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Talon edition

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Where is the Uprising-esque Talon event. I want this shit so bad.

Here comes T.Racer!

>be solo Qer, fill with what the team needs dont tilt and try an always support teammates
>get teams of mcree hanzo no tanks, healers ect.
>drop from plat to 2000
>be there for over a week of constant playing and trying to improve
>lose 20-35 sr for a loss
>gain 20-25 or a win
>ignore team only ever play roadhog and mercy so gold damage/elims and healing pretty much always
>lose 15-20 SR for a loss
>gain 25-30 for a win
>get to plat easily in a day
>will probably get o diamond by tomorow

Rank means fucking nothing, this shit is broken. blizzard have to change it for this game to be taken seriously. no wonder GM has mercy mains, just que up with someone good and suck their dick for SR.


One AK-47, please.

>open 5 boxes
>one lego, one spray, zero player icons, 880 currency worth of duplicates and gold
I wish I was that lucky during the event.

Thanks B.Va


Today I start at 1410

cyborg weeb and swiss healslut

The madness of performance metrics is known since S1.

reminder to join the official owg discord

post d.va

>ywn drink Widows "lemonade"

More like Bae.Va, amirite?

>new 6v6 mode
>your teammates use all the good stuff leaving you with shit for the final round

Well, that's some shitty feet.

cute feet :3






Comparison of live and ptr Deadeye

Fuck off monkey
Go back to the moon


>Blizzard thought this required a buff before Junkrat/Torbjörn

Git gud. Eat Zarya ults for breakfast!

Gotta wait until next April so we can get back to another story event.

Defense heroes were a mistake.

Why are platinum players the fucking absolute worst players in the game? They're so shit, dude.


maining is cancer in this game, when they notice it they blame on their team for all their inabilities to switch

silver shitters who one trick their way to plat with the broken sr gains

>If she's at full charge then she can pretty easily take on any character solo up close
This is incorrect. Road heals through the damage.

Eat nothing. A good Zarya knows to De-Mech D.Va before ulting.

It's the "I'm really in diamond but its my team that's holding me back" mentality that bleeds through.

>maining is cancer in this game

Unless you main
>Soldier 76

Then you're fine.

Win: D.Va +21

But I'm maining cancer! :D

Yeah I think Blizzard should fix it so you go back to silver

I'll never get out of 2800-3200 /owg/ people aren't just playing normally it's always a stomp in either of the team every match, you will literally go back down to where you started when you start winning.

Fuck you bitch enjoy getting dicked by nanoblade even more

t. Jeff Kaplan

Krauts btfo

winston and rein really shouldnt be there


>unless you main characters that are good in 90% of situations that you almost never need to switch off you're cancer

dude fucking what. There is never a reason that an Ana or Soldier would need to switch

unless you're talking about muh honor

But you always need one of them

>tfw no Amélie to make lemonade for you on a hot day


the way i see
>winston can be replaced with a dva somewhat safely
>rein is outdated on a dive comp


Would be nice

>artist makes feet the focal point of the picture
>draws ugly as fuck feet

A loli is fine too.

can someone explain to me why would blizzard design the incentive structure to be so awful?


>some guy picks tracer in comp
>other guy goes "Can I play tracer, my main"
>switches to lucio
>immediately starts telling the tracer to get AIDS, "don't talk to me again"
>I'm immediately like he he guy has a sense of humor
>"Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again" I say
>game starts
>guy is STILL assdevastated, realize he's actually serious
>have a solid laugh at the swedecuck
>we can't take the second point
>he's yelling why I can't kill Pharah
>she's getting her dick sucked by mercy+shield gen is up
>all in all, lose on second point
>defense part
>guy picks widow and going "HURR I WILL DO A BETTER JOB THAN SOLDIER"
>he's shit
>kills like 4 guys in a round and that's it
>doesn't manage to kill pharah even once
>we lose despite the best efforts of our zenyatta and winston
>his lid completely blows off
>starts getting increasingly frustrated
>ends up screaming "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP" on top of his lungs into mic while I go "nuh nuh nuh nuh" and "What if I don't"
>brief silence
>"Well that was something."
>Other guys "Good luck with your next game guys."

The funniest part of this story? He absolutely lost his shit when he realized it's the reaper getting POTG, not him.

I won 8 placements and lost 2, got placed at 2.9k, and have been stuck there due to these trash platinums who can't play, and stubborn diamonds refusing to switch off widow or hanzo because they "get picks".

i like DVAs ass. Much more than Widow's or Orisa's.

Is no one going to address the fact that the gun on the counter isn't an AK-47?

I don't know if this is your first Blizzard game but Blizzard has been a meme for two decades because they are so incredibly slow and incompetent. It's like they always put out games that are almost great but shoot themselves in the foot time and time again and leave out the most basic quality of life features and are so slow to address any complaints.

