please stop being gay edition
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/vsg/ /v/scape general
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keep the thread alive this time assholes
it's 9 am and i'm about to crash, sort yourselves out
so progressive
haha just what I needed
>please stop being gay edition
Then I guess we have to ban Nipplonius, he's the one that loves traps so much he brings it up every night in yell.
Also, speaking of gays, did anyone figure out who the trans-user was? Anyone know her ign?
gz better than average
Haha level 50 wildy
don't let it die bitches
Too late
for your enjoyment: this is my worst hard trail ever
>doesn't put in the last thread link
m-maybe its for the best...
>Indigo made a shit thread and it died before anyone was able to
Indigo's thread was better than this, simply because the OP image was actually related to the game in some way, seeing as it was an in-game screenshot. This thread sucks, desu
so technically we haven't had a new general until just now and there is nothing to link back to.
>indigo's thread was better
>indigo got muted for how retarded it was
imagine that you have such a desperate need for attention that you make a new thread advertising your cc 40+ posts before the old general dies
the fact that it was to advertise a cc is what caused the shitstorm, nobody would've cared if it was just some honest mistake
>the fact that it was to advertise a cc is what caused the shitstorm, nobody would've cared if it was just some honest mistake
Fuck right off with that, everyone was being fucking autistic about muh 40 posts, not the cc shilling.
You are actually just plain wrong.
Tbh it was both senpai
Desperate cry for attention and an even more desperate attempt to damage control. Just call it quits already and don't be retarded the next time around
>anyone not shitting on Indigo is either indigo or in the cc doing damage control
top wew lad
Gonna call me a russian spy next?
forgot image
nobody in their right mind would defend indigo's stupid mistakes unless it was someone from his cc or a literal retard
so yes wew lad
>Saying it had nothing to do with CC shilling
>memes about thrillhouse getting banned from the cc
>Nobody on Indigo's side besides 2 people
Who are the /v/scape legends and why is it Indigo?
how about you go away
Sara page isn't that bad though.
>50k clue
cry more
>toilet paper
>worth anything
it was also a duplicate
im an ironman btw
console yourself with this horrid trail I just finished
The backgrounds for customing the client.
I know this is an old meme but I remember people updating their inventory background to having god wars gear in it, does anyone still have it?
When can we make this happen again? Good times
who are you quoting?
What the actual fuck
On behalf of my manager I have been directed to inform my loyal fans of Weeb brand Anime
Taste the waifu!
And that man? Was Latent.
me on the left
Gopherchucks when
I need them
black masks WHEN
Does vscape have templeos support?
>he's not currently grinding on Templescape
o i am laffin
Imagine if Construction hadn't been released as a separate skill, but instead had simply used your Crafting level. An underused skill would be fleshed out, and the game would be a tiny bit more streamlined.
You sellin that wig?
The same could be said of slayer, hunter, and dungeoneering
I'm halfway okay with what they did with slayer, since high combat levels do let you level it up faster.
I've been casually studying MMO design, and I'm pretty close to concluding that adding new shit to games that has nothing to do with the old shit is what kills off the playerbase. The oldfags feel unappreciated, and the newfags are turned off by the complexity.
>adding new shit to games that has nothing to do with the old shit is what kills off the playerbase. The oldfags feel unappreciated, and the newfags are turned off by the complexity.
Couldn't have put it better myself. It's why I quit RS in '08 or so because it just became too different and shitty. OSRS' multitude of changes is why I haven't played it either, so /v/scape's 2007 stasis is why it's the best way to play RS imo.
On the topic of adding random useless shit, is there ANY purpose to hunter outside of chinchompas?
the cape for ironmen
thats literally it
Impetuous impulses
It'll finally bring the dstone crash that should have happened with the RDT patch were it not for Rolf's jewish interference
>adding imps brings more imp object insertion porn
Did someone say useless shit?
skullball when reeeeee
Dunkerque is gud bote
Shitters literally can't fight this thing.
what did he mean by this.
>Baldbeast is obsessed with Boop and her front butt.
Give it up baldyman. She had a daughter with Second Shoah. Time to move on.
>The Flatulent
>their sign is an explosion between two circles
deepest lore.
>Horogothar: Eaters of Manflesh
Horogothar more like Homogothar lmfao
Just report em fag
So who are the vscape legends?
[Spoiler]am I one?[/spoiler]
me and only me
No, Starlight.
*kisses rin*
*kisses you back*
Lol who is this haha
more like kissing you black haha where the bbc at am i right rinthesluttiest?
I'm not starlight you fucking piece of shit. Never compare me to that flaming faggot again or were going to have a serious problem, You get that? And that problem were going to have is that you're going to need to get your ass fixed after I fuck it raw dog so damn loose you'll be shitting steel platebodies. Me? I'll be fine it's just you with the problem. That problem will follow you forever, constantly reminding you of the comparison you thought you could make that day. It's too bad your ads is so loose or maybe you could get your head stuck up there again and be ignorant to the pain and suffering that is your new life. So fuck you, fuck starlight and fuck donald trump
>tfw no slurry rin to cuddle with after a sweaty and groff romp
Hahahaaha if you think embarrassing is going to stop me you are the one who is will be and bare ass!
is this a pasta
I want to poop in Animosity's mouth! That's soon gross dude haha! Can't wait to park my steamy brapsauce in ani's toot bucket!°
Getting rough and smooth just dreaming about it diaminds my dudes
you are like a baby
I can't read filenames either
0/10 no tohsaka
good job lads
Fucking anime OUT
whats up with the shitty explanation of memes in white boxes at the bottom of memes
is it for people to translate or something? a failed attempt to "punch up" these memes? gross
just in case he gets less upvotes from people not understanding the joke
post vscape images
Has anyone seen my eye?