Other urls found in this thread:
only padders here now
us padders... always playing with our ipads....
our first allegiance is to jesus christ of course
word amen
word... gook
mathew 10:9
very good start for a thread
lol i thought you meant gampads
like laddering with your xbox controller. i did that
it always is
did your mom came home from work lol
not yet...im hungry..
i wish we could be like this always in our peaceful eden having a laugh and making eachother smile without the satanic janny intefering
paradise... my head wouldn't hurt..
we have to be made an example of
the perils of antidepressants...
permanent brain damage resulting from continuous long term prescription psyciatric drug use...
gooks hitting their keyboards really hard and clicking very fast
8 pm... time to head out before the store closes... we shall be buying liquor and frozen pizza this evening..
2pm... time to scratch the scabs off my scalp while my eyes glaze over staring into the old ipad
for me it's gotta be a pizza n coke
overate again
moms gonna get me groceries soon... she was mad i didn't tell her i ran out of my milk sooner...
why is it brain 'damage' when it makes you dumb but brain 'development' when you get smarter? isnt that racist?
hmm... my psych told me since i'm "only" 26 my brain is "plastic" like this was a very good piece of news... i was confused
plastic? she said u have a gook brain? haha
haha no good gook-for-brains, no good gook-for-brains!
hmm... ah yes i'm only 26... plenty of opportunity to completely reinvent myself...
its never too late
i was told ur brain starts shrinking at age 20
honey i shrunk the brain
but why
... what a great movie
what the fuck is this place
no new ip...
actually my brains been shrinking since 10 years old (depbros would get this reference)
back from getting my hair cut and am excited for soo to crush classic in gsl code s tomorrow
*plugs in ipad*
*crosses leg*
*wets edison fountain pen*
*opens rhodia journal*
ahh... now if only my head wasn't empty... hmm.. motor skills too...
lol what kind of loser buys his journals? we bind here
*orders journal binding kit*
Rintard, please get back in /llsifg/
actually... please stay
tali? someone... please help...
hmmm... almost like they've really left. bump
need to find myself need to go to india talk to a guru
Veeky Forums.org/feedback
im supposed to be on vacation but posting this so you dont feel too alone..
wonder what she wants...
StarCraftVerified account @StarCraft 50s51 seconds ago
It's here!
Sneak of the StarCraft: Remastered #terran victory screen. #TBT
i liked the original better
i'm mentally sick and the janitors and mods keep harassing the starcraft two(sc2) general on the Veeky Forums board where i have been participating daily for some 6 or 7 years. i would like the harassment to stop so i may find some peace amongst the community of posters i hold so dear.
thank you for reading and please do not disregard this as a joke. please understand i am entirely serious, and only ask that the sc2 general be moderated like all other generals on Veeky Forums. please have mercy and even pity me... i am very unwell and live a very sorry life. its ridiculous that people such as myself exist, but i can assure you we do... in the sc2 general. thank you
i stand behind u we rise or fall together were a brotherhood
feeling anxious about these groceries... hope my mom brings them all in the hall so i don't have to go out to the car and help carry
1 starcraft
hope everyone in the country dies except me
that'd make me the president/king of this country
marriage is supposed to be life long u idiots!
no even life is lifelong
yet here i am......
hmm... marriage... president/king
every king needs his queen
chekmate king me
go fish
let everyone down
okay ill do it but no b/c you asked
*mumbles incoherent nonsense* *frowns*
This is worse than the bot spam in the /gw2g/
yeah but NOTHING is worse than HITLER
is she alive? then she started it
*drops a quick phoner on the boys*
head hurts
B-control pill linked to breast cancer
dont think so prolly a robbery gone wrong. stefan says the data is in and he had all the experts on and they all concluded their iqs arent so high
look im not racist but all niggers must fucking hang ok
i believe every death is just one step closer to my goal of country kingship
funky fresh freestyler
reddit pilled af
when you get mad about "rich man (commie)blocks" its already too late and you've been fucked off by the globalist $oros $hills
damn dirty globalists and their fluoride
scary how smarter the ancients wrre than us
ah just ate a nice cheesburger w/ curly fries
bill clinton raped a girl
only kids have that, and it's a good thing
your psych is trying to make you feel better
26 is pretty old
89 posts? good thread
learn farsi calligraphy with it
^^yeah me and my 17 proxies
are you guys going to play the new ffxiv expansion? everyone seems to be talking about it...
never paid for a subscription in my life comm
rather play single player games
dont waste ur time shilling ur game here we dont play mmos
is 4v4 a mmorts??
no shite dude
and everyone knows it
thats kinda badass
i almost called my irl kfriend a ****...