.
Specifically the formula ford.
>Hockenheim ring in the rain
total cream dream

yeah it's an unironically good game

it has better physics than gt6, so i'm happy with it.

>advance to GT4 in career
>got a dated Mustang draped in the American flag for its livery
>premade "stable" setup handles great, spend little time in menu's and just get lapping
pretty happy where I'm at in pcars2 if I'm honest


Just started playing /ovg/. How in the fuck do people think this is good? This is dudebro shit to the extreme. Fucking dropped, going back to rebbit

>not playing FM7
wew lad

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand /ovg/. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical shitposters head. There's also Forza shills nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from doriftu manga literature, for instance. The tripfags understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about CORNERING. As a consequence people who dislike /ovg/ truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Forza shills existencial catchphrase "buy Forza 7," which itself is a cryptic reference to Shuichi Shigeno's Japanese epic "Initial D" I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as
POWERRRRRRR's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have an /ovg/tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>not playing assetto corsa
oh lawd

Is there club racing in FM7? For me the single player is not really reason enough to buy it plenty of sp content left in FH3. How was WAT club racing after FM4?

legit question, does FM7 have VR support?

[hotlaps eternally]


Are the 'stable' settings generally more realistic than 'loose' or should they be changed on a car by car basis

tfw not intelligent enough for /ovg/

don't know and don't care, loose is good for spinning for no apparent reason and stable allows me to push like I'm playing AC on an optimal track surface

I think the idea is a stable setup close to typical understeery default setups (usually those are for pads) and a loose setup for ebin pro drivers.

I love dirt 3, but the community is almost dead. Is 4 good?


I've only used the karts and ginetta juniors so far (loose setup, g27 wheel) and they felt about right, but the ginetta gt invitational was retarded tail happy, so may try it on stable if I can't gitgud


At least the ai is somewhat accurate


>mfw doing that afk grind method while watching youtube videos of streams

This car can lap every other Group C. I did a ring sector like 10 seconds faster in it than any other Group C.


Is it worth it to spend 20 Eurodollers more for a clutch?

Yes, in the off chance that you might get a shifter. Also better standing starts and sweet clutch kicks.

How do I rewind in a multiplayer race in Forza 7?

okay, thanks

well, your fault for driving a car with such a shitty paintjob

If I chose a car instead of a racing suit during level up, can I earn these suits later?

probably through loot boxes