/agdg/ - Amateurs making video games general

You are making a video game, right?

> Next Demo Day 15

> Play Monster Jam

> Play Demo Day 14

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Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/JqsQerui
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/jAByvH3V

> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

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First for gogemfreespace

Well you ruined it already.

I think I finally got a HUD element that looks good. I need to tweak some colors on the gems and fiddle with the flames. But other than that it's good

I can't get Unity (5.6.1f) builds to run on my phone. It's a HTC Desire 820 with Android 6.0.1. Anyone else had this problem?

That's a pretty generic problem user, add some details. Enable debug mode on your phone and get more data.

Dropping lucrative ideas:

- quality non-anime disney style vns

Sorry. These are my build settings and when I try to run the game on my phone it says 'Failure to initialize! Your hardware does not support this application, sorry!'

walkerman looks like disney and its not doing well

maybe he should have made it anime


You have already failed.

You can hate anime all you want, it's the surest way to get sales.

People who like disney don't like reading.

> don't like reading.

More like, they can't read since they haven't learned it yet in kindergarten.

>who is akabur, jim

>Comparing porn to normal games

you mean the author of those shitty blue balling alladin porn games?

disney-style animation at its crappiest is more legitimate as an artform than the most "adult" anime you can name

Fixed it... had to force install location to internal. Wtf...

What law determines how legitimate an artform is?

Are you participating?

looks really great. going to steal that.

I dislike emojis


Ghost in the shell / Cowboy Bebop / redline > disney.

Former 2 where way better much better at the realistic city setting, redline is just artisticly godtier.

Have they posted the design doc yet?


there's no law. something is art when people treat is as such, ie treat it seriously and talk about it intelligently. anime fans are incapable of this, making anime not art.

okay. please write, in your own words, why ghost in the shell is better than, let's say, pinocchio.

Yes they have.

Well /agdg/? If you're so good at game design, what game would you make based on this?

"game design document" is a worthless concept but i guess at least this one gets points for brevity.

How the fuck is anyone supposed to read that shit?

Not that user but Pinocchio always creeped me out, I never watched it again after seeing it the first time.

Ghost in the shell has cool robot girls and robots, so it's way better.

>have wanted to make a text message-based roguelike for a while
>you'd text a number your action, and it would text back a grid of emojis representing the tiles of the dungeon
>only reason i haven't done it is that i don't know how to make a text-bot that won't cost me tons of cash
I guess I could fake it for this jam. Hmm.

to be honest disney just steals stories

That's the point of the jam, making this bullshit into something. Pretty dumb if you ask me.

Where is your 2D engine?

what would you say is the average number of bullets "alive" in a certain moment in an fps game? what about a top down shooter?

>bullets alive
>fps game
that's not how it works

and where's your game?

>not bringing in myazaki or satoshi
>bringing in meme episodic shit that has a few brilliant moments

gits and gits2 are good movies but come on

i am talking about non hitscan weapons, shit that needs to actually travel

Assume i'm willing to learn any language.
Which one should i learn if i wanna create games but i still could make a career of not creating games?

i assume it's c++?


probably not that much in a fps

C++ or C# probably.
Once you learn how to program learning a new language isn't really that tough.


Disney Animation > Others
Anime Aesthetic > Others

Isn't the eggplant kind of slang for big dicks?
What the fuck?

yeah, this. You need the programming principles, that's the most important. Languages aren't difficult to grasp´, and learning C - C++ makes sure your fundamentals are in check.

gotta low these "i come from human computer and interaction and i can't do literally shit" documents

pinocchio and gits are extremely related. artificial bodies, the urban underclass, alienation from society etc. the big difference is that pinocchio is ultimately about integrating into society (ie there's nothing more to being a "real boy" than acting like one), whereas gits sells you this fake enlightenment where you're invited to abandon society and escape into a computer, which is a false freedom even within the fiction of gits ("the net is vast and infinite" says the ending, except they've already established that "the net" is just a bunch of servers that corporations use for administration and surveillance. you didn't escape shit).

pinocchio is more insightful while being nowhere near as ponderous, making it a better movie than gits. and in terms of visuals the sequence with the clocks alone displays more visual imagination and craftsmanship than all of the boring robots from gits combined.

