Where did YOU log out?
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood - Final Fantasy 14 (FF14)
Inside of my house.
Can we still NOT have the same piece of armor have different glamours depending on the job? I want most of my jobs to wear AF armor but I cant if all fucking mages share the same gear
Go to sleep m8.
Help. BRD, DRG or RDM
In my inn room. I love that wake up animation.
Idyllshire so I can buy the midan rapier and katanas asap
>all of the SB leveling gear are slut gear
Thank you yoshi
>>ff14 fags having to make daily threads outside their containment board just for a little attention
Fuck off. your shill expansion will lock you away for a week then you'll be back talking about so and so being the same shitty experience and then you'll still learn nothing cause of your low IQs
>nosoi repost thread
Yoshi said he's thinking about it, so expect it right after egi glamours
So, never, great
prelude 4.0 mutha fkr
I think yoshi mentioned they are talking about that with the team during the e3 live letter. Nothing probably won't fucking happen though, I feel your pain.
Veeky Forums is a flawed concept and these threads and the New Vegas ones prove it.
Here's my bad theory on the status of DRG.
>stuns don't damage anymore
>it's most likely that they are part of the mechanics come expansion
>DRG has a stun in one of its jumps, so it will most likely build up stun resistance on the boss
>only monk will be able to stun it at this point
>no one likes monk
Therefore, no one likes DRG either
Ul'dah, because I only just started playing this past week.
Good thing too, now I wont have to switch to a completely different class just to ascend to Monk on my Pugilist.
We already have egi glamours
This OST is fucking hype
>right after egi glamours
Top kek
i'm getting XI vibes from this expansion..
especially this song is triggering me
are we about to get.....a GOOD expansion?
holy fuck
How can others countdown arts even compete?
just wouldnt be xiv without its fair share of cringey slutglam catgirls running around
>purposefully avoiding Veeky Forums despite the mods saying thats where these threads should go
Uldah main aether room. It's my favorite spot.
Should mention I meant for fun, not entirely concerned about shed status
When does early access start?
If both countries are getting freed in 4.0 will the rest of the patches be on Ivalice?
Ninjas are known to charge I to battle in a line yes.
wonder what her 2nd phase will be like
Ala Mhigo isn't getting saved in 4.0. Ivalice is the 24-man raid series.
>impossible to discuss the game on Veeky Forums due to actual attention whoring
>retards seriously think we're here for attention
>retards are complaining about video game threads when half the board is waifu garbage, consolewars and /pol/ getting triggered over nothing
RDM looks extremely fun
Will Lakshmi and Susanne Normal drop the 310 gear or are they from Extreme? Are we even getting Extreme on launch?
>just for a little attention
>This is [whore] please say something nice about her!
>Post your favorite vidya female character
>persona 5 thread xd
If you were gonna play police at least do your job properly.
i'm glad we haven;t seen footage of her uncoiling her snake lower half i can't wait
That's not the point I was making. Veeky Forums is abysmal for discussion. I do agree that continuous threads about the same game on /v/ or wherever will inebitably drag the quality of the discussion down, but you can not expect anons here to show restraint and space them out a little bit.
>retards seriously think we're here for attention
>someone always spamming the same general thread over and over from the series
Go back to your containment general
Normal modes never drop gear, and yes we are getting the EX modes on launch.
Why the fuck does it matter? It takes net 1 minutes to get from point A to point B at any time in the game at any point due to teleportation, yet autistic manchildren keep discussing where they logged out. Fucking lol.
Are you all seriously gunning for world first, and those 20 seconds until you reach the desired new class trainer or msq starter will matter so much? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Extreme and yes, we are.
For example Xeno will be streaming until he's downed the Ex primals
>good thing too
I have bad news for you
Actually, they do
Seems a little too simple although the flashy spell effects are nice.
>If both countries are getting freed in 4.0 will the rest of the patches be on Ivalice?
4.0 garleans btfo ala mhigo but now the territory is all confused an shit
4.1~4.4 will be doma shilling
4.5 will be garlean revenge. wouldn't be surprised if they do something huge like blow up Mor Dhona or something ALA end of 1.0
>be Garlemald
>just leave the Eorzeans alone for a wile
>they come to ala mhigo and start destroying your territory
>who would choose NOT to attack them back?
We're losing something. What will we lose?
then take that up with the mods cause there's a specific rule for keeping this shit in Veeky Forums
wow, calm down there autismo. We're just having banter.
The "good thing" was more in reference to starting right before the removal of requiring a secondary class to choose your job, user.
