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>Nintendo | E3 2017: Day 3
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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Nintendo | E3 2017: Day 3
Azura a shit
big boobies
Camilla's design isn't that bad
Dayum, Hector's wife looks like THAT?
People like Lady Lyndis's big boobs so why can't they like Camilla?
Azura a best
Athena has cute feet
I thought this was yet another new thread, fuck off with that heart attack shit.
Severa is adorable!
Shut up Corrin and stop dreaming about Camilla
adorable reposition fodder i agree
GBAbbies are some of the, if not THE biggest hypocrites in the FE fanbase. Lynfags at the very helm.
Which one would you doot?
I miss the Mani Katti ...
I want to smash her ugly face in with a shovel.
Le Doot and her fans are cancer. Nino is less cancerous, so Nino.
Can you not?
Cum in Delthea
Her design is garbage. Fuck off mentallyillfag.
Cumming on Russian ladies toes
>have a flier team decked out well
>will never get enough feathers since I keep getting other 4* units
I just want to have Palla and Catria join my Minerva
What Cloud have to say this time? Lets find out!
So far
>echoes getting qr characters
sound like predicting the future.
I wish that Lyn would marry her Tactician. They both deserve happines.
>le flebbit boogieman xD
ok guy
Corrin gets shit for a sword choosing him but Lady Lyndis gets praise for it!
Is it just me, or does Nino look older than usual in this picture?
Please drink bleach.
She's Russian? Even better
New Focus: Sub-humans of Tellius
Blue; Flying Laguz
>Raw Stats
HP 42, Atk 35, Spd 31, Def 30, Res 20
>Great Beak+
Might: 15
>Assist: Reposition
>A: Killstreak 3
After KOing an opponent, boosts Atk/Spd+3 until the end of the stage.
>C: Command Fliers
At the start of each turn, flying allies within 2 spaces are cured of their inflicted statuses.
Blue; Flying Laguz
>Raw Stats
HP 32, Atk 35, Spd 39, Def 24, Res 27
>Killer Beak+
Might: 9. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
>Special: Galeforce
>A: Swift Blade 3
If unit's Spd - foe's Spd >=1, unit gains Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (If using other similar skill, only highest value applied.)
>B: Desperation 3
Green; Beast
>Raw Stats
HP 48, Atk 36, Spd 26, Def 30, Res 18
Might: 15
>Special: Dragon Fang
>A: Defiant Spd 3
>C: Protection 3
While HP=100%, unit takes 30% less damage from attacks.
Green; Beast
>Raw Stats
HP 37, Atk 29, Spd 38, Def 26, Res 24
>Great Claw+
Might: 15.
>Assist: Tackle
Push adjacent ally 1 space farther away. Unit moves to ally's former position.
>A: Death Blow 3
>B: Rush
If unit initiates attack, after combat, unit moves to opposite side of targeted foe.
Green; Dragon
>Raw Stats
HP 49, Atk 30, Spd 22, Def 31, Res 34
>Light Breath+
>Assist: Rally Atk/Spd
>B: Seal Atk/Spd
After combat, foe suffers Atk/Spd-5 through its next action.
>C: Supportive
Doubles the effectiveness of buffs provided by this unit to allies.
GHB: Lehran
Neutral Staff; Flying
>Raw Stats
HP 39, Atk 31, Spd 30, Def 21, Res 27
Might 13: If unit has >=50% HP at the start of combat, damage from their staff will be calculated the same as other weapons.
>Support: Martyr
>A: Fury 3
>B: Live to Serve 3
why does /feg/ get triggered by big anime tiddies?
How would their support be like? I think they'd be friends.
>better Katarina
Footfags have infested FE for years
>Kill Lucina
>Roy Shitter
>Shitposting Ike
>Trying next Hector
No-one mentioned Reddit you paranoid "Epik Tooter xD", even if they're not from Reddit, they're still cancerous.
Nothing wrong with big tits, see: Mathilda, Lyn, etc. It's only a problem when the character is shit like Camilla or Tharja.
because everyone is gay
>One is generally a good character
>One is the worst Fire Emblem main character ever constructed
Gee, I wonder why one is given a pass and the other is not...
Ena is a red dragon.
>kill boring Lucina
I agree
/feg/ is full of jealous flatties!
>He is implying that there are people who praise FE7's story
(lol just because Fates has the worst story don't mean people are not shitting on the other games
Pretty sure she's a wet-back
They have to be friends, or atleast end up on amicable terms, because they're in the same game in the same army and support but realistically Le Doot is a girl who takes her family and power for granted, and I think that would clash with Nino's personality.
>that unit that you have only see once in arena
Someone really loves her wife.
Lyndis isn't hated that much user.
whats your score angry guy?
>One is generally a good character
Hey guys treehouse here
There will be "AND ONE LAST THING..." 3ds announcement later today : )
Her armor looks awful. I can't think of a princess having a worst dress or armor than Camilla.