Yeah, big black cock.
The "considerations" emoji ask for diversity.

>either sidescrolling 2d shooter ala contra or clone of pc engine gekisha boy
>you're a florist with big tits/ass (exaggerated lewd because of meme target audience, maybe involve that dumb red b meme because emojis) and a camera who moves along in a virtual world and spreads flower and shit while fighting (catching) viruses
>the further you go the more colorful the game world gets
>ends with a confrontation with cthulhu and finding love
>rng-based upgrades for the weapon
>time limit
>trumpet soundtrack, audio involves whatever the fuck is in the audio section

I'm gonna embed a JVM in my engine and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

I just wish they made cartoons for grownups in the west

isn't there some hotline you can call when you feel the urge to use java? choose life!

Don't they do that in europe?

if you can't handle watching a disney cartoon because you think it's childish, you're not a "grownup", you're an adolescent.

If they do them I haven't seen much.

What if I can't watch them because I find them extremely formulaic and predictable? But I guess it's my problem with all of western cinema, not just cartoons.

>Disney cartoon deal with the same themes as anime head-on
I can enjoy the art and subtext, but can only dream what artists could do if given free reign.

I've seen al the golden age stuff. The French are all weeabos now.

>The French are all weeabos now.

if anything the US does that

Is there anything preventing you from using the Spacewar Steam ID for multiplayer without putting the game on Steam? Is Valve going to come knock on my door?

Most small dev teams or solo devs fail because they either spend all their time/resources on one title that has a huge chance of failing or they run out of resources making said game.

Ive proposed making small games that could be done in a month to help start the small stream of income to hopefully fund larger projects or even save up enough to try those "gamble" projects" that typically kill small devs as their first title(s).
This way if it fails or its too small of a niche then youve got other games providing small resources to recover.

These small projects would be something like old arcade remixes with a modern touch, mini games for people to bullshit with their friends online, party games that rely more on the social gathering than the game itself, etc.

Keep ideas as small and simplistic as possible but entertaining enough for people to invest time, not money. The more Time that gets invested the more money you get. Money = Time

Is there a flaw to this plan? For some reason no one wants to work with me on putting something together to put this plan in motion. It's just a summary but even in detail no other dev/artist wants to give it a go.

Am I missing something or do you guys know of a better place to recruit besides the obvious forums and community(unreal, unity, indiesomethin, reddit, etc)?

I already have small project ideas and Im also skilled with 3D modeling, some animation, some 2d skill though Im still teaching myself, still self teaching c# and am at a skill level that I can slap together small prototypes with code built from scratch, and I also play around with music. Cant make you movie quality tunes but I can make something half decent even sound fx.

Why is it so hard to at least find one person with ONE skillset to help take this off? I feel like Im obviously overlooking something in the plan and Im actually a fucktard.

>hair keeps slipping through the body
I give.


>What if I can't watch them because I find them extremely formulaic and predictable? But I guess it's my problem with all of western cinema, not just cartoons.

then you're just straight up bad at watching movies. at this point i just assume anyone who says shit like that is either (cinematically) illiterate or a poser that wants to be "above" hollywood as a matter of principle. the reality is that there's loads of interesting shit going on in even the stupidest blockbuster that an actually clever and insightful person could talk about for hours. this is the best time in history to be a movie fan as long as you're willing to engage with what you're watching. i've heard people say more interesting shit about michael bay than anime fans are capable of saying about their most celebrated "artful and mature" animes.

people want to get paid
there is no actual place for people who want "get experience" at their own pace, it's a dog eat dog world

hey /agdg/ just how stupid would it be to try to create a fan remake of a licensed early 2000s shooter?

>Why is it so hard to at least find one person with ONE skill set to help take this off?

Because you're a fucking idea guy and have no idea how much time making games takes.

You can't just take 1 month and finish a polished game, even if it's just some small arcade title with limited mechanics.

