/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: yukipo.com
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio
Material translations and discographies: pastebin.com/D34BvNuJ
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/pvwsEbjQ
Upcoming events and merchandise: pastebin.com/yu6rrC2t

New here? Check out the FAQ and Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv

Starlight Stage:
>Event: 06/12 ~ 06/17 Live Party (Helen, Cathy)
>Gacha: 06/14 ~ 06/17 Type Boxes
>GBF Collab: 06/09 ~ 06/21
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database/Resources: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

Theater Days:
>Preregistration: prereg.bn-ent.net/common/serial.php?app=imasml_theater

- SS Assets (May 23rd): - ML Update (June 13th): - SS Update (June 13th): - Nemurihime Miki scale: - CG Theater anime episode 11 (+login bonus): - CG Update (June 13th): - CG Ayame/Tamami Theater TS: - Wild Wind Girl volume 3 drama CD rip: - Karin/Kyoko/Yuko fancomics TS: - SS Update (June 14th): - CG Update (June 14th): - SS Helen/Cathy commus UL: - CG 5thLIVE merch: - Archive of : archive.is/Jqb5D
- Kaede sake: - SS Shin/Shiho/Kirari/Kyoko commus TS: - CGVR custom unit options: Upcoming:
June 17th: SideM GREETING TOUR 2017 @Ishikawa
June 22nd: Million Magazine volume 2
June 24th/25th CINDERELLA GIRLS 5thLIVE TOUR Serendipity Parade!!! @Shizuoka

Other urls found in this thread:


Two cute, sexy idols!

Million Live.


...will not be seen tonight, because Fred and Shiki are in the way.

unbanned and back from the dead at last


Megumi is a good girl doing part time work to raise enough money for throat surgery for her best friend.

nice tits, lady
You can't carry on a finished statement like that, you nerd.


I thought the Million Lives didn't have butts.

they don't



Somebody lied to you.


I think Chihaya's breasts are bigger than Basa's ass.

Room 5833463
5-6 plays left
2 spots

Where are her hands?

No they didn't. See here

Guess the butt.

Tip: It obviously can't be from ML

I'll see you.

It's hideously drawn, whosever it is
Mocho I'm not seeing you

protecting her purity

That is Minami's swimsuit. So her.

Mocho please don't engage them.

Mocho you're a dead /@/ meme.

It cannot be stopped.

That is Minami's swimsuit. So Anya.

Mocho you're a Chinese meme!

SM Saki

hell of a tuck job


LiPPS have rented the dungeon to have a party tonight. About 150 guys are coming, and they're from Shiki's list. She's invited guys and then we have a list, and we've invited them, and they're coming here for our standard idol fuck party, that we generally hold here once a month. I mean, the rules have always been no drugs, no attitude, no condoms, no clothing. We do allow condoms now if guys wanna use them, we have no problem, but a hundred guys, a hundred twenty guys at the party, we'll find two or three condoms the next morning on the floor. That's it.


Don't project your faggot ways onto LiPPS.

thanks for the room
I got a Helen in my last song

Same. Maybe drop rates really are tied across all players.

I could only play 2 games but I felt bad after leaving the room before cause I got a call, also that miss on Yuki's song was complete bullshit.

You got it right!

Thanks for hosting. Got 1 Helen and 3 Cathys.


Thanks everyone for joining
I also did get a Helen on Yuki's song I think, or love letter not sure

Love Letter was a group Helen

>63 xp from leveling
>already sleepy
>if I do one more song i'll have to play 3 more

This is crossing into dangerous territory.

If she did that to Chiaking she'd probably get raped.

Got any good Chiaking .gifs?

Me on the left


someone ordered a yui
next up saori

Let's go swimming!

Did everybody get a piece of her?

Don't you have some cows to milk?

You don't do that 24/7

Why does Shizuku need an artificial floater when she's got natural ones?

Yes, group rewards are the same for everyone. This is why it's nice to have /@/nons FCing even if they take the first places because individual rewards aren't as good as group ones.

Drinking coffee with Nino. No milk and sugar allowed

You can technically get an event card off individual rewards but it's really rare.

Not the usual guy that usually claims he's not the one that usually does this usually but here's four today.


What the fuck is a human powered plane?

Sentimental Venus MV was just uploaded.

Nono is so knowledgeable

This song is so good.
But when are they going to show something a bit more than just a standard stage performance?

Yume I'll kiss you.


Well shit. I had no idea such things existed.


Smelling that box.

Look up for that Kumiko card too, she's a girl that has tits.

Wait, did Erika just nonchalantly say that she's gonna condemn them all to a horrible cartoonish death?

She's a clown so.

She should just condemn herself and leave the others alone.

>she's a girl that has tits.


Man, Chinami is a cunt.

It's not like she's some Scientific PhD. either. Who is she to complain about retarded team mates.

*Kumiko rather.

>They actually managed to build the fucking plane.

Idols are capable of anything.

Why does Shizuku have an inner-tube on, when she already has two large flotation devices right there?

Her tits alone aren't enough to keep that huge head of hers afloat.

Realistically, the staff helped them out and double checked on the structure to make sure that they aren't boarding on some final destination death trap.

Whenever entertainment personalities do these kind of shit, a professional is always there to do safety checks. They probably filmed the Idols being stupid on camera, but before they took flight, offscreen, actual professionals inspected and built the other parts properly to ensure their safety.


drugged idols

miria is cute!


In case of real people, sure. But we're talking 2D here.


Asuka's VA and her vibrator.

In terms of portraying what they do as Idols, CG has actually been rather grounded and realistic for the most part. Staff support is mentioned a lot in the games and hell, in the anime, we see a shit ton of staff on the side all the time.

2D or not, they're entertainers user. They aren't a bunch of fucking magical leprechauns.

But 2D can be magical leprechauns.

Though yes, I do get what you mean. I just like to think otherwise.

This GIF makes me feel uneasy


At least get it right.


Nevermind, got it now.
You rude ass nigga.

Please fuck off with this game already

my game

My fuck

My Kumiko.
She can complain about her retarded idol partners any time she wants.


Come to bed