I'm only in Ul'dah right now to do my Hunting Log anywho.
>MNK ruined by waifu slutshit
>WAR is muh infuriate fell cleave maymay
>SMNigger potato
>MCH is butch dyke cancer
>DRK is edgy spikes and flamelord of darkness
>BRD is waifushit slutgarbage
>BLM is meh
>WHM is meh
Only one that is better is PLD :v)
>blow up Mor Dhona
Next expansion will add a big hammer using job as tank, and Dancer as healer, please look forward to it.
>Cowboy DoL set and SAM
It's fucking time
Make way for the best theme in SB.
When do we get our official SB(TM) client keys and I guess we just submit it directly in Mogstation and not go through 3 websites until we get the real key?
I had to pay respects to a friend
I'm glad I did this questline before logging out
Haven't played since ARR. Can I buy a character boost straight out the gate? I don't want to fucking waste my time leveling through old content while my friends are doing new shit.
>turbo autist accuses me of autism
Okay kiddo, was that really the best you could come up with? At least you should have made an effort to not make yourself look like a complete idiot.
But they did. Veeky Forums has a moderator by their side and have flexible IPs to just ban-evade and continue their faggotry.
I lurk these threads on occasion, I barely post on them and would never create one, but I can empathise with the feeling of impotence the regulars here must feel. And it's videogame discussion, of all the things to take a stand against, why would you single out this one? It's like a little insular tumor in a sea of cancer.
There no jobs that use hammers in the entire series
These threads in three days time:
>I hit endgame, now I'm bored!
>Why did I rush through everything?
>I wish I hadn't spoiled myself
It's funny that the people who complain the most about datamining ruining MMOs are also the most ravenously desperate for datamined info.
>autists are still sperging out over people discussing a video game on /v/
>80% of the board being waifu shit and other blatant not vidya shitposting is fine though
>30 threads for one game up at a time like P5 (In the off chance it isn't waifu trash) is also fine
I seriously have to wonder what's wrong with these children
>being this buttblasted over vidgams
wow lol
WHMs did.
If you've ever been to vg you know they don't actually discuss video games there.
Viking in FF3, and WHM in 1, 3, and 11
In my bed
Where would one find all the countdown images?
>I don't want to listen to the rules cause my cat game is more important to not show over and over
Alright fags gues what this ost will be used for?
>being this retarded
wow lol
>then take that up with the mods cause there's a specific rule for keeping this shit in Veeky Forums
Oh look, WOW has a thread on /v/ too1?!?!?!?!?!
Yes. You're going to need to buy a skip story potion too or you'll have to slog through all those old quests as a level 60 who keeps getting temporarily level adjusted whenever story instances happen.
Red mages in xii
man i hope this doesn't suck too bad. the games not the bad, i need a new FC but other then that I just hope its doesnt suck
Not with that little pedoshit glued to him
>I'm just going to ignore every single argument because otherwise my autistic anger isn't validated
It's called Marauder Warrior, and we're never getting a hammer weapon until 5.0 Garlemald prissu ruku fowaado tu itto
>t-talking about games is against the rules..!!
>mods! mods!! they're talking about games i don't like!
>i need the internet policed for me because im literally too retarded to hide and filter ;_;
How about you go shit up that drawthread?
Chocobo minigame?
Get ready to drop $50 dollaringos like the other user said for both story+level jump. You can always make an alt for the ARR/HW story during patch lulls.
>people come into video game threads to whine about people talking about video games which is what they sincerely feel is the biggest problem on /v/
I'm not the sort of person to accuse everybody of being autistic but this is actual autism
>Alright fags gues what this ost will be used for?
Nothing, it's a placeholder file, they sometimes have those in the files.
Damn, I really need to step up my game so I can grind the wolfie asap
>We're losing something. What will we lose?
Who's the next friendliest and supportive NPC after Hauchefant?
Remember to always google before posting niBBer.
>this one game has a general in /v/, so why cant we
And that same thread is subject to the same rules as you faggots. They'll get purged just like this one
there's no argument against the rules
There will be a new minigame in Gold Saucer thats like red light green light. You move around a map and Alexander occasionally tries to use time stop on you. If he catches you in a stage hazard when the time stop happens you lose.
I did rewatch some of the old 2.x ending cutscenes. And that was so much better set up and a clusterfuck of what will happen.
Too bad they didn't do much with the Ul'Dah things.
>encoded message sent by the Resistance
That's exactly why its better :v)