Car enthusaists are the male equivalent of horsechicks

Its already been mentioned on Veeky Forums, but videos like this prove it.

250 is a piece of shit though, that is used/bought for the sole purpose of laundering money.

besides 75-95hp/L is nothing impressive considering they've made 156 in 1961 with nearly 130hp/L.
i get it, it's a classic but for $40M it just isn't worth it, even if you would have >$2B


What did he mean by this?

But you can't get plowed by your car.

Good luck, OP. May your thread not be inundated with horse vagina.

Those girls that are fucking obsessed with horses. How have you not met one before? Is it just an American thing?

Horse girls only like riding horses for one reason. Get an old diesel or a motorbike and she'll love it just as much

>girls that are fucking obsessed with horses

huh, I guess I was thinking to much about it.

Now that that's been made clear, I think I had a female coworker who was really into horses. I just figured it was a hobby and didn't think much of it.

but seriously, why the fuck are horse girls like that?
horses are boring as fuck

Such a meme.

>Horses are boring as fuck
I use to think the same thing until I dated a girl obsessed with horses. I'll push a dirt bike or a quad down service lanes and ATV paths, but a horse actually scares me.

>No kill switch
>Mind of its own
>Feels fast
>High ride height
>Very agile

She was probably the nicest person I've ever met, actually. Unfortunately she was also Christian, hated Trump, and didn't like my strict morning routines.

She was also extremely cute.

>No kill switch

That's where you're wrong, cowboy.

>Likes horses/animals.
Your loss, desu.

>hated Trump
>horse girl

She probably just said that to get you to break it off.

well, horse chicks are pretty crazy, you know what you are getting into

horse/animal ownership just for the sake of it is kind of scummy though

when you think about it, you're taking edible food and spendible money and putting it towards some dumb piece of shit that won't accomplish anything except serve as a human substitute to alleviate your crushing loneliness

you can get an anime pillow to do the same thing for like thirty bucks and it doesn't eat grains that could be used to feed starving redneck children in appalachia or whatever you drumpfkins are concerned about

You've obviously never spent any time on a farm. They're incredibly useful and are lovely creatures to boot.
I'm also not American, and couldn't give a single shit about your politicians.

>Crazy hot in bed and likes to do dangerous shit
I would hope so OP

You know I support Trump and I agree with you

If you use a horse for work or sport it's not owning a horse for the sake of owning a horse, now is it?

Pleasure horses are better off as burger. Horse burger is fucking delicious. Not sure what to do with all the dogs cooped up in apartments ant all domestic cats, period though. They don't taste too great and I think people would rather eat dogfood than dog. Burn them for electricity production?

Thought America was all about the concept of freedom. Why not let them have their horses if they want them?

>She was probably the nicest person I've ever met, actually. Unfortunately she was also Christian, hated Trump, and didn't like my strict morning routines.
sounds like you done fucked up, user

Every girl hates trump since its popular to hate him, and girls just do whats popular. he had to beat a woman to get into office as well.

>my strict morning routines
What did he mean by this?

White women voted for Trump though.

The girls that benchrace, shitpost about Kentucky Derby laptimes and mustangs that can't turn

i always thought it was becuase of horses huge dicks



We have that in Europe too



>Pander to minorities
>surprised when you lose

Holy shit

Mega KEK

Horses are stupid fucking animals

they are smarter than most dogs.

Dogs actually offer companionship and don't cost a small fortune to own
>muh $1000 horse blankets

I wouldn't be so sure of that.

horses don't need blankets people put them on them because they are like "aww poor thing"

But you NEED the $1000 horse blanket. you don't want to be excluded from the school equestrians, do you?

Are we there yet?

Damn, you're right. This faggotry must stop. Classic car enthusiasts seem to have it the worst. That's not to say older cars aren't cool, but this faggotry must stop.

Other problem areas off the top of my head:
>anything JDM
>cars that are neither raced nor regularly driven in general

The only excuse you get is winter in the rust belt. If you don't want to drive your "nice" car to work in the summer you are a massive horse faggot.


What are motorcycle enthusiasts then?

>dat generalization.