>Lose 3 times
>Enemy has low HP so they can be wing of mercyed at the start of the battle
>Fury on a staff user
I've only ever rolled a single +HP/-Res Catria(at 4* so I had to rank her up the hard way), but it's worked out great for me so far. I'm going to use the free neutral one to merge some extra skills into her when I get a chance, though I'm curious how these GHB units will turn out since they seem like they'll be fun enough. Palla has been stuck in 4 star hell forever though, if this keeps up I might just consider rolling a bunch of reds to try to get her to 4*+10 once I'm done with passing around Goads and Memebows.
Are Fury+Desperation the best skills for her?
>Yato chooses Corrin to wield it
>Everyone calls Corrin a mary sue
>Mani Katti chooses Lyn to wield it
>No one bats an eye
>Camilla has giant monster tits
>Everyone throws a fit about muh fanservice
>Lyn has gigantic monster tits in her Heroes art
>No one cares
>Camilla gets a special version
>Everyone cries 'muh Nu-FE!'
>Lyn gets a literal waifu special version
>No one says anything
>Fans call Lucina boring
>Praise Lyn
>Fans call Tharja and Camilla fanservice
>When Lyn shows more skin than Camilla with similar bust and also thirsts for (You) just like Tharja and Camilla
>People shit on Roy to no end for being a bad unit
>But Lyn gets a free pass
>Fans shit on Awakening and Fates for making waifus popular
>When Lyn was the first popular waifu, still #1 to this day
> Releasing the shitty wacky axe guy instead of the superior Klein (girl) first
Does Light Breath stack with Fortify Dragons?
Give Roderick savage blow from Camilla?
Post timestamp faggot.
>35 attack
Would it be a Midori/Ophelia support
I have 338 orbs waiting for Micaiah!
isnt lucina better than her?
>Hating on best weapon class and best color in FEH
Remove yourself.
I just got mine to 5*. No Fury fodder though.
Post tempest bullshit.
Yes, but Athena ain't that far behind
>people like this character and not the ones I like
It's a nu-fe that has never played FE7 tries to compare it to Fates
Why are Thracia's portraits so good
>when the shitpost is so low effort and low energy it doesnt even grammatically make sense
Forgot, notice Lyn and Caeda hugging each other with h and rally speed.
Overall, yeah. She's still pretty usable with a good base kit for people who like her character, as in people who like funny accents
>implying I like Roy, Camilla, Tharja, or Lucina
Lyn is about as interesting as Azura, no amount of shitposting will change that dumb GBAbby
So.... why would you spend resources to make her viable when you just got a free neutral lucina?
No, Fortify is a stronger buff so it overrides, switch to Lightning Breath+ if using Fae so she can put her magic tanking to better use, and consider slapping a Flametongue+ on Ninian herself if you have spare 5* Tikis lying around so she can actually damage things in the unlikely even you need to use her as a meatshield after dancing someone out of the way.
>Lyn is about as interesting as Azura
>he actually believe this
It makes about as much sense as anyone comparing Camilla to Lyn
That Lyn still doesn't seem very scary unless your name is Nino.
Oh, I don't know. I'm not the user that posted that Athena originally.
Still Athena has a few things ahead of Lucina. For one, she's faster - even -speed is the same as Neutral speed Lucina. Two, Athena's base kit is amazing and the free Lucina has 0 skills outside of Falchion, so Athena is far cheaper to build.
Based Sachiko Wada
[beats up your reinhardt]
Why would you spend resources on a free neutral Lucina, when an uninvested neutral Athena is better than uninvested free Lucina
Thracia always was and still is the most aesthetically pleasing Fire Emblem game of them all.
she's not coming and if she ever does she's going to be STAFF'd and MIYUU'd
What's a quality special for Camus?
Outside of her constant 'muh plains' and 'muh granddad' Lyn has absolutely nothing interesting about her. She's a bland, replaceable female lead that isn't even important or relevant enough to get a legendary weapon worth a damn.
>Yato chooses Corrin to wield it
>Lyn defeats a bandit who is defiling Mani Katti's shrine, which I assume proved her worth to the sword
>Camilla's entire design revolves around her tits
>Lyn happened to have been drawn with tits
>Lyn, the most popular Fire Emblem character (atleast out of the girls) gets a special costume in a gacha game somehow takes away from her
>Lucina doesn't really do very much in the story, even though she's prominent, and once she takes off the mask her role could be filled by anyone else
>Lyn is the first person you meet in FE7, she has her own story that takes up the first part of the game and is only sidelined in the normal game / HHM
>Tharja and Camilla's entire characters revolve around fan-service
>Only retards shit on Roy for his narrative role as an inexperienced nobleman who isn't ready translating into gameplay terms
I don't even know how to respond to the last post. You're just angry because Lyn in more popular than whoever you like.
a +ATK/-RES Athena only loses to the neutral Lucina in health and not having a prf weapon. On top of that Athena comes with nice base skills like Moonbow/Sturdy Blow/and Wo Dao+ while neutral Lucina has literally nothing but Falchion
Some people like using units they like
Draconic Aura, Bonfire, or Luna
I like Hana
Didn't Corrin kill Sumeragi before getting Yato?
>what's that, you can't ORKO this unit with 60 HP and over 30 Def and Res?
>enjoy literally the entire team gangraping you (lol
Don't bother with Lyncucks.
No one actually likes you, let alone love you, in heroes.
You're just a means to an end.