They took 3 years to fix Diablo III, a game they worked on for 10 years.

You're both giant faggots

I know that feeling far too well, I started this game in the end of last season I was shit and placed at 1450, I then improved my game and I am currently between 2800-2900.

Literally the moment I hit 2800 I get the constant widow and hanzo instalocks who don't do enough for the team. Get the people that are tilting over the smallest of shit. Get people who say stupidest shit like go monkey vs hog.

I know I have limited experience but honestly all the other ranks have much much better players than Plat.

>Placed low silver in season 1, try comp again this season even lower.
>Nobody on team talks other than to fight, very little coordination.
>End up having to fill as tank or Lucio most games because nobody wants to.
>Realize the only way I'm going to climb is by maining Zen or Widow.

It's every man for himself down here, you don't understand.

Loss: (leaver on my side) -25

I managed to climb just fine playing Old German giant.

>lose 6 games in a row
Great way to start off the day

>"I'm really in diamond but its my team that's holding me back"
But that's very often the case.

It's 50% players genuinely fucked over by retarded forced loss system and 50% shitters with inflated egos.

i'm following sage user's advice and stop playing after two losses in a row
so far it's been going fairly well


Stop playing, don't ever play after 2 loss streak, you lose more SR and I guarantee your teams won't get any better.

I was on 8 loss streak when I decided to just stop. Today I'm regaining all the SR I lost.

So is Muselk the only good Overwatch youtuber or what? He seems to have pretty ingenius strategies.

>queue for comp
>enemy stack is well coordinated and literally does everything together
>my team stack is literally qp tier retardation

Why does it seem like everything is against you in this game.

Stop playing if you lost twice. The game literally forces you to take those retarded imbeciles into your team if you win too much.

How does this actually work?

because blizzard intentionally designed the incentives for this game to encourage trolling behavior

The game stops throwing shit at you if you stop playing and come back later, and you'll probably calm down so you won't be playing like shit yourself.

It's literally unironic forced 50%. You can only climb to GM if you abuse the system like that.

hero switching is a shit fucking meme

Hello bronze, how's life at your SR?

>t. one-trick babby

>no one on my team will even look up to try and kill Pharah
>swap to Soldier
>start gunning down Pharah every time she so much as tries to exist near our team
>suddenly whole enemy team focuses me down every time I try to exist anywhere on the map
>rest of my team still doing shitty
Nice hero

shut the fuck up you stupid whore i dont even play comp because every single one of the niggers that plays that cancerous fucking game mode tells me to switch off hanzo

just fucking let me play who i want REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

some dork will whine statistic or game is rigged

they are just calming down, anti tilting themselves and getting off the mindset that made them lose

also avoiding the MM with the dudes that are more skilled that them

>team has trashrat and orisa
>lose 0-2
>orisa switches to d.va, rat to s76
>we even it out 2-2
>they switch back and we lose

this just happened to me like 30 minutes ago

Well put

if you go on a loss streak, you lose greater amounts of sr because the game thinks you belong in a lower bracket. so it'll hit you more
if you just stop, the system has to recalculate where you should be since it's fragile. so if you come back a day or two later you're more likely to get a balanced match. In addition, you have just prevented yourself from tilting, so you personally will play better.

>team has shitrat and hanzo
>they suddenly switch

2800-3k is hell because it's filled with people who desperately want to get into Diamond so they tilt insanely easily, people who've fallen out of Diamond and are trying to get back in, people who are one tricking because they think their main will carry them into Diamond, and Diamond people who've given up and don't give a shit anymore because they got into Diamond and they're getting their 1.2k points no matter what

>almost reach 2.7k, my projected actual skill rating
>get 8 loss streak

should have taken a break after your very first loss. seriously, just take a break, it does wonders

>Veeky Forums discord is just pure namefag autism
Not sure what I expected.

All very true. Blizzard made the mistake of introducing golden guns, and then giving out point for arbitrary ranks.

If people got points from a clear scale, there wouldn't be that much pressure to reach each rank.

dubs decide my new btag

I should have but now I'm paying the price for it, I climbed back to 2600 but holy hell.

i feel you

don't worry buddy, you'll make it

one tricking works, you just have to be good at the character, the problem with one tricks is most of the people who one trick are utter trash





you cant dub on vg unless its 00

The comp points should just be for quickplay in my opinion. Either that or they shouldn't be there at all. People get so fucking pissed and it's more about the points than it is their rank. I remember one dude in a game last season who said "I'd rather get no fucking points than 3 points" when we had a draw
He couldn't enjoy that the game was hard fought and we managed to draw, he just wanted his 10 points
