Ok Veeky Forums I need some help finding new twisty roads to carve up in my area. I’m in Richmond Va and pic related is one of the more fun paths with a good mix of straights and and rapid turns. Anyone in the area or autostic enough to help a brother out?
Ok Veeky Forums I need some help finding new twisty roads to carve up in my area...
Pic of my car for attention
You bought the wrong car for what you want to do.
I put about $2400 in suspension mods and necessary braking improvements. It works just fine.
You need to head to the mountains, not those useless city streets. Pic related
hijacking the thread with a related question of my own
Any good driving roads around Flint MI, or around the metro Detroit area in general?
Flint is ass for driving but here's the best
well fuck
thanks I guess
I will look around more and post what I find
Anything that isn’t 2+ hours away?
How do you know where cops will not be? I want nice midnight ride but cops everywhere
pls recommend good roads near vancouver bc
The only thing on that stretch is a church parking lot and a few driveways. The cops dont have much to hide with. Anywhere else I try to have fun at I cruise at regular speed a few times to get used to the road anyway. I'll typically do this at night as well.
I haven't found anything else that's worth driving out an hour for
closest thing is Orion Road from Lake Orion to Rochester Road, but that is the only thing interesting in that area, and there are a shitton of dirt roads around there
You both need to stop. Don't do this. You're putting useless miles on your car which is devaluing it. You'll feel that hard when you sell it. Not to mention you're wasting good money on gas to do this, and putting extra wear/tear on those fancy tires your wheels have to have.
Stop driving around aimlessly. Go to the gym instead you fat pieces of shit.
>stop enjoying things
And if I intend to keep my car until the engine explodes and the wheels fall off?
Good luck finding anywhere you can drive fast in VA. Fuck that state. Don't miss it at all.
RVA was fun for college tho
Why are you even here?
>not hitting up the touge after a hard workout
Post your car, cuck
288 is pretty good as far as highways go. Less cops than 295