[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

Coolest air intake thingy ever edition.

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First for not suzuki

Please convince me not to buy a GROM for my first bike ever

Please please please convince me this is a bad idea

The Grom is shit, get an sv or hornet or something

Zuki amputee, getting new feet soon!

*breathes in*


>coolest air intake ever

uh no.

>Posting the worst Suzuki in a counterargument
Come on fag

YOU mean best suzuki right?

>Get disk brakes lock with alarm
>Feel more relaxed parking it at uni
>Remember that good thieves will defeat any lock or alarm
>Continue being anxious about my bike being stolen

Anyone else know this feel? I want to get a heavy duty chain and lock, but there isn't always a place to lock it down and storing it under the seat would leave little room for anything else.

Not in any way.

Just make it so your bike is harder to steal than anyone elses.


>tfw debating going full retard and making a **custom** out of this little guy


Just make it hard enough to steal that the average idiot can't touch it, then get theft insurance for the more advanced idiot.

Put meme and animu sticker on it, it will immediately tank the value

but then it gets pushed over by people like me

you didnt think this through

>pretending on the internet
No one is impressed

In loving memory of forkless, wherever they may be

>rides a dual sport

cool hover bike

Why and what is this

>Not knowing the #1 power cruiser
Fuck off newfag

Which tanks value even further, therefore increasing OP's safety

Good on ya user, doing him a service like that

Good point. Brb, buying stickers.
What will people think if I get a DBT sticker?

>I want to look cool like the Harley riders
>but I also want to beat a Veyron between the lights

Nothing, they'll just ask what it means.
>mfw I still haven't come up with a good response

The best of the best

Post your bike


I thought Death By Throttle was the standard response


I need some new pictures, but I keep forgetting to take them.



>tfw haven't taken new pictures of baiku in months

What bike and please have a 650cc version

I'm too edgy for that, they'd probably call for a welfare check at that point

I rarely think about taking a photo until way later when i realize it would have been cool.

It literally says on the bike you fuckin wombat


Its not like it says Honda CB400 super four on the bike

The Hornet 600 is pretty similar, but there's a 1300 that's the same.

Twin exhausts up the tail makes me diamonds.

Riding helps


My R1 is still in the shop, hoping to get it back before the weekend so I can ride it to the Yamaha dealer demo.


more like r dumb

125s are fun



y tho

*weighs 135kg in front of you*

Hey guys, dropped my suzuki (pic related). Do you think the city will fine me for the damage? It took a crane to get it out.


>oh it's a dr650
nobody cares dude.

nice bike fampai :)


Anyone have any experience with buells?

Are they good commuter bikes? (90 miles a day).


>He doesn't watch this video at least 20 times a day


What kind of shitty patch job is that? The council can't seriously deem that as acceptable right?

>if suzuki were an american company
Its that bad

gets me hard every time

Really that bad?

I guess ill just find a Honda or something..

My city did some road work where they tore up a piece of road and then filled it in except the height was so fucked up, it was an inch above the road. I hit it and nearly flew over the handle bars, luckily I regained control. anyways I called the city and it was a "oops sorry we'll notify crew" and thats it.

point is, its very rare the city will pay for damages from shitty roads. Its more of a "drive at your own risk" "why werent you going slower to avoid :^)"

I love the throaty rumble of a Yoshi or GYRT.
But I also love the relentless screaming of Akrapovic.

I need another bike.


>pay taxes
>taxes pay for road repair
>road repair is poorly (cheap as possible) done
>call city to alert them to hazard
>nothing is done to correct the problem

Eeeeh, kinda meh.

I'd have prefer a motorcycle equivalent of:

I watch those "why we ride" vids a lot

It's the same here. If you hit a pot hole and fuck your vehicle, the council will do everything in their power to avoid paying. I think if the pot hole was unreported then they don't have to take responsibility for it.
Even if the pot hole was reported, they have like 6 months before they actually have to fix it.


Watch this, faggot.

Like this?


was about to post this.


everyone post more cool/inspirational motorcycle videos

>tfw they had to ruin such a good trailer with shitty children


I'm fairly confident that I'm the one that introduced this video to /dbt/. :^)

No, not quite like that, though. In the style of that Maserati video, in 3rd person and with raw sound (or music to a bare minimum).

Tron's Ducati clip comes to mind.


Threadly reminder that it's the rider, not the bike

>sport bike too slow wah
Learn to turn
>trail bike/dirtbike too heavy
Learn to ride properly and or stop being weak

reminds me of the crusin' world games


School lot


'Not sure if this counts my I'm posting just in case.

>tfw surrounded by little babies at my school

*weighs 139kg in front of you*

I take my basic riders course this month!!
Probably going to get a CBR600 or ZX6r

*combusts in front of you*

In commie Los Angeles, Kommiefornia, once you (or anyone) has notified the city of a pothole, they are responsible for all damages. And they pay.

There aren't any bikes under 600cc at my home campus but a couple 250s at the one pictured

The 690 burns, the 390 is good.

>I'm a learner
>So I'm going to start and a 600 sport bike

who owns dis sumo?

Must be nice

You might as well start on pic related.

>tfw KTM dealer coming to my town
>tfw Duke 690 is fast af compared to my bike
>tfw wife will leave me if I buy another moto

Doesn't show in the video, but the guy gave me a "Get a load of this guy" look when I beeped.

I support your decision.
If you're not a retard, a 600 is fine

Its worth it
Every day mang

So trade your old one in. Besides, some user will be along to claim he's fucking your wife, so no great loss if she does leave you

Hell, when my wife wises up and splits, I'm buying at least five more bikes

Right around the corner from this guy, last year.

Yah, I upgraded cameras since then

My thought process has always been:
>pay attention, because no one else is
Seems you think the same.
It pays off

I got one for my first bike and it's great, BUT only depending on the type of riding you will be doing. If you plan on spending any time on major roads/highways. DO NOT get a Grom. Sure, they can reach okayish speeds, but they are unstable as fuck due to their short wheelbase and every little gust of wind throws you all over the road.

For urban riding, however, they are perfect. Their turn radius is like 6ft so there is rarely a spot you can't bust a U-turn in, and every little back alley or beaten path is just another adventure waiting to happen. They also aren't imposing visually, so even if you get caught in places you shouldn't be, you are typically let off a lot lighter than if you were on a "real" bike.

My work requires traversing across some major roads so I had to get a big boy bike for that.

My buddy has a buell, I dunno which model but it looks similar to that one. He hasn't had any problems with it, it's old as fuck and still running great. Electronics are showing their age, his fuel sensor is shot so he has to gauge by his trip meter. Starter motor is showing wear, has a hard time quickly turning the motor over but never fails.

It's a strange bike, fuel goes in the frame, like wtf is up with that. But it's pretty neat and has a lot of character. He picked it up for like 2 grand though, so it was a good investment.