Never heard of it

Reminder that sunnydev never fixed the clipping skirt. Agdg won't care about clipping if you have a cute girl.


what happened to this game

Rip Sunnie

Pinochio was a book they copied. Zero credit to disney stealing others work.

Applies to gits too but you interpretation makes no sense. Nowhere do they tell you to exit society and none of them goes hermit. The core question in gits is what makes the soul / individual. They answer with "it's memories exclusive to you that set you apart from the rest". If you share everything you become just copies of each other just like the tachicomas. Git's ending is also not about exiting society. It's about giving up what you are to become something greater. Motoko lost herself but the change created a greater entitiy.

ded like this game

Oh. I always thought of those as for teenagers but you're right.

whats that
never seen it before

what did he mean by this?

You probably never saw that one either

Say it with me



Dead games are too sad


>god is a cube stopped posting

That dev who made that ended up giving up on the dino cooking lady game it was one of the craziest fucking give ups I've seen in agdg. Like watching someone light a pile of money on fire.

dead game tell no tales

enginedevs get a lot of shit but at least they aren't just fucking around making tech demos

you're gonna carry that weight

isn't that the toy train dev?

>dev hope and dev dreams
>all stored in the box
How fitting


Does anyone have good recommendations on improving my understanding of what makes a user interface good? I think what I'm looking for is called Soft Ergonomics based on a quick search.

I've done 3d work for people, paid and unpaid, enough to understand that the money is good IF you can score a gig with good money.

It'll take a long minute before you even reach that level so why gimp yourself to stagnating until 'something' happens? What's so horrible about investing some small time into a project, not mine but any other, that can potentially bring in money in the longer run?

Obviously, contracts are made and signed always to keep assholes from ripping you off, and you also have to look into who or what you're putting work to.
Are you going to work with some guy who has no skillset and wants to make a minecraft clone?
Or the guy that has technical knowledge and skills to make games around engine limitations, labor hours, and costs?

I'll forgive you because tl;dr but I'm not an idea guy.

Wait, the cooking game with the dino waifu is dead?
Seriously how?

What was his last progress?


/agdg/ help!

I'm following this tutorial on shader-based OpenGL lighting, and I've gotten to the point where I have diffuse lighting in my scene. But then the tutorial mentions I need to transform my normals according to a normal matrix calculated by transposing the inverse of the top left part of the model matrix. It shows an example of how to do this in the vertex shader:


BUT then it says I probably shouldn't do this in the vertex shader, because it's an invariant per model, and inverting a matrix is an expensive operation.

So I need to pass the result of these three operations to the shader as a uniform. No biggie, but how do I calculate mat3(transpose(inverse(model))) in C++ using GLM? Do I first take the x, y and z components of my mat4 to turn it into a mat3, and then calculate the inverse and THEN calculate the transpose of that? Or is there some better way about it?


>Pinochio was a book they copied. Zero credit to disney stealing others work.

how are we going to talk if you just open with insane nonsense like that? adaptation is theft now? fuck off john carpenter's the thing, you stole from a movie that stole from a short story! star wars just is, like, kurosawa's dune! fuck the entire western canon for being influenced by homer, and fuck homer because of the epic of gilgamesh! finally fuck the epic of gilgamesh for being a reworking of earlier sumerian poetry, and fuck earlier sumerian poetry for being based on an oral tradition. now that we got that shit out of the way we could actually talk about movies instead of trying to dismiss them for moronic reasons.

>Git's ending is also not about exiting society.

the ending of gits presents "the net" as a state of existence transcending the constraints of normal social order, hence her talking about it while gazing longingly at the blinking cityscape where she is now a denizen of the realm of pure light instead of crude matter etc etc. except the lights of the city are just people turning on the light in the bathroom so they can take a shit, and "the net" is just a bunch of computers where a company keeps their spreadsheets. the ending of gits is an endorsement of a false freedom.

He was up to having dialogs pop up over the ingredients to gather, had the "throw it all in a pot" mechanic done, had the MC done, environment looking good.

Said he couldn't think of any gameplay.